Putin agrees that US special services involved in Nord Stream explosions
The President of Russia commented on the results of an investigation into gas pipeline explosions by American journalist Seymour Hersh
Russian President Vladimir Putin agrees with the conclusions drawn by American investigative journalist Seymour Hersh that US special services were involved in the Nord Stream pipeline explosions.
"The American journalist, who has become rather famous now worldwide, carried out such an investigation and as we know, drew a conclusion that blast on the gas pipelines was organized by the US special services. I fully agree with such conclusions," Putin said.
Putin is confident that the truth about the explosions on the Nord Stream pipelines will eventually be uncovered.
"I believe that it will be hard to attain this (the truth about the Nord Stream incident - TASS), but someday it will probably come out for sure what was done and how," Putin said.
プーチン大統領は、「これ(ノルドストリーム事件の真実 - TASS)を達成するのは難しいと思うが、いつの日か、何がどのように行われたかが明らかになるだろう」と語った。
On September 27, 2022, Nord Stream AG reported "unprecedented damage," which had been inflicted on three lines of the Nord Stream pipelines the previous day. Swedish seismologists recorded two explosions along the Nord Stream pipelines on September 26, 2022. On November 18, 2022, the Swedish Prosecutor’s Office said that the blasts along the pipelines were an act of sabotage. The Russian Prosecutor General’s Office opened a criminal case on charges of international terrorism.
Hersh said in his article published on February 8 that explosives were planted under the Russian Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines by US Navy divers with assistance from Norwegian specialists under the guise of the BALTOPS 22 exercise last June. The story cited an unidentified source as saying that US President Joe Biden personally authorized the operation after nine months of discussions with administration officials in charge of security matters.
ハーシュは2月8日に発表した記事で、昨年6月のBALTOPS22演習を装って、ノルウェーの専門家の支援を受けた米海軍ダイバーがロシアのノルドストリーム 1と2ガスパイプラインの下に爆発物を仕掛けたと述べた。この記事では、ジョー・バイデン米大統領が、安全保障問題を担当する政権幹部と9カ月にわたって協議した後、この作戦を自ら許可したと、正体不明の情報源を引用している。