見山メモ200624 Miyama-Memo200624
スプーンは 食事に使う物だって 誰が決めたの?
スプーンは 丸い部分に物を乗せるって 誰が決めたの?
スプーンは 道具だって 誰が決めたの?
スプーンと言えば あの形だって 誰が決めたの?
Who decided that a spoon is a thing to eat ?
Who decided that we have to put a thing on the round part of a spoon ?
Who decided that a spoon is a tool ?
Who decided form of a spoon ?
When we remove only some common senses we persist, a spoon lose a its form. It is not only a spoon. All the things in surrounding are similar, too.