
製薬業界の元関係者とタッカー・カールソンの対話/The Tucker Carson Encounterより

Tucker Carlson
But you're saying that pharma buys TV spots not to convince people to ask for specific drugs from their physicians, but to subvert the news business?

A former insider
This is an open secret working for Pharma.

Tucker Carlson
I never even thought of that.

A former insider
This is an open secret.

The kind of silly ads you see the news break, the point of that is not - it's largely to impact the customer.

But the pharma has already got that. They've already bought off the doctors.
しかし、製薬会社はすでにそれを実現しています。 彼らはすでに医者を買収しています。

They're good on that. No, this is an open secret.

The news ad spending from pharma is a public relations lobbying tactic, essentially to buy off the news. The news is that they're not investigating Pharma.
製薬会社のニュース広告費は広報ロビー戦術であり、本質的にはニュースを買収するためのものです。 ニュースは、彼らが製薬会社を調査していないということです。

Tucker Carlson
Oh, I've noticed.

A former insider
The news has become basically a referee. That you are a terrible anti-science luddite for asking why the shots that we require our kids to get, that fundamentally by their own advertising change the immune system of that child for life.
ニュースは基本的に審判になってしまった。 私たちが子供たちに接種を義務付けている予防接種が、根本的に彼ら自身の宣伝によって、その子供の免疫システムを生涯変えるものである理由を尋ねるあなたは、ひどい反科学狂信者です。

Why has it gone from 20 to 70? To even ask that question, the news referees that and calls you anti-science.
なぜ20から70になったのでしょうか? そんな質問をするだけでも、ニュースはそれを批判し、あなたを反科学呼ばわりします。

When the two largest vaccine makers in the country are literally criminal enterprises, GlaxoSmithKline and Merck, in the past five years have settled two of the largest criminal penalties in American corporate history for bribing doctors and creating misleading research, who are the two largest vaccine makers.

So you literally have the media playing referee that you can't even ask a Question. A parent is actually ...
つまり、文字通りメディアが審判を演じており、質問することさえできないのです。 実は親が…

Tucker Carlson
If you have a vaccine injury, and many people have, including some I know very well, even a profound vaccine injury, you're not allowed to complain about it.

A former insider
No, you're "anti-science".

Tucker Carlson
Even if it can be shown that this is a vaccine injury.

A former insider
The media plays referee because they're funded. So, on all levels, right? On all levels.
メディアは資金をもらっているので審判をしている。 つまり、あらゆるレベルでそうですよね?あらゆるレベルです。

Tucker Carlson
This is very dark, calley means.

A former insider
Well, I think it's hopefully empowering. I think this is why we have an opportunity here, Tucker.
まあ、それが力になってくれれば良いと思います。 だからこそここにチャンスがあるのだと思う、タッカー。

Like the Olympics, this is not something new. It's kind of this funny thing. It's kind of vain. I can lose weight. This is going ... the reason the stocks are going up is because this is going to be a lot of government money. This is going to be the highest-funded drug from the US taxpayer in history. And we've got a society. Where are we going to say, let's go another direction? Why are we trusting pharma now when they've been completely acting to garner no trust?
オリンピックと同様、これは新しいことではありません。 こういう面白いことあるんですね。 なんだか虚しいですね。 ウエイトを減らすことができます。 これは進んでいます...株価が上昇している理由は、これに多額の政府資金が投入されるからです。 これは、米国の納税者から史上最高額の資金が提供された薬となるでしょう。 そして私たちには社会があります。 別の方向に行きましょう、とどこに言うのでしょうか? 製薬会社は完全に信頼を獲得しようとして行動していないのに、なぜ私たちは今になって製薬会社を信頼しているのでしょうか?


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