
The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But The Truth~真実/全ての真実/真実のみを述べよう~
パトリック・ジョーダン(PJ)は有機化学と法学の専攻で大学に2度(いずれも中退:学歴だけなら高卒)入学している。The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But The Truth(貴方は真実を、全ての真実を、真実のみを述べることを神に誓うか?)は米国の裁判における宣誓の言葉のようで、彼の記事には法学部らしくこのフレーズが多用される。
この記事でジョセフ・マーコラの名が登場する。有名な代替医療家で、邦訳もされた本を多く出版している。アンチプーファ(特にω6リノール酸)で有名だが、PJは何度も言及してボロクソに批判している。この男もControlled Oppositionであり、大事なことを言わずに文字通り真実のみで真実をはぐらかす(燻製ニシンの虚偽 )男だ。代替療法界隈はこういうクソが蔓延っている。何でプーファフリーで楽になるかは、「問題は問題にしなければ問題にならない」という類の屁理屈な解決法だからだ。ではその問題とは何か?それが以下の抗生物質問題に繋がる。
The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But The Truth
I learned this concept of Jerk Us Prune Dance from Rebecca Carley in 2008. The reason that they make you swear (They make Me swear all the time!) an oath with those three things is that you can lie while telling the truth.
この「Jerk Us Prune Dance」というコンセプトは、2008年にレベッカ・カーリーから教わったものです。 これら3つのものを使って誓いを立てるように仕向ける理由は、真実を語りながら嘘をつくことができるからです。
Judge (aka girlish acolyte of Lilith in a robe of a black magi): "Mr. Drug Company, do you have any evidence that your vaccine does any harm?"
Drug Dealer: "No, your honor. We have seen no evidence of harm from our products."
Of course the sonofabitch (not a russian surname) was not 'lying' but he/she/it wasn't telling the WHOLE TRUTH and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH.
They never did studies on whether their vaccines cause cancer, or affected fertility, or... or... or...
so OF COURSE there is no evidence of harm!
recast that moment locked into the judicial record:
"Do you have any evidence of harm?"
"No, because we never did any tests."
"Why didn't you do any tests?"
"Because we KNEW that they would cause harm so we didn't want anything that could be held against us for crimes against the Biosphere."
See? Whole Truth. Nothing Butt the Truth.
Since I have the Brain the Size of a Planet, I have no financial interests in anything (my book sales wouldn't feed a lap dog puppy chow for a year)
and I HATE EVIL (definition: Anything that Opposes me), I have the luxury of telling the Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth regardless of who it hurts.
So when people like Mercola tell you to take antioxidants because you 'need' them... did he ever tell you WHY you need them? I mean the REAL REASON? The WHOLE Truth, not just whole cloth?
I can remember maybe 3-4 times in the past 15 years when he re-posted the only honest article in his feed about how REDUCTIVE STRESS can actually be WORSE than oxidative stress.
Here's what NONE of the gurus (not just him, nearly everyone projectile vomits what they were told by their AlterNUT masters - ever wonder where they got THEIR research from that takes multimillion dollar facilities to arrive at?) EVER tell you about antioxidants and the most hateful lies of inflammation, immunity and autoimmunity.
以下は、権威者(彼に限らず、ほとんどの人が、アルターナット の師から教えられたことをそのまま口にする。彼らが、数百万ドル規模の施設を必要とする研究から、どこでその結論にたどり着いたのか、疑問に思ったことはあるだろうか?)が、抗酸化物質と、炎症、免疫、自己免疫に関する最も憎むべき嘘について、決して語らないことだ。
#1 You can't have an immune reaction to self.
Some of my best youtube videos on these topics have been taken down.
#2 INFLAMMATION IS IMMUNITY. Inflammation occurs during injury that will always involve keeping microbes at bay but also tissue repair; and when there is frank infection. [I hope Frank recovers.] The immune system takes care of all of that. SO THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE. But the Professional (assholes) lead you to believe that Inflammation is now a new disease of it's own. TAKE THOSE GODDAMNED ANTI-OXIDANTS!
#3 Oxidative response is the only thing that the One Trick Pony of the Immune system has against garbage cleanup (that and enzymes) and infectious organisms. The oxidative response IS THERE FOR A REASON. Now, you will have to study the work of Mel Thornberg through our illustrious Little Red Hen Teresa:
酸化反応は、免疫システムのワンパターンな対応策が、ゴミの除去(それと酵素)と感染性生物に対抗できる唯一の手段だ。酸化反応には理由がある。さて、あなたは、私たちの有名なLittle Red Hensのテレサを通じて、メル・ソーンバーグの研究を勉強しなければならない。
and Lida Mattman
to understand that modern medicine CREATES its problems that it then pretends to solve by creating a new problem.
