
監視委員会は、バイデン一家が米国、ロシア、ウクライナの売春婦の人身売買に関係している証拠を掴んでいる/GELLR REPORT

Oversight Committee Has Evidence of Biden Family Connections to Human Trafficking of Prostitutes from US, Russia, Ukraine

It is to America’s great enormous shame that this crime family is protected from prosecution from the hallowed halls of power, every government agency, and worst of all, the running dogs in the corrupt legacy media.

They rigged an election to install these corrupt lowlives.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Drops Bomb on Biden Crime Family – Oversight Committee Has Evidence of Biden Family Connections to Human Trafficking of Prositututes from US, Russia, Ukraine

マージョリー・テイラー・グリーンがバイデン犯罪一家に爆弾を投下 - 監視委員会はバイデン一家が米国、ロシア、ウクライナの売春婦の人身売買に関係している証拠を入手

Prior to the 2020 election, The Gateway Pundit released sordid details from the Hunter Biden laptop. The mainstream media and regime lapdogs refused to report on the criminal conduct of Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and the Biden Crime Family, in order to protect them days before the 2020 election.
2020年の選挙に先立ち、The Gateway Punditはハンター・バイデンのラップトップから不潔な詳細を公開した。主流メディアと政権の愛玩犬は、2020年選挙の数日前に、彼らを守るために、ハンター・バイデン、ジョー・バイデン、バイデン犯罪ファミリーの犯罪行為について報道することを拒否した。

The Gateway Pundit reported in October 2020 on Hunter Biden’s Russian orgies, his many nights with Russian hookers, his father wiring him money for his prostitutes, and his fears of being blackmailed by the Putin regime.
Gateway Punditは2020年10月、ハンター・バイデンのロシアでの乱交、ロシア人売春婦と何度も夜を共にしたこと、父親が売春婦のためにお金を振り込んでくれたこと、プーチン政権から脅迫されることを恐れていることなどを報道した。

Now there is more evidence that it was not just Hunter Biden who was linked to the Russian prostitutues. According to Marjorie Taylor Greene, the House Oversight Committee has evidence the entire Biden Crime Family was involved in human trafficking that involves prostitutes from Russia, Ukraine and the US.

When will the FBI raid the Biden’s home?

Marjorie Taylor Greene broke this news earlier today.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: We just finished reviewing the financial records in the treasury. What I saw was over 2000 pages of jaw dropping information. There’s basically an enterprise wrapped around Joe Biden involving not only multiple family members, more than we thought there were, but other people as well. Just a complete conglomerate of Lies. These shell companies where money was passing through from foreign countries. China, Ukraine, but many more countries than just those.
Marjorie Taylor Greene議員:国庫にある財務記録の見直しを終えたところだ。2000ページ以上の驚愕の情報を目にした。ジョー・バイデンを中心に、複数の家族だけでなく、他の人々も巻き込んで、基本的に企業活動が行われているのである。完全に嘘の集合体だ。これらのペーパーカンパニーは、外国からの資金を通過させていた。中国、ウクライナ、それ以外にも多くの国から資金が流れていた。

There’s a lot of information the American people deserve to know of the Biden family and the crimes they’ve been involved in. And the Oversight Committee has a much bigger investigation to do than we ever thought was possible.
バイデン一家と彼らが関与した犯罪について、アメリカ国民が知るべき情報はたくさんある 。そして、監視委員会は、私たちが想像していたよりもはるかに大きな調査を行う必要があるのだ。

I just saw evidence of human trafficking that involves prostitutes not only from here in the United States, but foreign countries like Russia and Ukraine. This is unbelievable that a President and a former Vice President, not only his son Hunter Biden, but many more family members extending past Hunter Biden and his immediate family.

We’re going to have to really get to work. This is an investigation that needs to be revealed to the American people. And not only do we have questions about Hunter Biden himself, but this is going to extend into developing a web of corruption, a web of fake companies that’s going to reveal money that came in from many foreign countries and went directly into the personal bank accounts of the Biden family where they have financially benefited directly from Joe Biden’s seats of power. We look forward to investigating, exposing for this for the American people and we’ll see where it goes from there.



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