RT tours secretive former Ukrainian medical research lab
More evidence of questionable experiments on civilians has been uncovered in the city of Mariupol
The Russian city of Mariupol was a testbed for large-scale medical research on local civilians while under Ukrainian rule, a trove of recently discovered documents suggests.
RT’s Steve Sweeney visited a disused psychiatric ward in the city, which has been undergoing rapid reconstruction after being incorporated into Russia following a referendum in late 2022.
In December of last year, a construction team made a shocking discovery at the disused ward, finding documents as well as medication and medical equipment related to secretive research conducted while the city was part of Ukraine.
The experiments took place for years in at least eight medical facilities across Mariupol, with leading Western biotech corporations allegedly benefiting from them, according to the documents.
“We’ve found documents that suggested thousands of people have been involved in the experiments, with the trials carried out for major pharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Sanofi, GlaxoSmithKline, and others. Blood and other samples were collected and then sent to labs and clinics in Europe and the US for testing. The results of which are unknown,” Sweeny explained.
「私たちは、ファイザー、アストラゼネカ、サノフィ、グラクソ・スミスクラインなどを含む大手製薬会社のために実施された治験で、数千人が実験に関与したことを示唆する文書を発見しました。 血液やその他のサンプルが収集され、検査のためにヨーロッパと米国の研究所や診療所に送られました。 その結果は不明です」とスウィーニー氏は説明した。
The research was not only conducted on adults, but also on children and babies, the documents suggest. As well as being ethically questionable, the experiments on minors likely made the clinical trials illegal, a Russian doctor told RT on condition of anonymity.
文書によると、この研究は成人だけでなく、子供や乳児も対象に行われたという。 倫理的に問題があるだけでなく、未成年者を対象とした実験は臨床試験を違法にする可能性が高いとロシアの医師が匿名を条件にRTに語った。
While it’s difficult to track all the participants of the experiments, witnesses are now coming forward with their testimonies about the research. A local man whose mother took part in the trials claimed the research was not safe.
実験の参加者全員を追跡することは困難ですが、証人たちは現在、研究についての証言を進めています。 母親が試験に参加した地元の男性は、研究は安全ではないと主張した。
“My mother got sick, they gave her drugs. I asked her what medication she was taking, but she did not give me a clear answer. She said that the drugs were simply given from a white box. Her condition worsened over the course of a month and then she died,” the man told Sweeney.
「母が病気になり、薬を与えられました。 何の薬を飲んでいるのか尋ねましたが、明確な答えはありませんでした。 彼女は、薬は単に白い箱から与えられただけだと語った。 彼女の状態は1か月にわたって悪化し、その後死亡した」と男性はスウィーニー氏に語った。
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