ニューヨークフェロー滞在記10/31-11/7 |NY Fellow Diary 31st OCT-7th NOV
10/30 NYUスカイボール
NYU Skirballにて。NY在住のビジュアルアーティスト、SUZANNE BOCANEGRAのレクチャーパフォーマンス。観客の平均年齢も高い。
10/30 NYU Skirball
After I got an electric plug for the UK, when I walked around union square I could imagine the feeling when I left NY. Just four months before, I didn't have any idea about this city. Moreover, even though I still hesitate to say I like NY.
If I could die in hospital, I’ll feel like this when I die. It’s ok but I miss it.
How did I develop this kind of attachment? friends? Get to know the map? Experience? Memory?
In NYU Skirball. Lecture performance of SUZANNE BOCANEGRA who is a visual artist based in NY. Average age of the audience is really high as well .
But the show was really nice not only for the topic but also for the theatrical trick.
In this show she talks about her private memories that in front of her grandparents place there was a famous share house, history of prostitution, culture of the US in the mid century. Most of the topics were fascinating but she used actresses to convey these topics.
I mean, she’s on stage but she speaks to a mic which is not connected to PA. Instead of PA, it is connected to the ear monitor of the actress and the audience listens to her voice. In short, she uses actress as mic. It really interesting and even it was private story audience can take distance from what is talking. Very clever strategy. Others body is a medium for her. I think this way have possibility.
I need to practice for my workshop.
10/31 日本領事館~CUNY~イギリスへフライト
10/31 Japan Consulate ~ CUNY ~ Flight to UK
In the afternoon, in front of the Japan Consulate, I observed a demonstration against the Japanese government. The topic is discrimination against Korean school students. I agree. Around twenty people gather and show pracards not only about school discrimination but also nuclear water.
Recently, I think practical or pragmatic thoughts are not smart. After pursue ideal situation, you need to compromise.
In CUNY peters class, about the alt track of PhD. Dramaturg of the theater in ashen gave a lecture. Sounds like a nice theater.
If someone writes ‘dramaturgy thought’ for business people , it will be quite good selling.
After the class, I went to Manchester from JFK.
11/1 Lancaster
I could only sleep 1 hour on the flight. I read a book about a postdramatic theater’s workshop which was written by a scholar who will observe my workshop. It's a really interesting book. I want to hold a gathering following this book. Someone who want to attend?
At Manchester airport, I met up with Beri who is a PhD student in lancaster university invited me.
Go to Lancaster. From the window of the train, I can see Manchester where the smith , stone roses, new order and many more bands were founded.
It is my first time coming to the UK. Already moved.
Lancaster is a small but cozy old town. Outside of this city, there is a Lancaster university. Beri had a tour and met Dafer who was also a PhD candidate about migrant comedy. While taking lunch she keeps talking because she herself is also a standup comedian. Really interesting but sleepy.
It is true that the food in the UK is bad!
11/2 ランカスター大学でワークショップ
11/2 workshop in Lancaster Univ
In the morning, I listen to the Kinks's major album The Village Green Preservation Society. The Beatles, The Rolling Stones or The Who, Led Zeppelin, these bands won't change my impression anywhere. But the Kinks are not. They are really British.
After the practice, I had my first workshop. Actually this is one of the event named Japan-Britain Contemporary Theatre Exchange. I was the first artist for this exchange.
15 participants who are mostly BA, MA students or teachers of Lancaster Univ.
The structure of the workshop
・Explanation of what does democracy mean to you?(drawing homework)
・Warming up(from participant, Meditation)
・Drawing Body Map
・Slow movement and voice over (the script is made according to the drawing )
Explanation of democracy for you is already interesting. Ship, bus, city, white paper and so on, each participant has their own impression of democracy. Actually I wanted to ask a lot about their drawings.
After I told them that today we focus on listening, we had meditation. And 1st work is to draw your body map. After drawing a line, each participant listens to your body and depicts your sensation.(This is the work borrowed from Natsuko Tezuka who is a choreographer)
Then make a pair. to make 3 sentences from the map and make simple movements. While one person does a simple movement slowly, another one voices over the sentence. Then you can listen to your body.
