Ground Rules~基本原則~
- After the Neutral buss has been wired, it is best to bond it to the Earth buss to ground any stray voltage that might occur on the return leg. [I am not an electrician - this is not wiring advice.]
\- ニュートラル バスの配線が完了したら、アースバスに接続して、戻りの脚で発生する可能性のある浮遊電圧を接地するのが最善です。[私は電気技師ではありません。これは配線に関するアドバイスではありません。]
- These postings are intended to be FREE OF COST public forum to replace the Goo Gall tyranny of me being shut out because I sent too many emails (# of emails over the limit never revealed by the All-Wise Corporation) to too many people (# never revealed by the Most-Beneficent Institution [for the Mentally Insane]) over too short a period of time (interval known only to the Most-High A.I. that has the personality of a malicious, narcisisstic child that makes things up during a hissy fit).
\- これらの投稿は、あまりにも多くのメール (All-Wise Corporation によって決して明らかにされない制限を超えたメールの数) をあまりにも多くの人 (最も慈悲深い機関 [精神異常者向け] によって決して明らかにされない数) にあまりにも短期間 (癇癪を起こしたときに事実をでっち上げる悪意のあるナルシストな子供の性格を持つ最も高位の AI だけが知っている間隔) で送信したために締め出されるという、ひどい暴政に代わる無料の公開フォーラムとなることを目的としています。
- I don't care if you cuss & curse or even yell at me. If you abuse any of My People thou shalt be sent into the Desert of The Real where thou shalt perish.
\- 罵り言葉や悪態、あるいは私に向かって怒鳴り声を上げても構いません。もし私の民を虐待するなら、あなたは現実の砂漠に送られ、そこで滅びるでしょう。
- Debate, Vehemence, and Passionate Diatribe are encouraged, but I caution against spitting while shouting your point because your screen might short out (see wiring rules above).
\- 討論、激しさ、情熱的な非難は歓迎されますが、画面がショートする可能性があるため、自分の意見を叫びながら唾を吐くのは控えるよう警告します (上記の配線規則を参照してください)。
- This is not Bitchute which seems to be a haven for Whyte Sue Prem Eye Cysts. So, when I tell you that the purity of ANY race ended BEFORE Jenner, but certainly met its final doom when the Demon Salk shot 100 chromosome, HPV18/Syphilis-induced cervical cancer of a Black Woman into EVERYONE, thus forever polluting the genomes of ALL races everywhere....
\- ここは、ホワイト スー プレム アイ シストの避難所のように見えるButchuteではありません。だから、どんな人種の純粋さもジェンナー以前に終わっていたが、悪魔のソークが黒人女性の100本の染色体、HPV18/梅毒誘発子宮頸がんをすべての人に注射し、あらゆる場所のすべての人種のゲノムを永遠に汚染したときに、その最終的な破滅が確実に訪れたと私が言うとき...
that means that I am your friend
... that is not an invitation for those with the heads of skin to accuse me of being an Ash Can Not See, witch I am not: neither a member of the 13 Tribes or a Witch [although I am concerned about that wart on my nose...].
... 皮の頭を持つ人々に対して、私をAsh Can Not See(目が見えない灰かぶり)と非難するよう呼びかけているわけではありません。私は魔女ではありません。13部族のメンバーでも魔女でもありません。[ただし、鼻のイボについては心配していますが...]。
If you're going to have a genetic identity crisis hissy fit (a lot of those going around lately) meltdown - this is not a diaper changing station. Oh... and Buy The Whey... shooting aborted fetal tissue of little boys and little girls into little girls and little boys is enough to cause sexual (gender is a literary word to denote: sex) Corn Fusion in anybody once that foreign DNA gets access to the host nervous system. So... yeah... wax jobs have always been a tool of depopulation even if by a circuitous route, i.e. if you take hormones or hormone blockers and have your body parts removed - then you will not be able to replicated - unless cloned.
もしあなたが遺伝的アイデンティティの危機に苛まれ、メルトダウンを起こすのであれば(最近よくあることだが)、ここはオムツ交換所ではない。 ああ...そしてホエーを買え...小さな男の子や小さな女の子の中絶された胎児組織を小さな女の子や小さな男の子に撃ち込むことは、その外来DNAが宿主の神経系にアクセスできるようになれば、誰にでも性的(ジェンダーは性別を表す文学的な言葉である)コーン融合を引き起こすのに十分だ。 つまり、ホルモン剤やホルモン遮断剤を服用し、体の一部を切除すれば、クローンでない限り複製は不可能になる。
- And, yes, I am an Anti-Natalist before I even knew that word existed. Like the Gnostics and the Cathars I think that reproducing it the Greatest Sin. If you don't accept that, then there's a few simple steps that might persuade you:
1. Look in the mirror for proper placement of your hand.
2. Bitch Slap yoruself into Reality.
3. Look AROUND! [Yes, that's Hell. Why would anyone bring another soul here?]
周りを見ろ! [そう、そこは地獄だ。なぜ誰かが別の魂をここに連れてくるのか?]
