

In the morning, I had to get up at 5 in order to listen to "Rodrigues Seminar," where two members of our organizations do lectures and listeners join them discussing the topic. I joined it online because I wanted to listen to what others study or do research on and I am going to do a lecture in a month, in the second seminar. I learned about lithium batteries and SDGs today. Both of them were really interesting! In ENTS class, we discussed how to make connections with natural world. It was interesting and difficult to think about those with animals, and those in our daily life, such as food. And in SPAN class, we continued analyzing the comic book. Some of the implicated meanings or background were surprising for me to know in class. After that, POSC group met again in order to finish up our slides for tomorrow presentation. After dinner, I prepared for an interview of JACSES and POSC group presentation. The interview was more chill than I expected; he explained a lot about what they do in reality and such. I got the internship! I'm so glad:) And POSC group met again to practice the presentation. I couldn't do well at all and it took too long, so I'm going to practice in the morning as well.
