
ニューヨークフェロー滞在記9/8-10 |NY Fellow Diary 8th-10th SEP


8日 リハーサル


1. 作品を見る
2. 真ん中に集まる 
3. 広がって即興
4. トレーニング
5. 対角線を作り、お互いを見る
6. アドリブ
7. デュオ
8. ユナイト 
9. 縦のラインを作る 
10. 一人を除いて集まる
11. 集まらない人の真似をする。
12. 退場












8th Rehearsal

Attend the rehearsal of Thierry's show. In the workshop, the instruction from the choreographer was only 2 or 3 things, but this time was different. He prepared a strong structure. 

1. See the art work
2. Gathering in the middle 
3. Spread out and improvise
4. Train
5. Make a diagonal line and watch each other
6. improvise
7. Duo
8. Unite 
9. Make vertical line 
10. Gathering except one person
11. Imitate the person who don't gather 
12. Exit

Through these instructions, the piece will be 15 min. Only four hours rehearsal he choreographed and tomorrow there is no time to rehearsal. Is it ok? Maybe, I hope.

Thierry doesn't mention what you see, what you can do, what you need to do. So the way of walking, how to be in space, and how to relate to other people is different among performers. I feel it is sloppy but is it normal in this case? Or to say, it is up to us.

After the rehearsal, I went to Old Stone House in Brooklyn to see the show of Bread and Puppet Theater with Machi from Hong Kong. Actually, I thought they already stopped their work but they are still running(they founded in 1961!!).

In the park, there is a school bus and backdrop. It is really bread and puppet!! I was excited as a theater lover. It is a similar feeling when I go to a tent theater or go to Toga village. 

The show was a structured many short sketches. Almost all of them included satire to the political situation such as abortion, capitalism, Gender, Student loan ...etc. The show was cut in pieces in each sketch, so in the middle I got bored. And all of the performers don't have good acting skills. It was like a playacting. Some of the actor's dances were horrible. At least, it's better to rehearse more and move in sync. But they don't, because it is not 'better'. It is not important for them to have good acting/dancing skills. They want to communicate with people. 

The mass is one of a dead language but in their show it was still alive. They communicate to the masses and educate them and enlighten them. In the contemporary theater this kind of communication is out of fashion and criticized as elitism. Actually influenced by hippie culture, I think bread and puppet are also based on this kind of elitism and I doubt that now they are ankle to  communicate with the masses? They only communicate with left wing people who endorse their arguments. In  this sense, the things that they do are utopian. It might have no meaning(or only a few meanings) in this society in reality.

But because they pursue the utopia, their activity is very attractive. Actually I really enjoyed their show. I think there are a lot of things to inherit from them. Community, Activism, How to relate, purpose of the art, I think a lot by following their thoughts.

9月9日  デモ~ビースティ・ボーイズ・スクエア~ショー@インビジブルドッグ・アート・センター






でも、それは自己満足ですか? そうですね。でも、デモはコミュニティの内部で行われるものであって、外部で行われるものではないかもしれない。外部から多くの人を集めることよりも、コミュニティを活性化させることの方が重要だ。日本人は地域と会社以外にコミュニティを持っていない。他人とつながる方法を知らない。






Invisible Dog Art Centerにて。







9th Demonstration ~ Beastie Boys Square ~ Show@Invisibledog art center

In the morning I went to a nearby intrepid to attend a demonstration about Free Taiwan. They advocate for join the United Nation and taiwanes freedom. Approx 300 people claim UN for Taiwan, keep Taiwan free, Taiwan is Taiwan. During the march Chet explained a bit about Taiwanese politics that in the beginning KMT had a policy to get back mainland but now they are good friends for china. DPP has the policy to be independent but it is difficult. 

China is a member of the permanent committee of the UN. It means Taiwan won’t join the UN and if they join it could be the current Ukraine-Russia relation. This is a practical thought but essentially it is weird that Taiwan is not a nation. 

During the march I also chanted. I feel this is similar to bread and puppet theater -festive positive atmosphere. If you convey your message to someone who don’t have relation, this kind of attitude is important. It should involve the outside people.

But is it self satisfaction?  Yes. But demonstrations might be held for inside of the community, not outside. To encourage community is more important than getting a lot of people from outside. Japanese don’t have a community except local and company. We don’t know how to connect with others. 