4. Lather, Rinse, Repeat if that didn't work for y'all, or
5. Get To Work destroying Hell to its foundations. It ain't gonna fix itself.
Least of all the denominational dialectics. Here's what is going on: Full Spectrum Assymetrical Wharf Air.
教派間の弁証法は最も苦手だ。何が起こっているのか: フルスペクトラム・非対称戦争。
My cut & paste that I post everywhere when people take sides:
#1 Could it be part of the $7.3 Million Fauci spent on Gain of Function Wuhan Weapon? Yes.
#1 ファウチが武漢ウイルス機能獲得に費やした730万ドルの一部ではないか? はい。
#2 Could it be a complete fabrication of fear that then causes people to get medical intervention that kills them? Yes.
#2 恐怖を煽り、人々を死に至らしめる医療介入をさせるための完全なでっち上げではないか? はい。
#3 Could it be a complete fabrication of fear that uses the fear as a cover to spray 'disinfectants' that have ALL of the same symptoms of the supposed disease? Yes.
#3 恐怖を煽り、その恐怖を隠れ蓑にして、想定される病気の症状と全く同じ症状を引き起こす「消毒剤」を散布するための完全なでっち上げではないか? はい。
#4 Could it be that the vaccine is the actual disease/weapon? Yes.
#4 ワクチンが実際の病気/兵器である可能性はあるか? はい。
#5 Could it be that the vaccine is part of a binary or tertiary weapon deliver system? Yes.
#5 ワクチンが2次または3次兵器の伝達システムの一部分である可能性はあるか? はい。
#6 Could it be that a virus or vaccine is activated by frequency such as the 5G system? Yes.
#6 ウイルスまたはワクチンが5Gシステムのような周波数によって活性化される可能性はあるか? はい。
#7 Could it be graphene oxide that is in the swabs, masks, vaccines,chemtrails, etc? Yes.
#7 綿棒、マスク、ワクチン、ケムトレイルなどに入っているのは酸化グラフェンではないか? はい。
#8 Could it be graphene oxide coupled with any of the other components as a binary or tertiary weapons system AND activated by frequency? Yes.
#8 酸化グラフェンが他の成分と結合し、二次または三次兵器システムとして機能し、周波数によって活性化されるのではないか? はい。
My latest meme is ALL OF THE ABOVE.
We don't know the answer to ANY of these questions so if it is bad then I just take it as true.
- I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANYTHING ABOUT POLITICS. I wrote a 100+ page dissertation on the Protocols of Szion.
It tells you exactly what is in control and why. ALL of your problems are Buy Oh Logical NOT spiritual, NOT political, NOT sociological, NOT economic (although that is their favorite tool). Therefore the solution CAN ONLY BE BIOLOGICAL.
With these simple Ground Rules I think we will get along famously and no one should get a shock when tapping into the main power lines. I'm actually gravely concerned that my 5000+ unread emails will expand into a range that will become unmanageable, but we must expand our communications and compress the time in which we do it. I'm sure you noticed that the Whirled (or this SIM) is coming to an end but its going down they way that WE SAY - not the way They planned for the past 5000 years.
I can't do it without you.
If I don't respond to you in a timely fashion it is because being the central data processor takes a LOT of intense analysis, therefore time, and I don't give curt answers to high-quality thoughts or data shared. I don't even give Kurt answers - never liked the dude...
Plus, keep in mind that I already have 5000+ unread emails and it is Spring going into Summer which is my busiest time in the Grain Ghetto.
それに、未読のメールがすでに5000通以上あることを念頭に置いてください。そして、これから春から夏にかけては、Grain Ghettoで最も忙しい時期です。
Sew, this is a Forum. If you want to write a chapter about what you know or have found (links and references are strongly encouraged), then write a chapter. Talk amongst yourselves as if you are Schizophrenic. I will try to engage as much as humanely possible but I don't think that any of us are Hu-Men.
Ground School is over. Now, onto our assignments ---