2gether Ep10(1/4)-1
Hello. How is it going?
Today I wanna share w/ u the lines I didn't understand.
・How are you shippers doing?
・辞書的には、shipper = a company that sends goods to places by ships
Shipping, initially derived from the word relationship, is the desire by fans for two or more people, either real-life people or fictional characters (in film, literature, television etc.) to be in a romantic relationship.
・You are all squealing.
・squeal = to make a long loud high sound or cry, scream
<img alt="画像3" src="https://d2l930y2yx77uc.cloudfront.net/production/uploads/images/23868038/picture_pc_26ee7d0b8029611e5fac9e83e81b0a92.png" width="620" height="349">
・I'm relieved then.
・relieve = to reduce someone's pain or unpleasant feeling
・I am not the protagonist in your movie.
・protagonist=main character
・You are so damn cute!
・Damn it!
・damn = 1. used when something is impressive or surprising
2. used when you are something very annoyed or disappointed
・遠回しに darn を使ったり、dーnのように伏字にすることもある。