Even though my language was horrible language, most of them could understand democracy through this workshop. In the feedback, many people mention that this way is really new for them. I explained how rich our bodies are one of the starting points of democracy. I think I can say the workshop was successful. Beri and Karen, who are the hosts of this event, really enjoyed themselves.
Karen, Beri and Prof. Uchino and his partner and I went to the city center. To watch Light up Lancaster and eat dinner. Karen who is the professor of Lancaster univ and the chair of Beri's dissertation, she's really charming.
時差ぼけのせいで朝早く起きました。 大学の周りを散歩します。 北イングランドの本当に美しい田園地帯です。 羊がたくさんいるとひつじのショーンを思い出します。 私はその風景が本当に大好きです。 私の前世はイギリスで羊飼いだったのかもしれません。
市内中心部では、DUKE 劇場のベイビー オペラに参加しています。 この劇場は映画館と小劇場を組み合わせたものです https://dukeslancaster.org/whats-on/theatre/you-are-the-sun
。 ショーは本当に素晴らしかったです。 ショーの間、赤ちゃんは文字を理解することはできませんが、動きの音や体から多くを感じます。 赤ちゃんのレンズを通してショーを見ることができます。 この世界の豊かさに泣きそうになります。 ベビーシアターはポストドラマチック演劇の象徴的な形式の一つであると確信しました。
ランカスターは小さくて美しい旧市街です。 ルーマニアのシビウという都市を思い出します。
高円寺のような大学の劇場で。 内野正教授が日本の現代演劇について短い講義を行いました。 平田オリザ、岡田利規、三浦基、ジャポニズム2018、高山明、藤原力、松田正隆、市原聡子、神里雄大、三浦直之、倉田みどり、ネジピジン、村川拓也、仲間彩花、 スペース・ノット・ブランク、これは演劇祭ではない、萩原雄太など。 観客は日本の現代演劇についてまったく知識がありませんが、彼の視点を通して日本の現代演劇がいかに混乱していて(良い意味で)混沌とした状況にあるかを理解します。
IMITATING THE DOG COMPANYの創設者であるANDREW QUICKと、風景とツアーパフォーマンスに焦点を当てたアーティストであるルイーズ・アン・ウィルソンとのラウンドテーブル「旅、集まり、交流」に参加します。 ランカスターを拠点に活動するアーティストはどちらも本当に面白そうです(でも、なぜこの小さな街に実験的なアーティストがこんなにたくさんいるのでしょうか?)。 ラウンドテーブルでは、内野さんから提出された当事者のアイデアを通して、私の仕事や考えを説明しました。 しかし、観客やアーティストからの、集まることをどう考えるか、ベケットとウースターグループについてどう考えるか、分散化、方法論についての質問にはうまく答えることができませんでした。 言葉の限界は思考の限界を意味します。 自分の考えの10%しか伝えられなかったと思います。 残念。
(何の制度も持たない)アマチュアリズムが、私たちの混沌とした(良い意味での)思考にどのような影響を与えるのかを説明する必要がありました。 それはイギリスや日本との顕著な違いだと思います(アジアと言っていいでしょうか?)。 しかし、私は元気ではありませんでした。
イベントの後は食事に行きます。 パブではザ・スミスの「この魅力的な男」をBGMとして聴いた。
ベリは日本から他の実験的なアーティストをランカスターに招待します。 これが交換の良いスタートになることを願っています。
11/3 Round Table
Because of jet lag, I got up early in the morning. Walk around the university. It is a really beautiful rural area of north England. Many sheep remind me Shaun the Sheep. I really love the landscape. My previous life might be a sheep keeper in England.
Listening Dave Clark Five.
In city center, I attend the Baby Opera in DUKE theater. This theater is combine cinema and small theater https://dukeslancaster.org/whats-on/theatre/you-are-the-sun . The show was really nice. while the show, babies can't understand text but they feel a lot from the movement sound, and body. I can see the show through the lens of babies. I almost weep because of how rich this world is. I became sure that baby theater is one of the symbolic forms of post dramatic theater.
Lancaster is a small and lovely old city. It reminds me of Sibiu which is a city in Romania.
