
ニューヨークフェロー滞在記10/20-10/24 |NY Fellow Diary 20th OCT-24th OCT


10/20 ピープルズ・フォーラム~地下

Iハウスでカウンセリング。昔の思い出や家族のことを話す。話すことによって、自分のものが整理されたり、新しい発見があったりする。 観察すること、共通のものにすることは本当に大切だ。 



ワークショップは、NYを拠点に活動する演劇グループRadical Revolutionと、デリーを拠点に活動するストリート演劇グループJANAによって行われた。彼らはCUNYで10日間共同作業を行った。







In I-House, take counseling. Talk about my earlier memories and family. By talking about them, I organize my things and find new things.  To observe and make it a common thing is really important.  

In the People's Forum, I took the workshop. 

It's my first time to come to a people's forum and was amazed that even near Penn station there is a very leftist place. All of the books they have look interesting.

The workshop was held by Radical Revolution that is NY based activist theater group and JANA that is dehli based street theater group. They had collaborated for ten days in CUNY. 

In the beginning they show the piece that they collaborated on. It was a typical agitprop theatre such as puppet and bread theater. The topic is the labor union of CUNY. After the show I asked the director if was it difficult for you to perform this kind of particular topic? But he said no because the situation is similar to India. In my perspective, even if it was similar, you shouldn’t see a particular topic as another topic. And I think that people who make this kind of theater should think about whether it is right to talk about it or not. Their style is old left theater but I don’t think they are political. 

Of course if I see the show in Delhi it will be changed. But at least I don’t know why they came to NY and had collaboration. 

At midnight me, Chet and Rocky went to the club named basement until morning.

10/21 セントマークス教会


舞台美術にはたくさんの電気ロウソクが使われていた。ショーの間は静かなオルガンが優雅に鳴り響く。それをバックに4人のパフォーマーが踊る。 ただ見ているだけでなく、緻密に構成された振り付けが実に美しかった。ただ、ポーズをとっているだけで、動きはあまりない。NYCPの黒人俳優が本当に美しかった。実は彼は踊っていないのだが、周りを見渡すと、この空間の意味が全く変わっていた。フィクションを見せる。 


今回、ウースターのグループで演奏しているジムに会った。彼はこの教会についていろいろ教えてくれた(この場所にはRichard foreman's placeもあり、よくダンスやポートリーリーディングが行われている)。


Many shows held in NY in this Friday and Saturday. I choose a dance piece in St. Marks church by danspace and NYC players co-produce.

A lot of electric candles were used as scenography. During the show quiet organ music elegantly played. In this background, 4 performers danced.  It was really beautiful not only seeing but elaborate constructed choreography. It was not really much movement but a consequence of the pose. One black actor from NYCP was really beautiful. Actually he didn’t dance but when he look around, meaning of this space was totally changed. The fiction will be shown.  

I don’t know but I remembered 4.48psychosis by Sara Kane. Multiple different bodies in the same space. 

I met Jim who performs in the Wooster group this time. He teach me a lot about this church ( also there is a Richard foreman’s place in this place , often held dance and portly reading) 

10/22 トランスアートフェア~Gisèle Vienne


House of YESでトランスアートフェア。版画やウェアなど面白いものがたくさん。ポストカードも買った。Charlesはたくさん買った。

NYのライブアート、Gisèle Vienneのショー~フリドマン・ギャラリー







Lunch with Charles, who is my friend. It was a good pizza but in total it cost 90$…

In the House of YES, a trans art fair. Prints and wear and many interesting stuff. I bought some postcards. Charles gets a lot. 

In New York live art, Gisèle Vienne’s show. In the lobby, I ran into Hanna and Marie. I was amazed because I watched her piece online in theater treffen. She just finished her premiere in Koln. 

Gisèle’s show was nice. Based on the switzerland novel which is about a family’s relationship. But this performance used slow motion and loud sound and voice effects, light also beautifully changed the scene only by using colors. 

After I read about the book of animation and performance I became clear about this kind of show. The body is just a material as a screen. Then why don't they use puppets? Even in the beginning of the show they put some dolls and put them away. Then performers come onto the stage. It means they are puppets and also they are human. What is the meaning? 

In Fridman Gallery the show ‘the words begin sound’. Their description was really interesting. But even the artist said ‘don’t listen but receive’ it was only an ordinary dance piece. I could not understand the ‘composing’ of the show. 

10/23 ウースター組~ジャドソン教会






At the performing garage. I attended a rehearsal of the Wooster group. In the morning they had a discussion but I missed it. I watched them making a very detail of the show. In the break time celebrate Jim’s birthday with a cake that Kate made. Takayama-san who came Ny for attending their rehearsal gave massage to Jim. Almost every day she attends the rehearsal. So she gradually made a good relationship. 

After the Wooster, Takayama san and I went to Washington square with coffee. Had a lot of chats. 

In Judson Church, movement research. Today's show is more experimental than other weeks. The first show, in the beginning I was very bored but in the middle somehow was involved. Quite charming. 

Second show was ok for me. And the third one was an Israeli dancer. It was too expressive for me but I was thinking what if Japan were involved in war, what can I do? 

10/24 CUNY~カフェ







In CUNY, I attended the class. Today's topic is publishing. I thought that a researcher who can get a salary from university is easier than an artist. But actually it is not. Research is also hard.

After the class I introduced Takayama-san to Peter. He's very generous to Japanese artists. We talked a lot about theater in NY. I'd like to watch the Wooster's L.S.D that first time Peter watched their show in the 80's.

Had dinner with Takayama-san in the I-house and had a short tour. Actually here is a nice place even though it cost $2800/m.

I started looking for an apartment in Jan. Ah, NYC is expensive!

The new album of Rolling Stones really nice.


Yuta Hagiwara