

Ciao! イタリア国立医学部生のNobuです。








  • Reading Skills and Knowledge Acquired in Studies (4問)

  • Logical Reasoning and Problem Solving (5問)

  • Biology (23問)

  • Chemistry (15問)

  • Physics and Mathematics (13問)


・正答を選んだ場合:+ 1.5点
・誤答を選んだ場合:- 0.4点






・Reading Skills and Knowledge Acquired in Studies (4問)
・Logical Reasoning and Problem Solving (5問)
・Biology (23問)
・Chemistry (15問)
・Physics and Mathematics (13問)



1. Reading Skills and Knowledge Acquired in Studies (4問)

2023年度より、”General Knowledge” から、”Reading Skills and Knowledge Acquired in Studies” に変更されました。

変更点は、”General Knowledge”以外にも、”Reading Skills”という英文の読解問題が追加され、問題数が減少したことです。


1-1. Reading Skills のシラバス

“Reading Skills”では、次の能力が問われています。

  • Understand abstract, uncommon or specialized vocabulary in real contexts

  • Identify the phenomena of textual cohesion and coherence

  • Extracting and inferring informative specificities from the text




1-2. General Knowledge のシラバス

“General Knowledge”では、次の能力・知識が問われています。

  • the ability to orient oneself in the space and time represented, i.e., to place relevant historical and cultural phenomena in space and time;

  • knowledge of major national and international institutions;

  • understanding of phenomena pertaining to the fields of law, economics and citizenship.




2. Logical Reasoning and Problem Solving (5問)

“Logical Reasoning”と”Problem Solving”のどちらも少しクセのある問題のため、反復練習が必要な分野でしょう。具体的には、次のような能力が求められます。

  • 与えられた文章に基づいて、論理的な議論をおこなえるか

  • 記号的・言語的な形式で記述され、抽象的な性質のものであっても、論理的思考をおこなえるか


“Logical Reasoning”では英文読解、”Problem Solving”では頭を柔軟に使う問題がメインです。

あまり知られていませんが、”Logical Reasoning”も “Problem Solving”も高得点を取るための必勝パターンがあります。これらの科目が苦手な方は、得点源にできるチャンスです。詳しくは、別記事で解説しています。

3. Biology (23問)


  • The chemistry of living things.

  • The biological importance of weak interactions.

  • Organic molecules found in organisms and their respective functions. The role of enzymes.

  • The cell as the basis of life. Cell theory. Cellular dimensions. The prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell, animal and plant. Viruses.

  • The cell membrane: structure and functions; transport across the membrane. Cellular structures and their specific functions.

  • Cell cycle and cell reproduction: mitosis and meiosis-chromosome kit and chromosome maps.

  • Reproduction and heredity. Life cycles. Sexual and asexual reproduction.

  • Mendelian genetics: Mendel's laws and their applications.

  1. Classical genetics: chromosomal theory of inheritance - models of inheritance.

  2. Molecular genetics: structure and duplication of DNA, the genetic code, protein synthesis. DNA of prokaryotes. The structure of the eukaryotic chromosome. Genes and the regulation of gene expression.

  3. Human genetics: mono- and polyfactorial character transmission; autosomal and X-chromosome-related inherited diseases.

  • Mutations. Natural and artificial selection. Evolutionary theories. Genetic basis of evolution. Heredity and environment.

  • Biotechnology: recombinant DNA technology and its applications.

  • Anatomy and Physiology of animals and humans. Animal tissues. Anatomy and physiology of systems and apparatuses in humans.

  • Bioenergetics. The energy currency of cells: ATP. Oxidation-reduction reactions in living things. Energy processes: photosynthesis, glycolysis, aerobic respiration and fermentation.



4. Chemistry (15問)


  • The constitution of matter: states of aggregation of matter; heterogeneous systems and homogeneous systems; compounds and elements.

  • Laws of perfect gases.

  • The structure of the atom: elementary particles; atomic number and mass number, isotopes, electronic structure of atoms of the various elements.

  • The periodic system of the elements: groups and periods; transition elements. Periodic properties of the elements: atomic radius, ionization potential, electronic affinity, metallic character. Relationships between electronic structure, position in the periodic system and properties of the elements.

  • The chemical bond: ionic bond, covalent bond and metallic bond. Bond energy. Polarity of bonds. Electronegativity. Intermolecular bonds.

  • Fundamentals of inorganic chemistry: nomenclature and main properties of inorganic compounds: oxides, hydroxides, acids, salts.

