
Abnormal Responses at Satomura Orthopedic Clinic & Ito Orthopedic Clinic

1. Introduction

Since a peculiar experience at a hotel and a nearby convenience store in Tokyo on March 5, 2018, a series of unusual events have continued.

Although I will omit the details, I severely injured the area around my right pinky finger on March 31 of the same year.
As the pain did not subside, I visited Satomura Orthopedic Clinic on April 2.

This was a clinic I had visited several times before, but I was treated in an unbelievably abnormal manner.

I later visited Ito Orthopedic Clinic, but they practically refused to examine me.

Both clinics are located in Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, and Ito Orthopedic Clinic has since closed and no longer exists.

In this post, I will explain these incidents.

2. Satomura Orthopedic Clinic

2-1. Injury to the Area Around My Right Pinky Finger

1. During the medical interview, several female nurses stomped loudly on the floor. It was a ridiculous sight, and even the doctor smirked.

2. After the X-ray was taken, a nurse approached me in the hallway while I was waiting and said, "I'll take your shoes."
I handed them over but soon told her, "There's no need for that," and took them back.

3. The doctor showed me an X-ray of a fracture severe enough to require surgery and said, "It's a fracture," and "We'll put a bandage on it."

4. When another nurse was about to wrap the bandage, she said, "I'll take your watch," and removed the watch I was wearing on my right wrist, which was not injured.

5. I yelled at the doctor, "It's not a fracture!" and stormed out of the examination room.
Another nurse chased after me, saying, "It’s a fracture," and "You need a bandage," and forcefully tried to apply the bandage.
I shouted again, "It's not a fracture!" and refused.

I left the clinic after paying the bill, though I felt no need to pay.
The reception staff processed the payment without showing any concern.

2-2. Previous Experiences at This Clinic

Frozen Shoulder

After moving to Miyamae Ward in 2003, one of my arms became immobile. I visited Satomura Orthopedic Clinic, where the doctor explained,
"It’s what’s called frozen shoulder. Move it gradually without causing pain, and it will heal in about two weeks."

Indeed, about two weeks later, I could move my arm again, and when I reported this, the doctor simply said, "I told you so."

I can't recall how long I had left the condition untreated, but in cases of mild injuries, it can sometimes heal on its own within several months or years.

It’s unclear at this point if this condition was related to human experimentation.

Swan Neck

My left pinky finger has a severe deformity, likely due to repeated sprains from playing volleyball.

As the deformity worsened, I sought treatment at Satomura Orthopedic Clinic.
However, the doctor just kept saying, "It’s difficult," without offering any proper diagnosis.

A few months later, at another hospital, I was diagnosed with "swan neck" and told, "It can’t be completely cured, but you can find a doctor who might be able to improve it a little."

This other hospital also had unnatural responses and incidents, which I will post about separately.

3. De Facto Examination Refusal at Ito Orthopedic Clinic

As the pain did not subside, I visited Ito Orthopedic Clinic for the first time.

From the moment I entered until the moment I left, a sonar-like sound, "ping," echoed at regular intervals from a large door.

I registered at the reception and waited for a long time but was not called.

After filling out a medical questionnaire and submitting it, I was made to wait for a long time again, and people who arrived later were called before me.

When I asked if the clinic was appointment-based, they responded, "It's not appointment-based, but it’s busy."

Even after that, later-arriving patients were seen first, so I left the clinic quietly.

No one tried to stop me from leaving.

4. Afterward

4-1. April 26, 2022, Registered Mail

On April 26, 2022, I sent a letter by registered mail to the Kawasaki Medical Association regarding the above incidents, as well as other incidents at three additional medical institutions.
There was no response.

4-2. February 19, 2023, Certified/Registered Mail

On February 19, 2023, I sent a letter by certified and registered mail to the Kawasaki Medical Association. On February 24, 2023, I received a reply stating, "We cannot provide a response as we do not have the authority to instruct individual medical institutions."

On the same day, I sent a message expressing my disappointment that this information had not been conveyed when I inquired by registered mail on April 26, 2022, and stated that no reply was necessary. I believe I was greatly disheartened.

However, after reconsidering, I sent another inquiry on February 25, 2023, with the following questions:

・Is the president of the Kawasaki Medical Association aware of this issue?

・Has the president or other members seen my tweets?

・Why was there no response to the registered mail sent on April 26, 2022?

・After receiving the registered mail on April 26, 2022, and this certified mail, was my complaint conveyed to the relevant hospitals under the Kawasaki Medical Association? (Given that members of the association were being criticized, this should have been done.)

There was no response to this inquiry either.

I followed up again on March 7, 2023, but received no reply.

4-3. February 21, 2024, Certified/Registered Mail

On February 21, 2024, I sent certified and registered letters to the Kawasaki Medical Association and the related hospitals, including "Satomura Orthopedic Clinic" & "Ito Orthopedic Clinic."

The contents of which are as follows.

No response was received from any of them.
It was later confirmed that Ito Orthopedic Clinic had closed before July 1, 2021.

4. Considerations

The fracture of my right pinky finger eventually healed naturally, but it is highly unlikely that a fracture requiring surgery would heal on its own.

It is clear that there was an abnormal diagnosis and response.

The reason why the nurse tried to take my shoes and remove the watch I was wearing on my left arm, opposite to my injured right pinky, may have been related to a suspicion I had just before leaving for Satomura Orthopedic Clinic.

I had wondered whether a transmitter might have been attached to my shoes or watch, or could be attached in the near future.

In other words, it’s possible that my thoughts were being read.

Although it may be hard to believe, I once experienced something similar during the 2016 House of Councillors election. Right after I finished filling in the names of the candidate and party on the ballot, a child standing far away accurately called out both.

Additionally, the reason the doctor showed me an X-ray of a fracture may have been because I had visited the clinic out of concern that my injury could be a fracture.

Furthermore, the nurse’s attempt to apply a bandage might have been an attempt to interfere with the translation work I was struggling to continue at the time, despite being subjected to torture, and to increase my stress.

Ultimately, the goal may have been to force me into a job that involved more interaction with people outdoors, where the human experimentation organization could intervene in my work and the people I interacted with, continuing the experiments without the need to subject me to further torture.

Satomura Orthopedic Clinic had been providing unnatural diagnoses for conditions like frozen shoulder and pinky finger deformity even before the psychological interference using sound and light that I experienced on March 5, 2018.

This suggests that they may have been connected to human experimentation organizations for a long time.

Moreover, I reported that I received unnatural responses at five different medical institutions in Kawasaki City to the Kawasaki Medical Association.

It is only natural to consider that such a series of events suggests the presence of some serious underlying cause, but the Kawasaki Medical Association treated them as individual cases, which feels unnatural.
