
Abnormal Response, etc. at Sagara Clinic

1. Introduction

On March 5, 2018, at a hotel of the Sotetsu group where I was staying and at a nearby Lawson, I was subjected to a series of mental attacks involving the skillful combination of sound and light.
After that, at some point, I began to feel a pressure in my chest. I suspected that this sensation was artificially induced.
This symptom seems to correspond to the "pressure" mentioned in the symptom list in the appendix of the so-called JASON Report (2022).
Still, as a precaution, I decided to visit the newly opened "Sagara Clinic" in my neighborhood (Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture) at that time for a medical examination.
This article details the delays, inappropriate measurements, and diagnoses I experienced during that visit.

Here is the link to the JASON Report PDF↓.

2. Abnormal Response at Sagara Clinic, etc.

2-1. Delay 1

Morning of Friday, April 20, 2018

I remember that the waiting room was not very crowded, but I had to wait a long time.

Since there was no sign of me being called, I left the clinic without saying anything.

Later that evening, I received a call from Sagara Clinic and was asked to return on Monday, April 23.

2-2. Inappropriate Measurement (April 23)

During the examination on April 23, I recall that there was no consultation with the doctor. The chest X-ray went normally, but I felt some discomfort during the ECG.
While waiting on the bed before the test preparations began, I noticed an older-looking man arrive at the clinic and converse with a nurse before entering another room.
I thought something might be starting, and after a while, I heard a strange electronic noise, presumably coming from that room, for a few seconds.
Later, when the nurse attached the electrode pads to my body, she touched some unnatural areas, and the attachment method was inappropriate.

The ECG measurement, which usually takes about five minutes, seemed to last only about one minute, from what I remember.

2-3. Delay and Careless Diagnosis

After the measurements, I had to wait a very long time to hear the diagnosis.

The doctor was in a long conversation with a male patient who had been seen earlier. After the patient left, I could hear the loud sound of the doctor typing on the keyboard for quite a while.

In the end, the X-ray and ECG results were not even prepared, and I was simply told that there were "no abnormalities."

3. Afterward

This section is identical to Chapter 4 of the "Abnormal Response at Satoi-Ito Orthopedic Clinic & Ito Orthopedic Clinic" with the clinic names excluded.

3-1. April 26, 2022 – Registered Mail

On April 26, 2022, I sent a letter via registered mail to the Kawasaki Medical Association regarding these incidents and three other medical institutions, but I received no response.

3-2. February 19, 2023 – Certified/Proof of Delivery Mail

On February 19, 2023, I sent certified mail/proof of delivery to the Kawasaki Medical Association, and on February 24, 2023, I received a reply stating that they could not provide guidance to the respective medical institutions and thus could not answer my inquiry.
On the same day, I sent a message expressing my disappointment that I had not received such a response when I first inquired via registered mail on April 26, 2022, and I stated that no reply was necessary. I believe I was quite disheartened at the time.
However, upon reconsideration, I made another inquiry on February 25, 2023, asking the following points:

  • Is the president of the Kawasaki Medical Association aware of this matter?

  • Has the president or anyone else seen my tweets?

  • Why was there no reply to my registered mail inquiry on April 26, 2022?

  • After receiving both the registered mail from April 26, 2022, and the current certified mail, was my complaint communicated to the hospitals belonging to the Kawasaki Medical Association? (Since members of the Medical Association were being criticized, shouldn’t this have been done?)

I received no response to this inquiry either.
On March 7, 2023, I sent another reminder for a reply, but still received no response.

3-3. February 21, 2024 – Certified/Proof of Delivery Mail

On February 21, 2024, I sent certified mail/proof of delivery to the Kawasaki Medical Association and the relevant hospitals, including "Sagara Clinic."
The contents were as follows.

There has been no response from any party.

4. Conclusion

My experience at Sagara Clinic on April 20, 2018, is similar to the de facto refusal of diagnosis I encountered at Ito Orthopedic Clinic on April 9, 2018 (which has since closed).

I suspect that these hospitals may have been requested to act on behalf of an organization involved in human experimentation.

Despite reporting chest pressure and undergoing an X-ray and ECG, the results were not even prepared, which deviates from standard medical practices.

Although the chest pressure has since disappeared, I still occasionally experience similar sensations.

I have reported these abnormal responses at five medical institutions in Kawasaki City to the Kawasaki Medical Association.

Any reasonable person would suspect the existence of some significant underlying factor in such consistent responses from multiple medical institutions.

However, the Kawasaki Medical Association has treated each case as an isolated issue, which seems unnatural to me.
