
ニューヨークフェロー滞在記7/16〜18 |NY Fellow Diary 16-18th JUL


16th July  Amanta~Invisibledog artcenter~Bushwick

NYでお金が必要なんだ。実際、助成金の額はインフレのせいで十分ではない。ごちそうも食べてない。 でもどうやって?



そこではSung Tieuの展覧会をやっていた。このベトナム人アーティストは幽霊に焦点を当てた展覧会でしたが、この「幽霊」には少し実体があるように感じました。文化の違いだろうか。


Amantaの後、Invisible dogアートセンターを訪れた。展示は「School of Visual Arts MFA Thesis Show」: Liminal Forms」展は、私には触れられなかったが、会場は本当に素敵だった。木の床は時々いい音を立てる。


その後、レイリと合流し、お互いの興味についてたくさん話をした。彼女と他のメンバーは以前、ブルックリンに「Panoply Lab」をオープンした。そこは、アーティストだけでなく、誰にでも開かれた、とても実験的でオルタナティブなスペースだった。http://www.panoplylab.org/


でも、面白いお店はいくつかある。そのひとつがRubladだ。https://www.instagram.com/rub_ulad/  フジロックフェスティバルの天国のような、とてもアーティスティックで自律的なエリアだ(レイリは以前、もっとアナーキーな会場があったと言っていた)。彼らはスペースをオープンにしていない。メーリングリストからしかアクセスできない。次回は本当にここのイベントに参加しようと思う。








I think I need to get money here in NY. Actually amount of grant won't enough because of inflation. but how can I earn? Even I didn't  take any feast.  But how?

Amant is a cozy and rich museum in Brooklyn. After I saw the exhibition in MOMA, I wanted to go there. The architecture is really nice. 

They held an exhibition of Sung Tieu. This Vietnamese's artist focused on ghost in this exhibition, but I felt this 'ghost' has a slight entity. Is it a cultural difference?

Dora Garcia also had a film screening in this venue.

After Amanta, I visited the Invisible dog art center. The exhibition 'School of Visual Arts MFA Thesis Show: Liminal Forms' wasn't touched to me, but the venue was really nice. Wooden floor sometimes makes a good noise.

Then I meet up with Leili and talk a lot about each other's interests. She and other members before opened 'Panoply Lab' in Brooklyn. It was a very experimentral and alternative space to open to everyone, not only artists. It sounds super interesting. http://www.panoplylab.org/

Then we went to Bushwick which is known as the hip area. But both of us aren't interested in this kind of hip. I found a gentrified town.. 

But still there are some interesting venues. One of them is Rublad. https://www.instagram.com/rub_ulad/ Very artistic and autonomic area such as the field of heaven in Fuji rock festival(Leili said there was a more anarchic venue before). They don't open their space. Only you can access their information from the mailing list. Next time I will really attend some event here. 

We also go to, yes theater, Theater XIV, and Bushwick starr, Starr Bar (hangout for activist)

Similar to Shimokitazawa. Cultural, energise, gentrificated. Or Berlin? 

Send to Lucien the list of art-space in Tokyo. But actually I want to recommend Bon Odori in Tsukishima. It's already done.

Suddenly, I write my impression from several days ago.  don't like people who think naive or sentimental to him/herself. Go to hell.

17th July Shioya-san~Whitney Museum




それからホイットニー美術館に行った。実はジョシュ・クラインの展覧会「Project for a New American Century」の意味が分からなかった。彼が何を見せたかったのかはわかったが、なぜそれをする必要があったのかがわからない。

常設展はホイットニー・コレクションと名付けられた: 1900年から1965年までのセレクション。抽象表現主義者の作品のいくつかは良かった。また、この展覧会で初めて河原温の作品を見たとき、少し感動した。なぜだろう?







I met Shioya-san from Japan society with Elico-san. She not only has deep knowledge about art in NY but is also a very powerful woman. She gave me some information about a theater event in January and introduced some people.

Then I went to Judson Church for a workshop but I found the mail that announced the cancellation of today's WS in front of Judson. Oh, my gosh... OK. I spent some time in Washington square. There is a dog run.

Then I went to the Whitney museum. Actually I couldn't get the meaning of Josh Kline's exhibition 'Project for a New American Century'. I could get what he wanted to show but I can't get why he needed to do it.

Permanent exhibition was named The Whitney’s Collection: Selections from 1900 to 1965. Some of the abstract expressionist's works were nice. In addition, when I saw On Kawara's work first-time in this exhibition, I was slightly touched. Why???

Apart from Norman Lewis’s American Totem' and some of Edward Hopper's works, Georgia O'keeffe's pieces were nice.

Because almost every day I visit exhibitions, I start to get bored. Though I think about the thoughts of artists, why don't artists think about me? I think this thought is not arrogant.

18th July Holiday



Today the workshop was canceled. Then, I decided to take a holiday. It is very important to rest. I walk around a little dominican republic where is north area from my place.
