ニューヨークフェロー滞在記12/7-12/12 |NY Fellow Diary 7th Dec-12th Dec
12/7 MOMA ps1〜ピピロッティ・リスト〜ペースギャラリー
ようこさん(よこさん) 左
MOMA ps1では、以前ピーターに勧められたリルクリット・ティラヴァーニャの展覧会を見た。ティラヴァーニャの参加型展示は、再現や小道具の展示だけで、あまり印象に残らなかったが(なぜNYでトルココーヒーを飲む必要があるのか?何人かの人と話したり、ギターを弾いたりした。
その後、トイレに行くためだけにペース・ギャラリーに行った。 豪華なギャラリーにもトイレはない。
12/7 MOMA ps1 ~ Pipilotti Rist~ Pace gallery
Yoko-san(よこさん) left.
After say goodbye to him in Jamaica, I went to Fedex to send a document to Rocky in Columbia. He’s still stuck in there. It was first time to use delivery service in the US.
MOMA ps1, I watched a Rirkrit Tiravanija’s exhibition that Peter recommended before. In his participatory way, just reenacting or exhibiting props were not really impressive ( why do I need to drink Turkish coffee in NY? ) but the rehearsal studio and tea place which is fit in NYC was really nice. I talked with some people and played guitar.
One of the people that I drank tea with recommended that I go to Pipilotti Rists exhibition in Chelsea. I followed the recommendation as a part of Rirkrit’s show. The immersive way of the Pipilotti’s show was not really interesting for me(it is morelike theatrical). Intimate and relaxed space with technology is very popular in these days. I only feel so what?
Then I went to the Pace gallery just to use the bathroom. There are no toilets even in the gorgeous gallery.
The Indian painter Raqib Shaw‘s exhibition was really detailed and elaborate. It is great work. And Korean artist Yoo Youngkuk’s abstract painting also nice. I felt I’ve seen this kind of obscure image in the past.
Write a monthly report.
12/8 ジョン・レノン記念館〜METミュージアム〜パーク・アヴェニュー・アーモリー
説明文に「芸術家」という言葉が使われていることに違和感を覚える。彼らは "アーティスト "ではなく、"職人 "に近い。芸術家』という概念自体が西洋文化なんだ。
12/8 John Lennon’s memorial ~ MET Museum ~ Park avenue armory
I forget but I bump into a Dakota house in the middle of going to the Met museum. Today is the day John Lennon was assaulted here. I. The Central Park, someone held a memorial event for him. Actually I don’t have interest in this kind of memorial even though I'm a big fan of John. But I’m now 40 years old which is the age that he was shooted.
In the Met museum I saw the south East Asian gallery including India Thai Tibet and some other countries. How mixed Buddhism and Hindu were really interesting and I was really curious about dancing gods. There are a lot of Hindu gods dancing. In Buddhism? I don’t know.
Then I visited an Islamic gallery. Instead of sculpture of gods there are many calligraphy and carpet and tile and design. They only focused on design due to the prohibition to depict the god.
I feel weird when the description uses the term ‘artist’. They are not ‘artists’ , more like artisans. The idea of ‘Artist’ itself is western culture.
I found that there is no indigenous art and South American art. Only a few African art in the islamic gallery. Here is a colonized place. They even don’t hide their attitude to colonize.
Park avenue armory, I tried to get the ticket for Rite of Spring but after 1 hour waiting I was only able to purchase a $175 ticket. I can pay for it but I don’t want to.
Day off
12/10 宇田奈緒〜パフォーマンス・スペース
なぜなら、私にとってイマジネーションはコントロールできないものだからだ。イマジネーションは体の外側にある。対象物を頭の上に乗せたら、何が起こるかわからない。つまり、僕は踊れないけど、みんなは "ダンス "のように動く。 コンタクト・インプロビゼーションでも、みんな本当に音楽に合わせて踊っていた。彼らのほとんどは、自分の目的を忘れていると思う。自分たちのイメージに責任を持たなければならない。自分たちでコントロールすることはできない。
ニューヨークでは、誰もが踊れることがわかった。東京では忘れてしまった。でも、コンタクト・インプロヴィゼーションは私がやりたいダンスではない。簡単に踊っている人を見ると、みんな踊っているふりをしているように感じる。 あるいは表現したい。この違いは何だろう?