  • Chemical reactions and stoichiometry: atomic and molecular mass, Avogadro's number, mole concept and its application, elementary stoichiometric calculations, balancing of simple reactions, the different types of chemical reactions.

  • Solutions: solvent properties of water, solubility, the main ways of expressing the concentration of solutions.

  • Equilibria in aqueous solutions.

  • Elements of chemical kinetics and catalysis.

  • Oxidation and reduction: oxidation number, concept of oxidant and reductant. Balancing of simple reactions.

  • Acids and bases: the concept of acid and base. Acidity, neutrality and basicity of aqueous solutions. pH. Hydrolysis. Buffer solutions.

  • Fundamentals of organic chemistry: bonds between carbon atoms, crude and structure formulas, concept of isomeria. Aliphatic, alicyclic and aromatic hydrocarbons. Functional groups: alcohols, ethers, amines, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, amides. Elements of nomenclature.



5. Physics and Mathematics (13問)

Physics(物理)と Mathematics(数学)の2科目で合わせて13問出題されます。

  • Physics(物理)

  • Mathematics(数学)


5-1. Physics のシラバス


  • Physical quantities and their measurement: Fundamental and derived physical quantities. Systems of units of measurement: International and Technical. Multiples and submultiples. Scientific notation. Main conversions between units of measurement of different systems. Scalar quantities and vector quantities. Vectors and operations on vectors.

  • Kinematics: Description of motion. Velocity and angular velocity, acceleration and centripetal acceleration. Uniform rectilinear motion, uniformly accelerated motion, uniform circular motion, harmonic motion.

  • Dynamics: Concept of force as interaction between bodies. Forces as applied vectors. The principle of inertia. Mass and the 2nd principle of dynamics. Examples of forces: weight force, elastic force, static and dynamic friction. Action and reaction: the 3rd principle of dynamics. Impulse and momentum. Principle of conservation of momentum. Momentum of a force and angular momentum. Work and kinetic energy. Conservative forces and potential energy. Principle of conservation of mechanical energy. Power.

  • Fluid mechanics: Density and compressibility of fluids. Gases and liquids. Hydrostatics: pressure and principles of Pascal, Stevin and Archimedes. Liquid dynamics: one-dimensional motion, flow and flow rate, continuity equation. Ideal fluids and Bernoulli's equation. Viscous forces in real fluids.

  • Thermodynamics: Equilibrium, concept of temperature, thermometers. Concept of heat and calorimetry. Modes of heat propagation. Heat capacity and specific heat. Changes of state and latent heats. Laws of perfect gases. First and second principles of thermodynamics.

  • Electricity and electromagnetism: Electric charges. Forces between charges and Coulomb's law. Electric field and potential, equipotential surfaces. Dielectric constant, capacitance, capacitors. Electrostatic energy. Series and parallel of capacitors. Generators. Electric voltage. Electric current. Resistivity, resistance, resistors. Ohm's law. Series and parallel of resistors. Kirchhoff's principles. Work, Power, Joule effect. Direct and alternating current. Period and frequency. Magnetic field of an electric current. Forces on electric currents in a magnetic field. Electromagnetic induction.



5-2. Mathematics のシラバス


  • Number sets and algebra: natural, integer, rational, real numbers. Sorting and comparison; order of magnitude and scientific notation. Operations and their properties. Proportions and percentages. Powers with integer, rational exponent) and their properties. Radicals and their properties. Logarithms (in base 10 and base e) and their properties. Hints of combinatorial calculus. Algebraic expressions, polynomials. Notable products, n-th power of a binomial, factor decomposition of polynomials. Algebraic fractions. Algebraic equations and inequalities of first and second degree. Systems of equations.

  • Functions: fundamentals of functions and their graphical representations (domain, codomain, study of the sign, continuity, maxima and minima, increasing and decreasing, etc.). Elementary functions: whole and integer algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, goniometric. Compound functions and inverse functions. Goniometric equations and inequalities.

  • Geometry: polygons and their properties. Circumference and circle. Measurements of lengths, surfaces and volumes. Isometries, similarities and equivalences in the plane. Geometric places. Measurement of angles in degrees and radians. Sine, cosine, tangent of an angle and their remarkable values. Goniometric formulas. Resolution of triangles. Cartesian reference system in the plane. Distance of two points and midpoint of a segment. Equation of the line. Conditions of parallelism and perpendicularity. Distance of a point from a line. Equation of the circumference, parabola, hyperbola, ellipse and their representation in the Cartesian plane. Pythagorean theorem. Euclid's theorems (first and second).

  • Probability and statistics: frequency distributions according to character type and main graphical representations. Notion of random experiment and event. Probability and frequency.










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