My research is available on @ResearchGate:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/345150701_utm_source=twitter&rgutm_meta1=eHNsLUw5K2VndEQydWlmQ3BNZml0K1JBOENpMDNVNkJjYWZST0JnZmwvVmQyTEhvQkxpQTVtNC9kUUhvd1kzWENPY2wzVmVtMEV6aEhkak9mZWlpcUl
- 再生
IFLA APR Talk & Share 4: Potential of design science in the new century as climate change and large-scale disasters become the norm
The possibilities of theories that integrate science and landscape design, as well as specific examples of regional planning and research will be shared. In the 40-minute talk, Mr. Uehara will explore the following themes, The Tohoku Great Earthquake and global catastrophes; Research "Design science and natural disasters"; Planning "Ecological planning and compound disasters"; Sharing the experience in Japan with the world, hoping to bring Japan's experience under the spotlight for vibrant discussion.
IFLA APR Talk & Share 4: Potential of design science in the new century as climate change and large-scale disasters become the normNovember 30, 2022 19:00 (GMT+08) - November 30, 2022 20:20 (GMT+08)Presented by Dr Misato Uehara and Monica Kuo
To make better use of the facts of a disaster, it should be told in the stories that people felt from it.
https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/14/11/6635 Disasters are unpredictable as to when and where they will occur. Therefore, it is important to inform and share information about disasters that have occurred in other regions and what we can lear
My research is available on @ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/362991501_Could_the_magnitude_of_the_311_disaster_have_been_reduced_by_ecological_planning_A_retrospective_multi-hazard_risk_assessment_through_map_overlay?
東日本大震災の複合災害リスク評価に関する研究成果がLandscape and Urban Planning (Impact Factor:8.119,CiteScore:12.7)に採択されました。
この度、東日本大震災の複合災害リスク評価に関する研究論文がURBAN STUDIES,ECOLOGY, GEOGRAFYなど6つのJCT CategoryでQ1ランクのLandscape and Urban Planning (Impact Factor:8.119,CiteScore:12.7)に採択されました。10年以上継続してきた東日本大震災の災害に関する研究成果であり、現地に何度も通いながら、検証と分析の追加を重ねてきた論文なので、とても嬉しいです。お世話になった全て
The results of my research on the Great East Japan Earthquake disaster, which has been ongoing for more than 10 years, have been accepted by Landscape and Urban Planning.
I am very happy because this is a paper that I have been verifying and adding analysis to while going to the site many times. I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me.
Narrative-Based Disaster Learning Programmes Simultaneously Improve People’s Disaster Awareness Scores, Willingness to Pay and Settlement Preferences
https://www.mdpi.com/1653564 I am very happy that at the continued increase in access to our papers. This paper measured the impact of different disaster prevention proxy experience programs.We are now continuing to measure its effects ove