ニューヨークフェロー滞在記1/1-1/6 |NY Fellow Diary 1st Jan - 6th Jan
1/1 引越し
1/1 Move out
My NY Fellowship period is over but I'll extend one month. From now on, this resident is supported by Saison Foundation.
I thought I might cry when we separated but I didn't because we needed to clean up Shih Yang and Chet's room where we had parties everyday. There was no time to be sentimental. Clean up!
It was really ridiculous. We waste a lot of household stuff, even new fellows will come. It is really environmentally unfriendly.
In the afternoon, I said goodbye to Chet and Shih Yang and Qingmei. Me and Machi take a taxi. He'll go to JFK to take a flight to Arizona, I will move to Glendale in Brooklyn. In the car, we talked about our half a year and situation in Hong Kong. Now half of his life is in Okinawa. No one can imagine the current situation in Hong Kong ten years ago. It's still getting worse.
Move to new place find in Airbnb. It cost $1400 for 25 nights but private room and bathroom. Stay in my place all day long. Write some text and go to the supermarket. It is a time of absent-mindedness. Don't push myself to some event, just do what I should do.
リンカーン・センターにて エドワード・ヤンの台北物語。エドワード・ヤンがキャリアをスタートさせた1985年の作品。その風景からはノスタルジーを感じない。80年代は今に続いていない気がする。
歌と音楽、特に'Va' pensiero'という有名な歌は本当に良かった。しかし、演出はクソだった。歌っている間、誰も動かない。オペラ素人の私には本当に退屈だった。
1/2 Taipei story ~ Nabucco
There are a few black people in my new neighborhood. Even though I lived in a posh area, near Harlem, I saw a lot of black people on the train and in the town.
If my new place was in Tokyo, it would be Shakujii Koen or Ohizumi Gakuen.
In Lincoln center. Taipei story by Edward Yang. This is the film from 1985 when begging of his career. I can’t feel any nostalgia from the landscape. I think the 80s have no continuation to now.
the 80s is the time that Taiwan experienced a big political change. This unsettled situation produces a new value. Taiwan's new cinema must have influenced this tide. Or to say influence from the state. Compared with the state in the 80s and now, I don't know why this country became like this? Because of the Cold War, did the state seem like a bright country?
In the Met opera, Nabucco by Verdi in the partial view seat.
The song and music, especially the famous song named ‘Va' pensiero’ was really nice. But the directions were shit. No one moves during the singing. Really boring for me as an amateur of opera.
In the last scene, prisoners of Babylon got liberation but they don’t seem happy. Instead of it they are grateful to Jehovah. This narrative was really interesting. Gratitude to God is superior to individual happiness.
My new place in Glendare is really far from midtown. I miss the location of i house.
1/3執筆 - サウナ
サウナは普通の建物を改装して使っている(湿気やカビは大丈夫なのだろうか・・・)。お風呂もサウナも手作りなんだろうけど(木の隙間からネジが見えた。 危ない!)、実は彼らにとってはサウナであると同時にアートプロジェクトでもあるらしい。私はただの冗談だと思っていた。でも、彼らは本気だった。混乱した、
サウナに入るのは一種の儀式で、そのあと熱い風呂と水風呂に分かれる。でも、日本人のようにお風呂やサウナに入りながらおしゃべりをするわけではない。裸になって一緒に儀式をしたり、一緒にお風呂に入ったり、それらはすべてコミュニケーションを生み出すための装置だった。RIRKRIT TIRAVANIJAの参加型アートを思い出した。
1/3 writing - sauna
When I can’t find an interesting show, I write my text. I don’t need to be obsessed with attending cultural events. I can make my own.
Wrote a monthly report about Nicole’s show. Please read it if you can read Japanese.
In the evening , my friend invited me to a sauna in Brooklyn. It is a really weird sauna because it is not open to the public. And they only open at a particular hour.
The sauna uses the place of a renovated normal building( is it ok in terms of humidity and mold..). And the bath and sauna perhaps handmade( I could see some screws piece through the wood. Dangerous!!) Actually, for them, this is not only a sauna but also an art project. I thought it was just kidding. But I found they are serious. I was confused,,,
At seven, several people gather and go into the sauna together all to gather male and female. I've been to mixed saunas in Germany so I don’t surprised in terms of mixing. But sauna can be an art???
It was a kind of ritual to get a sauna and after that we separated the hot bath, water bath. But not like Japanese people, they talk a lot while taking baths and saunas. Be naked and have rituals together and take bath together, all of them were a device to create communication. I remember RIRKRIT TIRAVANIJA’s participatory art.
