イギリス・パンケーキレースの旅(12)〜オルニーの小学校 The Pancake Trip 12 - Olney Middle School
*English follows. これは2023年2月18日から25日まで、パンケキーレースの視察で、イギリスのオルニーという町を訪れたときのレポートです。
校舎は全て平屋で、いくつかの建物やホールが回廊のように繋がっていました。外には敷地の端が見えないくらい広大な芝のグランドが広がり、休み時間に遊びに行ったら戻ってこられないんじゃないかと心配になるほどでした。私が訪問した時間はほとんどのクラスが算数の授業で、特に6年は 5月に行われるSATs(Standard Assessment Test:全国統一の学力テスト)のための勉強をしていました。どのクラスも落ち着いて集中しているのが印象的でした。でも途中、とある教室から一人の男の子がフン!とむくれたような表情で飛び出してきて、その後を追いかけるように先生がドアを開けるというシーンに出くわし、どこの国でも子どもは一緒ね〜と妙に安心したのでした。
This is a journal on a visit to the town of Olney in UK from the 18th-25th of February 2023 to do research on the Pancake Race.
Whenever I ask for directions in the UK, I am reminded that the time they say it will take is much less than it actually is. Maybe it is because they have long legs and their stride is wider, or maybe it is because they are not pressed for time like we Japanese are, but at any rate, you have to be prepared to take more time than you are told.
When we went to Olney Middle School on the first day, everyone we asked said, "It's about 10 minutes from here," "Oh, it's right there," or "Look, there it is," and we kept asking because we kept going and going but we never got there. It actually took me 20 minutes to get there, so I was not panicked on the day of the appointment.
Olney Middle School enrolls children from 7 to 11 years old. In England, compulsory education begins at age 5, so in terms of grades, this means from 3rd to 7th grade. The number of children is about 400. On that day, the principal himself came out to the entrance and welcomed me with a smile. Security is still strict. Photography is not allowed. They made sure my camera was turned off.
The school buildings were all one-story, with several buildings and halls connected to each other like a corridor. Outside, a vast grass field stretched so wide that you could not see the edge of the grounds. I feared that if children went to play there during recess, they might not be able to come back. During my visit, most of the classes were in math class, especially the 6th graders studying for the SATs (Standard Assessment Tests: national standardized achievement tests) to be held in May. I was impressed by how calm and focused all the classes were. I would like to introduce the school's unique master's degree program in the next article.