
ニューヨークフェロー滞在記 7/4〜6


4th July 独立記念日














Actually I don’t like the director to use national flag. It’s most easy way to be ‘political’. I don’t mean political like this. How you standing how you walking are more political than to show the flag.

About the last night show.

Because my word can’t convey what I want to say and I can’t listen to someone perfect, I use machine translation for this daily. As somehow I communicate to people, you somehow can find what I did and thought( who want to find? I don’t know)

After I bought some food at the market, Eriko and some other grantee came to my place just to say hello each other. Because of lack of staff acc can’t support our residence program we need to support each other. Where is the cheapest discount store, what should I do for open bank account, where is the good venue to see. Everyone don’t have enough information.

Because today is the 4th of July, I went to Times Square with expect something related to my research. In Japan, right wing people drive sound car and celebrate Emperor. But actually there are no interesting things. I forget that Times Square is the place for tourist. Fuck

The street near I stay is broadway. Actually, I thought broadway is like a small district. But it’s a street. Go down the broadway, I arrived so called broadway. Very gorgeous! Very luxurious! But I don’t really have interest to the musical.

If you think about NY through musical also interesting. But I have any knowledge about this genre. If someone ask me to go to musical, I’ll accept. But I won’t go there from my interest. Umm.

So after I walk around, went back to my place but i took wrong train. I arrived queensboro. I obey to my fortune. I get off the train and walk around. Then i found such a nice area. Atmosphere is totally different from Manhattan. More relax feeling, Latino people play on the street, grilled chickens for community. I took a rest in the riverside park. You could peaceful vibes from this park.

Everyone live their live. Do they need theater? I don’t know. I guess that the form of theater they need is different from the theater we already know. It doesn’t mean easy to understand or friendly for community. It might not called theater. Or no one find it is theater piece ( then how can artists earn money?)

But is the Independence Day relate to migrants ? Are they are American (as their own identity)?

The fireworks in NY are totally different from Japanese HANABI. I thinkit is more like Chinese new year's cracker. Fireworks explode very low height. I watched them from the terrace of my place. 

Morrissey will come to NY??? I missed him in the Fuji rock because his cancelation. But it should be expensive…

Until midnight someone keep doing fireworks. Why…?

5th July 島村さんと会う〜黒人スピーチオーケストラ

シティーバイクの会員になった。この街で1年に200ドルしか使わない僕にとって、200ドルは高い。 でも、移動にはお金がかかる。


博物館があるのだが、エレベーターがその階まで運んでくれない。入り口には2人の中国人観光客がいた。彼らもここを訪れたが、同じ理由で立ち往生していた。彼らはこの博物館のボランティアをしている友人に連絡し、開館時間が少ないことを教えてもらった。次の開館は日曜日の正午だ。ということは、また来なければならない。很有意思的体验金 很有意思的体验金

小屋に行き、日本から来た舞台監督の島村さんに会う。彼はニューヨークを旅していた。初対面(でもお互い知っている)だけど、会ってコーヒーを飲む。 旅の目的、NYでやりたいこと、このメトロポリスの印象、日本のフリンジシアターシーンへの思いなど、いろいろ話した。日本語でこのような複雑なことを話すのは、私にとって一種の喜びだ。私は日本語の中で生きているような気がする(この思考は小説家、温湯淳の影響だと思う)。日本という土地ではなく。

その後、ハムレットで隣の席のニーナに勧められて、シグネチャーシアターで「The Comeuppance」を観た。チケットは85ドル。彼女を信じていいのか?そうだろうね。






このようなことが影響しているのか分からないが、私はこの街で貧しいと感じている。一方で、私の知っている多くのアーティストが作品を作り、それを認めていることに、私は劣等感を感じている。 でも、何もできない。自分の仕事に集中するのみだ。



I joined citi bike member. 200$ is expensive for me even I only spend harf a year in  this city.  But I need to way to move.

In the morning I went to the museum about tian an men. It was opened in this summer but there is no information about here.... So I visit the address(but actually even they don't open their address... there is no information...). 很奇怪啊!

There is a museum but the elevator doesn't bring me to the floor. At the entrance 2 chinese tourist. They also visit here but because of same reason they also stucked. They contact to their friend who are volanteer of this museum sent them the opening hour is very few. The next opening hour is Sunday noon. It means I need to come again. It's ok. 很有意思的体验

I went to the shed and meet up with Simamura-san who is the stage director from Japan. He traveled New York. Though we haven't met (but we know each other), we meet up and grab some coffee. We told a lot about the purpose of the travel, what I want do in NY, the impression of this metro police, the feeling with the Japanese fringe theater scene. To talk in Japanese this kind of complex thought is kind of pleasure for me. I feel I live in Japanese language (this thought was influenced by novelist On Yujun, I supporse). Not Japan as land.

