Mizuki Fujiwara

I am a sophomore from Waseda University in …

Mizuki Fujiwara

I am a sophomore from Waseda University in Tokyo. But this year, I am studying at Carleton College in MN, the US.



In the morning, I had a Spanish exam. It was much more difficult than I thought because the questions were about deep analysis of the comic books and other readings. But I did my best, so I’m gonna forget about it. Then, POSC class had a pi

    • 6/2/2023

      In the morning, I was doing ENTS case study. Though I was able to make a structural flow overall, I couldn’t concerntrate:( After lunch with Misaki, I continued it. From 3, I joined a foraging and cooking event, hosted by Chloe. I was able

      • 6/1/2023

        Today was the first day of reading & exam days, and Sarah’s birthday! I did scholarship applications, ENTS case study, and the preparation of internship. It was a productive day.

        • 5/31/2023

          In ENTS class, we had a discussion on virtues, such as hope, love, and wisdom. We posted our pictures connected to the words. It was interesting to feel positive things about environmental justice through our experiences. I will miss this c


          In POSC class, we had a group presentation. Before that, there were three individual presentations, all of which were interesting. I was so nervous, but we were able to succeed! Some of the questions to us were difficult to answer. In the a


          In the morning, I had to get up at 5 in order to listen to "Rodrigues Seminar," where two members of our organizations do lectures and listeners join them discussing the topic. I joined it online because I wanted to listen to what others st


          In the morning, I had an office hour of Spanish. I asked many questions, and he told me Spanish grammatical structure. It was such a useful time. Then, I called with Daichi. He told many tips in job hunting. After eating my lunch plate, I h


          In the morning, I was calling with Daichi. After he fell asleep, I had lunch and studied in the library. I had a POSC group project meeting with Dylan. It was a good time to know what else we have to do. Having dinner with friends, Palmy an


          We had a special schedule for today’s class. In ENTS class, we discussed the definition of sacred sites bringing each cultural background. I came up with some good ideas, and it was intriguing to listen to others’. Since prof put emphasis o


          In POSC class, two people and a group made a presentation. All of them were awesome. The first one was about urban agriculture, which I didn’t know well before that, but it was clear in terms of it being able to be a first stem but now a co


          In ENTS class, we had a discussion about climate activism over generations and ober personal decisions. I was believing in the power of interaction over generations and individual decision makings? but others’ ideas made me realize the dist


          In POSC class, we had time to do group project. We went to prof’s office hour to confirm our structure, and divided the roles. It seems to be really hard, but I want to continue working on it! In the afternoon, I had an office hour with my


          In ENTS class, we had a discussion on soil. It was interesting to see each one’s impression on soil and food based on their different backgrounds. I was able to speak a lot:) In SPAN class, we continued analyzing the poem. I struggled a lot


          I had a Spanish office hour in the morning? I asked several questions about grammar and my mistakes. I was able to enhance my grammatical understanding. In the afternoon, Sarah, Nina and I went out to see horses and goats. Then, Yiwen and I


          Today we had Sproncert, the biggest event in Carleton! It stated at 3, so Palmy and I went there at 3:30. Enjoying the band music, first we had shaved ice. Then, we had garlic fries and she had a sandwich. We enjoyed ourselves there, someti


          In ENTS class, I went to Special Collections in the library. There were several artworks, books, and such about environmental justice. I was especially intrigued by “7 elemental forces.” It made me think how vulnerable humans beings are whi