12/10 Nao Uda~performance space
Met a Japanese visual artist Nao Uda who lives in Taiwan. Now she is visiting NY. We talked about each other's work and thoughts, how I love Taiwan and how I feel about the NYC interns of the communication art scene and so on.
Then I go to a performance space to take a workshop with Ray Tsou who is a visual and performance artist. Her description of workshop was sounds really interesting.
After the self introduction we had a moving practice that combines acting and dancing methods. While imaging an object that is important to me and putting it on the head, shoulder, chest and many other parts of the body. That imagination makes my body move. Then we move to partner work which is based on contact improvisation. But in this work touching means being touched by objects that I imagine. When I touch my fingertips, my partner is being touched by my object. So we need more imagination than normal contact improvisation.
But actually I doubt this way.
Because for me imagination is not able to control. It is outside of our body. If I put my object onto my head, I need to be really careful what will happen. It means I can’t dance but everyone moves like ‘dance’. Also during the contact improvisation, everyone really danced to music. I think most of them forget their object. I should take responsibility for our image. It can’t be controlled by ourselves.
But at the same time it was fun to play with my object and image. Dance with partner and image.
In NYC, I found that everyone can dance. I forget it in Tokyo. But contact improvisation is not a dance that I want to do. When I see the people who dance easily, I feel everyone pretending to dance. Or they want to express. What is the difference?
12/11 ACCミーティング~ジャドソン~溜まり場
3つ目のKAT SOTELOの振付は、とてもよかった。舞台監督が小道具をラフに置き、3人のダンサーがコミカルに(でも本当に丁寧に)踊る。有色人種なのに「私は白人です」と言って、昔のダンスやケンカやカラオケを踊っていた。本当にカオスで、遊び心があり、政治的だった。今までのジャドソンで最高のショーのひとつだ。
12/11 ACC meeting~Judson~hangout
Had a meeting with Mario and Minji who are ACC staff in Rockefeller center. This is a kind of wrap up meeting. Talk about what were my highlights in NYC, how I spent time, what I wanted to be supported etc. my residence period will be over soon.
In Judson, watched show with Nao and Chet, Machi, Shih Yang, Qingmei, Julia , Leili. Recently we have never visited such a big group.
The second piece was choreographed by Maho Ogawa who had a dance company in Tokyo. I haven’t seen her show but I know her name. But actually I never knew she moved to NY. The first part was really nice. While two dancers had slight movement , one dancer put a candy wrapped in vinyl which also made a slight noise. The quiet atmosphere were serious but at the same time it had some kind of humorous feeling.
The third piece choreographed by KAT SOTELO was really nice. Stage manager put their props really rough and the three dancers performed comically (but really politically. Even though they are colored people they said 'I'm white ‘ and danced the old dance and fight and Karaoke. Really chaotic, playful and political. One of the best show in Judson so far.
After the show we and Maho went to a Chinese restaurant and talked a lot. After that Nao and Maho and my Japanese team went to a cafe to talk until midnight.
12/12 Wells Fargo~CUNY
ウェルズ・ファーゴにて。 ロッキーの小切手を現金に換える。できないと思ったけど、できた。身分証明書も見せなかった。
12/12 Wells Fargo~CUNY
In Wells Fargo. I change Rocky's check to cash. I thought I couldn't do it but I did. Even I didn’t show my id
In cuny.
The last class. It was not theory but the reason why I really enjoyed it was I figured out the field of theater is really broad. There are a lot of topics in this field and locate politics or public where I dig. Or to say I could draw a map of the theater. It is important for me.
Actually I am starting to think about joining graduate school in Tokyo. But tuition…
I slightly feel not good. Go back to my place. I need to take a rest.