Then I watched a show 'The Comeuppance' at Signature theater because Nina-the old lady next to my seat in Hamlet- suggested. The ticket was 85$... Can I trust her??? I bet.


The show depicted the people who are friend from high school and they had reunion party. From 20 years after graduate, the situation is different like PTSD, become an artist, Become a doctor brabrabra. But actually, I can't understand whole of the script. So I avoid to mention about the script.

The play keep going realistic scene but sometimes thy have abstract monologue. The structure is very simple. During the show I thought about 'natural' because Nina said it is very natural. Yes, Absolutely they are natural. I can't find something 'smell of theater (the idiom in Japanese Language that mean unnatural),' but at the same time, they are too much 'smell of theater'. What I mean? I mean I can't find the natural for US people. For Japanese people everything are too much. I think they (Japanese) won't use body like that and uses stress on the pronounce. Natural is different from each culture. For them(US), is this 'Natural?'
Then what is the base of 'Natural' ?

The tone of the voice? How to breath? How to generate their words from their mind? At least this kind of naturality is standard for many people in the world. Then how can we create our own natural?

Umm, what I want to say is this? Not interesting... Just I mean it's not my natural and my reality. Then what is mine?

Of course they perform in English. Actually they don't use difficult term gradually I can listen what they say. But to listen and to memorize are different. I know what they said but I can't remember. Like water or small sand on my hand, it run away. 

I don't know this kind of things affects, but i feel poor in this city. On the other hand I feel infaliority because many artist who i know make pieces and approve.  Restless. but I have nothing I can do. Just concentrate on my business.

Outside of the Lincoln center, the show named 'Freedom is a Constant Struggle' is an orchestra plays music with the speech of legendary black people such as Frederick Douglass, Ida B Wells, and many other. the music was nice but actually I doubt because almost all of the music was western classic style. Even they use the word of the black people, the flame doesn't change. Is it ok…? Is this kind of history dominated and enslaved colored people? Is it easy question? 

There are lot of people who wear a T-shirt of Nirvana with smile mark. Is this the scene that Kurt hoped? No one knows. 

6th July MOMA〜チョコレートファクトリー




インターナショナルハウスでピザパーティー。 何もない。




Chosen Memories(選ばれた記憶)」というタイトルの展覧会は私にとって魅力的だった。ラテンアメリカのアーティストに焦点を当てた展覧会だった。しかし実際には、私はその中に入ることができなかった。記憶という言葉を使うとき、記憶のどの側面を意味したいのかを考えるべきだ。この展覧会では、この言葉が便利な言葉として使われているように感じた。






I make my own map in my mind by walking, riding bike . This making process in any city very exciting. I remember the feeling that I play TV game Torneko. This game is also exploring tunnel and making map.

Actually, in this a week, every thing is exciting for me, every take of breath, every pedal of bike, even fucking smell of metro. Why I can't feel this kind of feeling in Tokyo?

In the morning I went to dollar tree. It is Amazing because everything are low price. Thanks god. I bought some foods goods for everyday life and so on so on.

Attended pizza party in international house. Nothing.

By riding bike through morning side and central park I went to MOMA. Georgia O’keeffe is an abstract painter active in 20th century. My friend recommend her exhibition. She drew a lot of fold and void as her motif. It makes me feel vacuum my body. On the other hand she’s kind of poet I think. In the exhibition some word she said quoted. “When you take a flowerw in your hand and really look at it, it's your world for moment. I wanted to give that world to someone else.”

Then I went to NY new public this is the exhibition of some project by architects. I found some art space and theater that I should go.

The exhibition titled Chosen Memories was attractive for me. The exhibition focused Latin American artists. But actually I couldn’t get into. When you use the word memory you should think about which aspect of the memory do you want to mean. In this exhibition this word was used as convenient word, I felt.

Then I went to the 8th floor about the exhibition of video art. But time was over. I only saw introduction of exhibition.

Across the queens boro bridge by bike. Feeling good! It similar to the road next to Jujo pool near my place in Tokyo. I went to Chocolate Factory with Shimamura-San that I met yesterday. We watch the show. I expected this show is mixture of sound art and poem. The atmosphere will be very serious. But actually totally different. While They uses tape sound DJ and reading poem, they have funny and cute play. Not really serious but humorous.

This is first time to see the show only white male(only two performers perform). Their taste is influenced good old 20th century nerd culture. Just I guess but I suppose white male person can only show this kind of raid back taste? I don’t know.
