
Young Couple & Suspicious People in Police Uniforms

On March 5, 2018, when I was living in Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, I was subjected to psychological destruction operations using sound and light at a hotel in the Sotetsu chain and a nearby Lawson.

After that, I continued to suffer various forms of torture mainly at home, and whenever I went out, I was subjected to further psychological destruction operations and harassment by various people.

In September 2019, I moved to Kashiwa City in Chiba Prefecture. I was aware that moving might be futile, and indeed, it was as expected.

At night, out of anger at the continued torture to my buttocks, I would often hit the futon with my elbow with all my might.

This action produced a loud "boom" sound.

I was convinced that the only people entering and leaving my apartment building were members of the torture human experimentation organization and those they had hired.

Just like when I was living in Kawasaki, there were no normal living noises at all.

However, around 10 PM, there would sometimes be sounds of something rolling or being dropped from the floor above.

On November 10, 2011, just past 3 AM, out of anger at the torture, I was hitting the futon with my elbow as usual when a young couple burst in yelling.

The man said, "I'll call the police!" so I responded, "Go ahead!"
Both of them looked puzzled.

After a while, the woman went downstairs while looking at her phone.

Quite some time later, two people in police uniforms (A and B) arrived.

When the woman came back up from downstairs, Officer B hurriedly approached her. She looked surprised, as if to say, "Is it okay to do that?"

It was clear that Officer B and the woman knew each other. Officer B escorted her back downstairs.

Officer A persuaded the man to go downstairs as well. I let Officer A into the room first and showed him a document detailing the events that had occurred. However, he said things like, "This is incoherent," and "How about going to Hokuso Hospital (*)?"

(*)Hokusou Hospital: A hospital known for having an air ambulance (Doctor-Heli) and for being a filming location for TV drama series.

Official name: Nippon Medical School Chiba Hokusou Hospital

When there was a faint popping sound from the unplugged kettle, I pointed to it and said, "That sound just now," as an example of the sound attacks. He responded, "That happens often," which meant he also heard the sound.

Additionally, he mentioned the couple, saying, "They have been living here for 1-2 years and I see them often."
Later, Officer B came in without permission and said similar things about the couple.
However, I believe the period when they claimed the couple started living here differed by about a year.

Just before the two officers left the room, Officer B told me, "If you don't behave, you won't be able to live here." I couldn't believe such words were coming from a police officer.

I'm convinced that the two of them are members of an organization under the torture human experimentation group, not real police officers.

This was the first and last time I saw the couple. It had been two months since I moved into this apartment, and this was also the first and last time I heard the couple's voices from the room below.

I felt strongly that it would be futile to report this to the police, so I did not confirm the matter with the police station. However, in 2021, the following incident prompted me to inquire.

In the middle of the night on July 30, 2021, a woman who seemed to be around 20 years old and an elderly man who could barely speak suddenly visited my place. Both were wearing police uniforms.

They said the reason for their visit was that someone from the previous management company of my current apartment, Daito Trust Construction Partners, had contacted the police regarding a message from me during our interactions. However, I was doubtful whether this was true.

Regarding this matter, on August 1, 2021, I inquired through the Chiba Prefectural Police website about whether the young woman and elderly man who visited on July 30 of the same year were really police officers.

Additionally, on August 4, I resent the above inquiry and also inquired about the two men who visited on November 20, 2019.

On August 5, I received a call from the Kashiwa Police Station saying, "The two are real police officers and are registered."

If they are registered police officers and were dispatched in the middle of the night, their hiring standards are questionable.

During this call and another call later, I also inquired about the two men dispatched on November 20, 2019. The response was, "It’s an old matter, so there might not be records, but I think they were real police officers."

It is hard to believe that there are no records of an event that occurred less than two years ago, and it seems unnatural to handle the information about fake police officers over the phone with a statement like "I think they were real police officers."

The person on the phone kept repeating, "If something happens, please call 110 instead of sending an email."

Regarding the issue where the phone number displayed as Kashiwa Police Station, but the contact address showed as Toganeyago Police Box in Togane City, this time it might have shown as Kashiwa Police Station.

In any case, it is impossible for me to have changed it. I didn't even know about the existence of a place called Togane City, let alone the name of the police box.