In the theater in university, which is similar to the Koenji. Prof Tadashi Uchino had short lecture about Japanese contemporary theater. He explained before and after Covid through introduce Oriza Hirata, Okada Toshiki, Motoi Miura, Japonism 2018, Akira Takayama, Chikara Fujiwara, Masataka Matsuda, Satoko Ichihara, Yudai Kamisato, Naoyuki Miura, Midori Kurata, Neji Pijin, Takuya Murakawa, Ayaka Nakama, Space not Brank this is not a theater Festival, Yuta Hagiwara, and so on so on. Audience don't have any knowledge about Japanese contemporary theater but go through his perspective how messy and caotic (in a good way) situation in Japanese Contemporary theater is.
I attend the round table ‘Travelling, Gathering, Exchanging’ with ANDREW QUICK who is a founder of IMITATING THE DOG COMPANY and LOUISE ANN WILSON who is an artist focused on landscape and tour performance. Both artists who are based in Lancaster look really interesting(but why are there so many experimental artists in this small city?). In the round table, I explained about my work and thoughts through the idea of Tojisha(当事者) that was submitted by Uchino. But I couldn't respond well to the question about how to think about gathering, how do I think about Beckett and the Wooster Group, de-centralize, method from audience and artists. The limitation of the word means limitation of thought. I think I could only tell 10% of my thoughts. Regrettable.
I needed to explain how amateurism (without any institution) is influenced on our chaotic(in a good way) thoughts. It is a prominent difference from the UK and Japan I think(Can I say Asia?). But I wasn’t well.
After the event we go to dinner. In the pub I listened the Smiths 'this charming man' as BGM.
Beri will invite some other experimental artists from Japan to Lancaster. I hope this is a good start for the exchange.
5時に起きてください。 ゾンビを聴きながら日記を書きます。 最近は準備のせいで書けませんでした。 時差ぼけが改善しない。
ランカスターの中心部でベリさんと話をした後、電車でマンチェスターへ向かいました。 チェックインした後、私たちはパブに行き、ロックバンドのショーを見に行きました。
11/4 to manchester
Get up at five. Write a diary while listening to Zombies. I couldn't write these days because of preparation. Jet lag isn't getting better.
After talking with Beri in the center of Lancaster, we took a train head to Manchester. After checking in we went to a pub and to see the rock band show.
11/5 休み ファクトリーインターナショナル
朝、マンチェスターの中心部を散歩します。 この旧市街にはレンガ造りの建物がたくさんあります。 でも気にしません。 歩き回っている間、私は自分がマンチェスターにいるということだけを考えます!! 10代の頃、ビートUKというテレビ番組を毎週見ていて、イギリスのバンドに大金を費やしました。 スミス、ニュー・オーダー、ストーン・ローゼズ、ハッピー・マンデーズ、インスパイラル・カーペットなどのバンドがマンチェスターからやって来た。
実際、ハシエンダという名前のクラブは取り壊され、マッドチェスター運動は観光客のためのリソースの1つです。 いくつかのレコードショップに行きました。
午後、ベリ、内野、聡子(妻)と私は、現在オープンしている大きな劇場であるファクトリー・インターナショナルで会います(名前はマンチェスターの伝説的なレーベルにちなんで付けられました)。 「フリー・ユア・マインド」という番組を見ました
番組はAIの父でマンチェスターで働くアラン・チューリングのシーンから始まる。 そして舞台はマトリックスの世界へ。 数百人のダンサーがステージ上でもステージ外でも踊ります。 第一部ではメイン会場でショーが開催されましたが、第二部では千人を超える人々が別の会場に移動してショーを見ました。
この作品の目的はコミュニティを作ることだ、と誰かが言いました。 彼らが成功したことを願っています。
11/5 day off Factory International
In the morning, walk around the center of Manchester. This old city holds a lot of buildings which are made of brick. But I don't care. While I walk around I only think that I'M IN MANCHESTER!! When I was a teenager, I watched a TV program called Beat UK every week and spent a lot of money on the band from the UK. Smith, New Order, Stone Roses, Happy Mondays, Inspiral carpets etc bunch of bands came from Manchester.
Actually the club named Hacienda was demolished, and the Madchester movement is one of the resources for tourists. I went to some record shops.
