
分析 | イスラエルは米国を紛争に引きずり込むようなエスカレーションを意図的に誘発しているのか?/Haaretzを読む

Analysis | Is Israel Deliberately Provoking an Escalation That Might Drag the U.S. Into the Conflict?
分析 | イスラエルは米国を紛争に引きずり込むようなエスカレーションを意図的に誘発しているのか?

This week's targeted killings in Beirut and Tehran raise three fundamental questions, including the biggest one: Who has a vested interest in an expanded regional war?

The assassination of terrorists, for lack of a better word, is good. It is the epitome of raw justice served. It is morally and ethically justifiable. But human sentiment, vendettas and natural rage aside, assassinations are not a strategy or a policy. They also rarely, if ever, change the fundamentals, parameters and dynamics of a conflict.

In terms of an ongoing conflict, assassinations are by definition tactical with very few examples in history of having strategic consequences, such as the political assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in 1914 that ignited World War I.

Before engaging in qualms, questions, reservations or skepticism on the real efficacy and cost-effectiveness of recent targeted killings carried out by Israel, an unequivocal and unambiguous caveat is required: This week's assassinations of senior Hezbollah commander Fuad Shukr in Beirut and Hamas' political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran were warranted and justified. In fact, the two – together with Mohammed Deif, the Hamas military commander whose killing in Gaza last month was confirmed by Israel on Thursday – deserved to be eliminated more than once if that were possible.

But that is not the question. The question is: was it smart?

Revenge and justice are two very strong motivations and driving forces in human behavior. They are equally potent elements in how countries pursue foreign policy, particularly against terrorism. That many Israelis were rejoicing was natural, human, understandable and justifiable. But that too is not the issue.

If you want a broad history of Israel's assassination policy in both theory and practice, read Ronen Bergman's excellent 2018 book "Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel's Targeted Assassinations." Here, we should discuss not the value of the assassinations, the meticulous intelligence, the precision of the execution and the impressive pyrotechnics, nor the dispensability and replaceability of the targets, but the issue of escalation.
イスラエルの暗殺政策の理論と実践の両面における幅広い歴史を知りたいなら、ロネン・バーグマンの2018年の優れた著書『Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel's Targeted Assassinations』を読んでほしい。ここで議論すべきは、暗殺の価値、綿密な諜報活動、実行の正確さ、印象的な花火、標的の不要性や代替可能性ではなく、エスカレーションの問題についてだ。

Killing Deif in Gaza during a war is one thing. Killing Shukr – who was wanted also by the United States for his involvement in the killing of hundreds of American soldiers – falls into that category too, given Hezbollah's incessant harassment and firing of rockets and drones into Israel.

But the assassination of Haniyeh in Tehran after the inauguration of the new Iranian president, widely attributed to Israel, is an entirely different story. This is not about justice, retribution or settling accounts. This is about flirting with major escalation.

This leads to two possible explanations: That Israel did not perform a serious risk-assessment analysis and was motivated instead by instant gratification, with disregard to the ramifications. Or, conversely, that Israel is deliberately provoking escalation in the hope that a conflagration with Iran will drag the United States into the conflict, further distancing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from the debacle of October 7 – a calamity that to this day he has not been held accountable for.

The intensity and speed of unfolding events in the Middle East over the past 10 months is such that while I'm writing on the likelihood and potential of escalation, by the time you read this we may be fully immersed in such a spiraling and sprawling escalatory whirlpool.
過去 10 か月間に中東で発生した出来事の激しさとスピードは、私がエスカレーションの可能性と潜在性について書いている間にも、皆さんがこれを読む頃には、私たちはそのような渦に巻き込まれ、拡大している状況悪化の渦に完全に巻き込まれているかもしれないほどだ。

This week's assassinations raise three fundamental questions.

First, why didn't Israel employ this months ago instead of launching a full-scale invasion of Gaza and dumping 2,000-pound (907-kilogram) bombs and decimating neighborhoods, before a hostage deal was negotiated. If Israel can perform a precise, impeccable, intelligence-driven operation 2,000 kilometers (1,240 miles) away, why bomb Gaza for 10 full months?

