나리타 공항에서
오늘은 내 친구를 도쿄에서 나리타 공항까지 렌터카로 데려다 줬어요. 코로나가 시작한 이후로 처음 공항에 갔는데 생각보다 사람이 적었어요. 그래도 역시 공항의 분위기가 좋았어요. 거기에서 나는 여러 기억들이 떠오자요. 유학 가기 전의 느낌 이나 여행 간 후의 느낌이 생각났어요. 가끔 공항에 가는 것도 좋네요.
July 20th, 2022
I woke up at 5 o'clock this morning. I woke up early because I sent a friend off at the airport. I picked him up at 6:15 in Shinjuku, then drove for an hour and a half to get to the airport. Narita airport is located far away from Tokyo. I wish the plane he reserved took off from Haneda airport, but all low-cost carrier companies do not operate their business in Haneda, but in Narita. Because we got stuck in minor traffic congestion several times on the way to the airport, he almost missed the plane. He arrived there just 4 minutes before the reservation system closed. Due to Covid-19, passengers have to follow more complicated procedures to get to airplanes, which makes people so confused. I actually saw a lady who missed her plane because she did not prepare a document related to Covid-19. She was so upset. I saw another man who was rejected at the counter because he was late. I did not know you needed to check in one hour before taking off. It is too early. Anyway, I reconfirmed that I like airports. Looking back, I experienced a range of feelings at airports. I think most people like airports like them for the same reason I think of today. I had a good morning drive with the friend, and he safely arrived at his hometown in Korea. I also safely return to my home without any problems. I had a good day off.
데려다 줬어요:送り届けました。
기억이 떠오르다:記憶が浮かぶ
유학 가기 전의:留学に行く前
sent a friend off:友達を見送る
got stuck in traffic:渋滞にはまる
almost miss the plane:飛行機を逃しかける
experienced a range of feelings:様々な感情を経験する
for the same reason:同じ理由で