イギリス・パンケーキレースの旅 (9) 〜アメリカ人ボブの夢 The Pancake Race 9 -An American, Bob's Dream
*English follows. これは2023年2月18日から25日まで、パンケキーレースの視察で、イギリスのオルニーという町を訪れたときのレポートです。
This is a journal on a visit to the town of Olney in UK from the 18th-25th of February 2023 to do research on the Pancake Race.
After the Pancake Race, there was a party with the runners and local people in the church hall at 7 pm. There I met Bob, an American.
The main purpose of that party was to find out the results from Kansas, USA. The Pancake Race is actually an international competition. Every year they compete with a town called Liberal, Kansas, USA for the time. Since there is a six-hour time difference between the two countries, they connect online (it was an international phone calls in the old days!) at 7:00 am after the race in Kansas is over and things have settled down to check each other's winners' times. Tim, whom I met on the first day, is an ambassador from the Liberal Pancake Race.
They started competing with Liberal, Kansas in 1950 when a member of the Liberal Jaycees (like Lions Club) read about the pancake race in TIME magazine and challenged Olney to a race.
It sounds like something you've heard somewhere. Yes, we at CEC also learned about the pancake race from a reading book and started our own pancake race.
Now, Bob, who greeted me in Japanese with a "konnichiwa" (hello), told me he taught English at a school in Gunma Prefecture 30 years ago in Japan. (What a coincidence the Japanese woman who ran the race had also been from Gunma!) He then quickly showed me a clipping from the Daily Yomiuri (English-language newspaper) from that time, which described the Pancake Race in Olney, and Bob's last name was Olney!
He has kept this newspaper article with him for a long time, hoping to come to Olney to watch the Pancake Race someday when he has time.
"TIME Magazine" in Kansas
Bob's "Daily Yomiuri"
CEC's "Oxford Reading Tree"
I wonder if once people get to know the Pancake Race, they all can't stop thinking about this fun event.
This year's winner was from Olney. David, the serious-looking steering committee chairman, was delighted with a childlike, innocent smile.
Next, I will write about the stalled plan I talked a little about last time.
It's a shame I forgot to take Bob's picture.