ANTIBIOTICS NEVER CURED ANYTHING. They make pathogens into Cell Wall Deficient Organisms that cannot be seen by the immune system. So although they are playing Havoc (and let slip the Dogs of War!) within your tissues and inside the cells (intracellular parasitism) the immune system just knows something is wrong but not what and where. So what does the one trick pony do? It sprays Super Oxide on everything. Collateral Damage. INFLAMMATION.
抗生物質は決して何かを治したことはない。抗生物質は病原体を細胞壁欠損生物に変え、免疫システムがそれらを認識できなくする。そのため、抗生物質は組織内や細胞内(細胞内寄生)で大混乱を引き起こし、戦争の犬を解き放つが、免疫システムは何かがおかしいと気づくものの、それが何なのか、どこで起こっているのかはわからない。では、一芸に秀でた者はどうするのか? スーパーオキシドをあらゆるものに吹きかけるのだ。 巻き添え被害。 炎症。
ITV's The Prisoner: "What do you want?"
#2: "Inflammation."
Prisoner: "You won't get it!"
#2: "By hook or by crook or antibiotics thus making stealth organisms.... WE WILL!"
Cue theme music.
So all of the gurus (not just Joe - they're ALL guilty) tell you the Truth without the other two crucial bits:
You need antioxidants (to a degree)
because you are literally festering inside with stealth organisms that NO ONE KNOWS HOW TO STOP that are eating you up from the inside out so that your body is attacking itself in an effort to eradicate the invader that seems to be everywhere so that the plan is to get rid of the invader not dampen the 'normal' body response to an existential threat...

[Cover by Fran Zetta. Show our girl some love: https://politicalartfranzetta.com/]
THAT'S what they SHOULD be telling you but there is too much money to be made from your sorry asses.
My ass is sorry too because I have been telling The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing Butt The Truth for decades but no one listens or seems to care. I certainly won't be invited into any of the circles of idiots (Circle of Jerks?) because as anyone can see I'm too rude as a Farm Boy from the Grain Ghetto to teach pillow-sitting yoga yuppies things they want to 'learn'.
Lesson's over. Get off the pillows, Bitch. That means you Ladies too...
The same Rebecca Carley who taught me so much about how this extortion racket worked was still upset by me calling myself a Dumb Farm Boy from the Grain Ghetto. But I tried to explain to her that it was an insult by contrast: If a dumb farm boy who never graduated college (went twice for godssakes) can figure out the entire mysteries of the universe and has enough balls to tell the truth (I've got all sorts of balls, some of which need some air, but I'm always misplacing that inflation needle) then what does that say of professionals that are rolling in the dough, telling half-truths, milking their pillow-sitters, and either don't know what I share freely (meaning that they are dumber than shit - and believe me - you - being a farm boy I'm an expert in Shit) or they are PURPOSELY COVERING UP THE TRUTH!
この恐喝のカラクリについて私に多くのことを教えてくれたレベッカ・カーリーは、私が自分を「穀物ゲットー出身のバカな農場少年」と呼んだことにまだ腹を立てていた。しかし、私は彼女に、それは逆に侮辱であると説明しようとした。もし、大学を卒業していない(2回しか行っていない)愚かな農場少年が、宇宙の謎をすべて解明し、真実を語るだけの度胸がある(私はあらゆる種類の度胸を持っているが、そのうちのいくつかは空気を必要としている。しかし、私はいつもインフレの針を置き忘れてしまう)としたら、 真実を語らず、真実を語っているふりをして、枕営業で利益を得ているプロフェッショナルが、私が率直に語っていることを知らない(つまり、彼らはクソよりも愚かだ。そして、私を信じてほしい。君は農家の少年で、私はクソの専門家だ)か、あるいは、意図的に真実を隠している!


When I transcribed the works of Edgar March Crookshank, he had written the most elegant disseration on vaccines being a total fraud in genteel language. But from 1889 til now such scholarly work and language hasn't done a damned thing (there I go again) to change anything so I decided that a Farm Boy is going to talk like a Farm Boy and if no one likes it, then, well, your Genus has already been selected for extinction.
In the words of a character from the first Terminator, "Come with me - if you want to live."
