『星座になれたら』の歌詞を英訳 / If I could shape a constellation with you
・やはり、『君と集まって星座になれたら』というサビのフレーズについてでしょうか。配信サイト等の英語版の表記だとシンプルに'If I could be a constellation' となっていますが、喜多ちゃんの心情としては「あなたと一緒に星座を形づくりたい」という想いこそが一番強いフレーズなのではないかな感じましたので、'shape' としたり'with you' をつけたりと、私もできるだけ気持ちを込めてみました。
If I could shape a constellation with you
The clock is almost pointing to six o'clock
The first star of the evening is already visible
On the way home
I feel the desire to step on
and creep off into the shadows of night
No matter how hard I try to search
Truly, that is an irreplaceable star
Shining such brightly
from millions of light years away from me
Envy you, should be nice
to be loved by everyone
"Oh well, I will be
apart from everyone forever"
If I could shape a constellation with you
Beneath a starry night,
that's my fragile wish to pray for
Sparkling, flickering,
and trembling signals
If I could shape a constellation
as everyone looks up into the sky to point at with you
Please, don't break the line between us
No matter how bright I am......
The clock is almost pointing to eight o'clock
The sky is filled with a stadium of stars
It may not be there,
millions of light years
away from me
Looking up to the beautiful moon
and I'm almost crying, because
someday, as an inevitable fate,
separation must come to an end
"If I could shape a constellation with you"
Like a comet,
a whisper to myself is falling to the ground
The disappearing afterimage should be a
prism of midnight
'If I could shape a constellation with you'
If my dearest wish could reach someone
Will I be able to change myself,
tracing the brink of nights
...like me?
We have found each other from afar
Because it's karma,
we will find each other many times
in the cracks of clouds...
'If I could shape a constellation with you'
Open the night and draw fantasy together
If it is not the full moon
that lights the darkness
I want to shape a constellation with you
like scintillating, colorful lights
I won't break the line between us,
no matter how bright you are...