That is the reason why I attend this. Chet and Shiyang and Machi attended. I’d like to show my solidarity to them. Solidarity is also one of the notions that I don’t have. 

I only know a few know about Taiwan. So I can’t argue Taiwan should join the UN or not, practically. But at least it’s not equal and not fair. In addition, I’d like to support if my friend suffers. This solidarity is based on the friendship to Shiyang and Chet and some of my friend in Taiwan who would support the liberty of Taiwan. Is it ok as solidarity? I don’t know. 

We marched to the public library. Then they have a demonstration on the ferry. Taiwanese demonstrators in NY are rich. They will get a bunch of fancy food. 

But I leave the demonstration. I went to the east village to see the event of beastlie boys. The square is named Beastie Boys Square after their album jacket. I think through their activity and their label grand royal when I was middle school it was the first time to know about NY. 


A lot of alterna-ojisan were there. Most of the people live with the memory of when they were teenagers without any update. 

In Invisible Dog Art Center.


Before the show we don't have rehearsal but I have nothing to do. I went there early to see the exhibition of Camille de Galbert. Her sculpture and drawing consist of repetition of small lines and pieces. How can I interpret this repetition?

In Japan, I'm nervous when I have a show even though I'm only directing. But today I don't feel any nervous. I don't have any expectations. If I missed, it's ok. The show was staged three times. First stage was too cloudy for the audience. So I couldn't feel space and my body. I moved too much. But the 2nd show us and the audience could feel relaxed. I could listen to my body. But the 2nd show, the last part was my solo. I couldn't wait for my body... The timing of the end of the curtain was good, but if I could wait my body... regret. The 3rd show was really fine, I could feel my partner's body more than before. I feel I could be a part of small things such as Camille made.

Leili, Joned, Chet, Shiyang, Qingmei, Velonica, Many friends came to the show and enjoyed themselves. I felt pleasure in the simple meaning of holding a show and inviting some friends.

By the way, when I perform, I always think about Honami-san who is an actor who collaborates with me. Listen, Lean on, Wait, React quickly, I could find why she uses such a term. Ah performer is great.

The reaction of audience was different from Japan and NY. I can't find if is's success or not. But I don't care. 

9月10日 パフォーマンス・リサーチの中心地



パフォーマンス・リサーチ・センターでは、tedted Performance Groupによる「Blue Holizen」を観た。




カメラ、ソーシャルメディア、そして "コンテンツ "のためだけにますます存在するようになった世界で、仕事の未来はどのように見えるのだろうか?インターネットが即座に研磨する必要性に直面したとき、意味は変化するのだろうか?






10th  The center for the performance research

One of the performers, Aimer, is a very positive and nice guy. He composed the music that we use that is really nice. I checked his website, and I find that other his piece also great. 

To the World Trade Center. I expect some event but there is nothing. Tomorrow they have celemony but it is not for the public.

The center for the performance research, I watched a show ‘ Blue Holizen’ by tedted Performance Group. 


It’s been a long time since I saw the show with theatrical lighting. This space was  a bit low crawling and white cubed. Not perfect but it is enough for work in progress performance.  

The show was really shit. The performers were shooted video by iPhone and this image is protected on the background wall in real time. Live cam is the way from 20 years ago, very old. 

In the description, the company says below 

In a world increasingly existing solely for camera, social media, and “content” what does the future of work look like? Does meaning shift when confronted with the internet’s need for immediate polishing? 

In this world as they said there are a lot of videos. But the video itself is not really a problem. But videos make us change our self consciousness and our consciousness of the body such as panopticon. 

The video shooting should change the body of the performer and cameraman. But there is no relation with performers and camera. Then where is the future? 

And their dancing is not good. They can dance ( at least better than me) but I can't dance at all. In the end they want to dance and the concept is just an excuse. There are a lot of dance pieces ( and theater pieces) like that. Shit. 

In the end, the cameraman shot herself and touched her face with her hand. In this scene the face means face owned by herself and her face in the video owned by someone who watches this video later. This kind of double meaning is really important for this piece. She distort face with her hand. But whose face was distorted by whose hand? 



Yuta Hagiwara