
Conspiracy Against Me by Public Health Office Staff & Real Estate Company Employee

1. Introduction

This article presents an example of the unimaginable human rights violations I have experienced and continue to protest against.

In May and August 2021, Mr. K from the Kashiwa City Public Health Center and some women, as well as Mr. R.M from the previous management company (*), visited me.

(*) Currently, another company manages the apartment. This change is presumably related to the fact that the contractor for the construction of the technical center became the new owner of the apartment and requested the room to be vacated through an agent.

It appears that their purpose was to make me believe that I was mentally ill. Despite the fact that the women who accompanied them in May and August were completely different individuals, both Mr. K and Mr. R.M insist that they were the same person.

I believe Mr. K and Ms. S2 were likely hired by an organization involved in these unimaginable human rights violations, and that Mr. R.M was complicit in their actions.

Here, I will recount the sequence of events and consider the reasons why they insist that different individuals are the same person.

2. Sequence of Events

2-1. May 21, 2021

Mr. K, Ms. S1, and Mr. R.M suddenly visited. This was likely triggered by an email I sent through the website of the previous management company on May 14 of the same year. After talking for a while in the room, I led Mr. R.M to the kitchen to show him the door frame that had been damaged as a result of torture.

Mr. R.M from the management company just looked at the damaged frame and said, "Oh," while scrutinizing it.

Mr. K blocked the kitchen entrance, preventing me from leaving, and talked to me at a very close distance. Although it was during the COVID-19 pandemic, I was not wearing a mask. Meanwhile, Ms. S1 seemed to be looking around my room.

After that, the four of us sat and talked again. As they were leaving, Ms. S1 weakly said, "Could you continue talking with Mr. K or Mr. R.M?"

Given that Mr. K is a mental health social worker, I felt that the intention behind this statement was to make me realize that I had mental problems and to make others think the same.

However, it is also possible that Ms. S1 was instructed to say this.

2-2. August 3, 2021

Mr. K, Ms. S2, Mr. R.M, and Mr. X suddenly visited. This time, we talked at the entrance.

When I asked about Ms. S2, they said, "It's Ms. S1 who came in May." Although I felt deceived, I continued the conversation. Ms. S2 kept quickly responding to my explanations of the situation with comments like, "There are people who have such a worldview," clearly trying to convince me that I was mentally unstable.

3. Subsequent Interactions

3-1. Mr. R.M from Daito Kentaku Partners

After they left, it was clear that Ms. S2 was a different person from Ms. S1, so I sent an email through the management company's website asserting that they were different individuals. Mr. R.M insisted they were the same person. A few days later, when Mr. R.M visited with the sales manager, I angrily insisted that they were different people, but Mr. R.M calmly maintained that they were the same.

It seems that Mr. R.M has since been transferred.

In February 2023 and again in February 2023, I sent certified mail inquiries to the headquarters of the company where Mr. R.M works, but there was no response.

3-2. Mr. K from Kashiwa City Public Health Center

I repeatedly reported to the public health center that the two women were different individuals, but Mr. K continued to reply calmly that Ms. S1 and Ms. S2 were the same person, and repeatedly asked me to contact them by phone. Later, I received a response saying that they could not take any further action.

Currently, I still occasionally make complaints through the official website of Kashiwa City. I have also sent several complaints via the "Letters to the Mayor" section of the same site. Additionally, in February 2024, I sent a certified/registered mail to the Public Relations Division of Kashiwa City Hall. When sent to this division, the mayor is required to read it.

As of July 29, 2024, there has been no response.

4. Ms. S1 and Ms. S2 Are Different People

The impression I had of Ms. S1, who accompanied them in May, was that of an ordinary middle-aged woman. A month after the visit in August, I saw a woman working as a cashier at a supermarket who looked similar to Ms. S1. The last name on the receipt was also the same.

Regarding Ms. S2, during our conversation, I began to suspect that she might be the same person who, on March 25, 2018, was escorted into an elevator by two men in suits at a prep school, when the large lecture room was occupied by people in suits.

I do not claim that Ms. S1 and the woman I saw at the supermarket are definitely the same person. Nor do I claim that Ms. S2 is definitely the same person as the woman I saw in the elevator at the prep school. What I want to emphasize is that they are clearly distinguishable to the extent that they are different people.

5. Why Do They Insist Different Women Are the Same?

The statement by Ms. S1, "Could you continue talking with Mr. K or Mr. R.M?" was likely the result of instructions from Mr. K.

They aimed to create the impression that I had mental issues and to make it appear that I was having direct or indirect dialogues with Mr. K, a mental health social worker, thus denying the existence of human rights violations against me to third parties.

However, this attempt failed, and by exploiting my mental weakness, a more assertive Ms. S2 was brought in, posing as the same person as Ms. S1, and tried the same tactic again, which also failed.

As a result, they had no choice but to insist that Ms. S1 and Ms. S2 were the same person.

Furthermore, this claim was likely intended to provoke significant anger and stress in me.

If Mr. K, a mental health social worker from Kashiwa City Public Health Center, and Mr. R.M, an employee of an affiliated company of a listed company, insist that Ms. S1 and Ms. S2 are the same person, third parties with limited information might believe them.

I continue to protest against these unimaginable human rights violations. Can you understand my anger and suffering?