Second, what did it achieve in terms of changing the equation and dynamics, given that Israel has no plan or political framework for Gaza whatsoever?

Third, was escalation considered an inevitability, and is Israel prepared for it or could benefit from it?

Devout readers will recall that in June I introduced you to a term called ipcha mistabra. There are the familiar concepts of expressing a "contrarian view," whether ad hoc or just for spite. And there's the accompanying idea of "thinking outside the box," which we've all encountered. But then there's a bigger, broader idea: ipcha mistabra – an Aramaic term that literally means "the opposite is evident." In intelligence and planning circles, there are ipcha mistabra divisions endowed with the task of thinking the opposite of what conventional wisdom dictates and analyzing the other side's unpredictable options in a way that makes the opposite, counterintuitive notion evident.
熱心な読者なら、6 月に私が ipcha mistabra(イチャブ・ミスタブラ) という用語を紹介したことを覚えているだろう。その場しのぎであれ、単に意地悪であれ、「反対意見」を表明するというおなじみの概念がある。そして、私たち全員が遭遇したことがある「枠にとらわれない考え方」という付随概念がある。しかし、さらに大きく、より広い概念がある。ipcha mistabra は、文字通り「反対は明らかである」という意味のアラビア語である。諜報および計画の分野では、常識が指示するものと反対のことを考え、反対の直感に反する考えを明白にする方法で、相手の予測不可能な選択肢を分析する任務を与えられた ipcha mistabra 部門がある。

Now let's think slightly deeper and beyond the instinctive gratification over the two assassinations in Beirut and Tehran. What could they tangibly achieve and what are their possible ramifications? Where was the ipcha mistabra on Iran?
さて、ベイルートとテヘランでの2度の暗殺に対する本能的な満足感を超えて、もう少し深く考えてみましょう。それらは具体的に何を達成できたのでしょうか、そしてその影響はどのようなものになるのでしょうか?イランに対するipcha mistabraはどこにあったのでしょうか?

Israel could have killed Haniyeh anywhere in the Middle East, yet deliberately chose to do so in Iran during the inauguration. That's not daring – that's the very definition of provocative.

"This attack was a huge slap in the face for Iran's status in the region," Ali Akbar Behmanesh, a prominent politician in new President Masoud Pezeshkian's party, told The New York Times. "It humiliated our country and undermined our entire security apparatus, showed that we have serious holes in intelligence."

If the idea was to expose Iran's vulnerabilities, the depth of penetration to its intelligence and to humiliate the Islamic regime, mission accomplished. That's a good thing, right? Sure, but there's a "but" here.

Israel left Iran no choice but to retaliate, the scope of which remains the big question mark. But Israel also outsourced "escalation dominance" by handing to Iran to decision over whether to escalate. That's a legitimate course of policy – except that Iran may not see it that way.

Israel had two luminous tactical successes. Iran will concede that. But viewed from Tehran, Israel is in a position of strategic inferiority, surrounded by Iranian proxies, condemned throughout the world, isolated with no geopolitical plan. In this context, Iran will have to make a decision on whether it can really control escalation following a retaliation.

The worst case scenario for Iran is an escalation that somehow involves the Americans. Iran's prize asset, its "military nuclear threshold" status, could be undermined in such an event if the United States, even reluctantly, is dragged into a conflict and attacks the Iranians.

This is where it gets interesting. Who has no interest in such an escalation? The United States, whose makeshift Middle East policy will now have to be revisited, and Iran, which clearly prefers attrition and low intensity.

Who does have a vested interest in an expanded war? Mr. Netanyahu. Which is why the conventional wisdom in Washington over the last 36 hours is that Israel carried out the Haniyeh assassination deliberately in Iran and intentionally on that day.
戦争拡大に利害関係があるのは誰だろうか? ネタニヤフ氏である。だからこそ、過去 36 時間にわたるワシントンの通説では、イスラエルがイランでハニヤ暗殺を故意に、そしてその日に実行したのだというのだ。

How all this plays out is purely speculative at this point. One thing is clear, though: the idea to assassinate Haniyeh, however justified, has "escalation" written all over it.


