イギリス・パンケーキレースの旅 (16)〜来年のレースはもう始まっている The Pancake Race Trip 16 - The Next Year's Race Has Already Begun?!
*English follows. これは2023年2月18日から25日まで、パンケキーレースの視察で、イギリスのオルニーという町を訪れたときのレポートです。
This is a journal on a visit to the town of Olney in UK from the 18th-25th of February 2023 to do research on the Pancake Race.
Amelie's illustration was chosen for the cover of this year's Pancake Race booklet, and next year's cover has already been chosen.
The cover will be chosen each year from the OMS 5th grade artwork, and the nominated artwork will be on display at the local library for residents to vote on. The voting period is for two weeks, until the day after the previous year's Pancake Race.
When I stopped by the library on my way home from OMS without background knowledge about the voting schedule, the exhibit for voting was on, so I cast my vote.
Please see the photo of the work that was selected as the first place winner. The work I voted for came in third place. I liked it because I could visualize the scene clearly through the picture. Above all, it was creative in its viewpoint of trying to depict people from behind.