In the afternoon, Beri, Uchino, Satoko(his wife) and I meet up in Factory International which is the big theater currently open(the name comes after a legendary label in Manchester). We watched a show called ‘Free your mind’
https://factoryinternational.org/whats-on/free-your-mind/ directed by movie director Danny Boyle.
Based on the matrix, the show was really entertainment such as the Opening olympic ceremony which Danny Boyle made.
The show starts from a scene about Alan Turing, who is a father of AI and works in Manchester. Then, the stage moves on to the world of the Matrix. Hundred dancers dance onstage and off stage. In the first part the show was held in a main venue but in the second part, over thousand people moved to another venue to see the show.
Really excited lighting, sound, dance, video, it was great job but they keep exciting it made me bored.
The end of this piece is to make community, someone said. I hope they made it.
In the evening we went to an Indian restaurant and talked a lot.
11/6 第2回ワークショップinサルフォード大学
マンチェスター郊外にあるサルフォード大学から招待を受けました。 スライドの修正とプレゼンテーションの練習を終えてホテルを出発しました。
この大きな大学には演劇学部があります。 日本には演劇大学が少ないのに、ほとんどの大学(イギリスだけでなくアメリカにも)に演劇学科があるのは本当に不思議です。 内野氏によれば、ケンブリッジとオックスフォードには演劇学部がないという。
演劇の学習コンテンツを提供するDT+の編集者、トレイシー・クロスリー&ニッキー・ウッズにインタビューしました。 私のワークショップに貢献してほしいと頼まれます。
イベントは内野氏の講演からスタート。 皆は日本の演劇の複合リストについての彼の講義に耳を傾けました。 中には、三浦基の『三姉妹』に興味を持っている人もいる。
14名が参加しました。 半分は実務者だと思います。 ワークショップの雰囲気が本当に変わりました。 参加者は民主主義についてのこの 3 時間をとても楽しみました。 でも、できることならもっと集中して体の奥深くまで入り込みたいです。 時間をかけてゆっくり作るのがこの作品のポイントなので、このワークショップには4時間は必要だと思います。
しかし、とにかく参加者全員が素晴らしい仕事をしました。 本当に美しい瞬間でした。 参加者と招待してくれたリチャード教授に感謝します。
ワークショップの後はHOMEシアターに行き、マンチェスターを拠点に活動するコメディアンのトムさんと夕食をとりました。 彼はBUTをBOと発音します。
11/6 2nd workshop in Salford Univ
Salford Univ, which is located in the suburbs of Manchester, invited us. After we revised some slides and a practice presentation, we left the hotel.
This big university has theater faculties. In Japan, there are a few theater university, it is really weird most univ has theater department(not only UK but also US). According to Uchino, there are no theater departments in Cambridge and Oxford.
I had an interview with Tracey Crossley & Nikki Woods who are an editor of DT+ which provides learning contents of theater. They ask me to contribute to my workshop.
The event started with the lecture of Uchino. Everyone listened to his lecture about comprex list of Japanese theater. Some of them are interested in Miura Motoi's Three sisters.
14 people joined. I guess half of them are practitioners. The atmosphere of the workshop was really changed. Participants really enjoyed these three hours about democracy. But if I could, I'd like to concentrate more and get deeper into the body. I think I need four hours for this workshop because taking time and making all of the things slowly is the point of this work.
But anyway, every participant did a great job. It was a really beautiful moment. Thank you participants and prof Richard who invited us.
After the workshop we went to the HOME theater and had dinner with Tom who is a comedian based in Manchester. He pronounce BUT as BO.
朝、カフェでベリさんとお話しました。 今後のプロジェクトについて話します。
マンチェスター国際空港からJFK空港まで。 空いていて本当に快適なフライトでした。
11/7 to NYC
In the morning, I talked with Beri in Cafe. Talk about future projects.
From Manchester international airport to JFK. It was an empty, really comfortable flight.
read a book of Takeuchi Toshiharu and a short story written by Lyon in the flight.
In August, when I came back to NY, I felt like ‘returning’, but this time, I feel ‘come back’.
![Yuta Hagiwara](https://assets.st-note.com/production/uploads/images/9611852/profile_4df29d4f53bddd0459af46d07d330d8d.jpeg?width=600&crop=1:1,smart)