I still don’t know what NY is.
Meeting with Suguru.
1/4 明るい夏の日
リンカーンセンターにて。エドワード・ヤン監督の『A Brighter Summer Day』(牯嶺街少年殺人事件)。今日を逃したら、この4時間の映画は一生見れないと思う。
でも実際、NYで映画を見ると字幕を追うのが難しい。だから、いくつかの関連は明確ではなかった。では何が見えるのか?映画のリズムやテンポを見るのだと思う。私にとっては、次のシーンで何が起こるか予想できない。 だから、ただ水面に浮かぶようにそのシーンを受け入れる。そうすると気持ちがいいんです。
1/4 A Brighter Summer Day
In Lincoln center. A Brighter Summer Day ( 牯嶺街少年殺人事件) by Edward Yang. I think if I miss this film today I won’t see this four hours movie in my life.
But actually when I see a movie in NY it’s hard to follow the subtitles. So some of the relation was not clear. Then what do I see? I think I see the rhythm and tempo of the movie. For me, I can’t expect what will happen in the next scene. So I just accept the scene like floating on the water. It makes me feel good.
1/5 横石泰子のショー~捜索隊~ジュリアのショー
リンカーン・センターでは、ナイジェリア人作家イヌア・エラムの「search party」。アンダー・ザ・レーダー・フェスティバルのショーのひとつ。
1/5 Yasuko Yokoshi’s show ~ search party ~ Julia’s show
I love the M train rather than other metro because it runs overground until over the Williamsburg bridge. I can see the daily life of the people.
In Douglas Dunn studio, I saw a closed presentation by Yasuko Yokoshi who is a Japanese dancer and choreographer. She had a show of traditional Japanese dance but I think it might be better to be secret( because for some reason she chose to make it close I guess ). Her daughter's dance was nice but it was more like western expressions.
In Lincoln center, ‘search party’ by Inua Ellam who is a Nigerian writer. This is one of the shows of the Under the Radar festival.
The show is not in a traditional form. Audience calls him some words such as ‘train’ or ‘rice’ then he searches his iPad for the poem that includes this word that he wrote before.
It was a really simple way. So I got bored ( I couldn’t follow his fast spoken words). But I’m curious about when the poet reads his poem as usual. For the people who live in English culture ( he lives in England), it is not special to read poems. Why do we Japanese feel shy?
In harts bar I attend Julia’s show. This evening she has a collaborator who is noise guitarist with 12 strings guitar. This time Julia’s singing more like background. Actually I’d like to listen to her voice more. But it’s ok. Met Misato in her show.
1/6 最初の悪い男~シバの女王~レンガ
12月にリンカーンセンターから小説「First Bad Man」をもらった。このショーのためのコピーだ。このショーは読書クラブを模したもので、本物の観客がいる。しかし、ショーが始まると、ブッククラブを舞台にした普通のショーに変わった。そして、この小説を再現する。ああ、実験的だ。くそっ。
ブリックは、「Being Up In Here and All the Other Businesss that Don't Concern You OR When You See a Buncha Black People Running, What Do You Do?'」というショーに参加した。
1/6 first bad man~Queens of Sheba~ the brick
In Lincoln center, First bad Man which is made by a Dublin theater company named Pan Pan. Incredibly bored!!!!
In December I received a novel ‘ First Bad Man’ from the Lincoln center. The copy is for this show. The show imitates the reading club with the real audience. But after the show started, it turns just a normal show set in a book club. And they reenact this novel. Ahhhh, experimentaaaaaaaaal. Fuck.
Performers walk around the audience seat. Their exaggerated way of performance made me turn off. I can’t believe why the curator of Lincoln center invited this piece.
The queens of Sheba @ Lincoln center.
This show was also performed at last year's festival. Why they brought it again I’m not sure but the piece was really nice. Four black women talk about racism, sexism in the office or on the date. Their way of talking is not natural but really groovy. It shows anger, irritation and connection between these four people. There is no difference between talking and singing. It seems like the groove makes the language. Quite good show.
In NYC, the Exponential Festival is also held in Brooklyn.
In the Brick attend the show named ‘Being Up in Here and All the Other Businesses that Don’t Concern You OR When You See a Buncha Black People Running, What Do You Do?’ I found that I don’t like drama at all.
![Yuta Hagiwara](https://assets.st-note.com/production/uploads/images/9611852/profile_4df29d4f53bddd0459af46d07d330d8d.jpeg?width=600&crop=1:1,smart)