Kouya Hijiri: CHAPTER 16
Well, she was a more much well rounded woman without her kimono.
"Since taking care of that horse I smell like 'horse breath'. So I'll wipe off my body too." She said cheerfully, as though confiding a naughty secret to a younger brother. She raised her elbow, holding up a gorgeous pile of rich black hair, and washed her underarm with her other hand. She rinsed out the towel and wrung it out. I looked to see if even her sweat might be pink in color.
While she combed out her hair with her fingers, she said to me "What will I do with this naughty body, with no clothes on, if should fall into the stream right now? When my naked body floats to the village what would people think of me?"
"People will think it is raining peach blossoms in the mountains" I said, and our eyes met.
Kouya Hijiri:英訳「高野聖」
Translation of Izumi Kyoka's gothic tale "Kouya Hijiri." Kouya Hijiri…