脱ドル化は不可逆的だ – プーチン大統領/RTを読む
De-dollarization is irreversible – Putin
脱ドル化は不可逆的だ – プーチン大統領
BRICS will become economically more powerful than the G7, the Russian president said in an address to the Johannesburg summit
The US dollar is losing its global role in an “objective and irreversible” process, the Russian president told participants at the BRICS Summit in South Africa on Tuesday. Vladimir Putin spoke via videolink, after choosing not to attend the event in person.
ロシア大統領は火曜日、南アフリカで開催されたBRICS首脳会議で参加者に対し、米ドルは「客観的かつ不可逆的な」過程で世界的な役割を失いつつあると語った。 ウラジーミル・プーチン大統領は、このイベントに直接出席しないことを選択した後、ビデオリンクを通じて講演した。
De-dollarization is “gaining momentum” Putin declared, adding that members of the group of major emerging economies are seeking to reduce their reliance on the greenback in mutual transactions.
The Russian leader claimed the five BRICS members – Russia, China, India, Brazil and South Africa – are becoming the new world economic leaders, adding that their cumulative share of global GDP has reached 26%.
He noted that if measured by purchasing power parity, BRICS has already surpassed the Group of Seven leading industrialised nations – accounting for 31% of the global economy, compared to 30% for the G7.
Over the past 10 years, mutual investment between the BRICS member states has increased by six times. Their total investments in the world economy have doubled, while cumulative exports account for 20% of the global total, Putin said.
過去 10 年間で、BRICS 加盟国間の相互投資は 6 倍に増加しました。 プーチン大統領は、世界経済への両国の投資総額は2倍となり、累積輸出額は世界全体の20%を占めていると述べた。
Moscow is focusing on re-orienting its transport and logistics routes towards “reliable foreign partners,” including BRICS members, to ensure an uninterrupted supply of energy and food to the international market.
Russia’s primary goals include developing the Northern Sea Route and the ‘North-South’ transport corridor, Putin stated. The first, passing through the Arctic Ocean, along Russia’s northern coastline, will ensure faster goods deliveries between Europe and the Far East. The second will connect Russia’s northern and Baltic ports to the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean, facilitating cargo movement between Eurasian and African nations.
ロシアの主な目標には北極海航路と「南北」輸送回廊の開発が含まれるとプーチン大統領は述べた。 1つ目は、ロシア北部の海岸線に沿って北極海を通過するもので、ヨーロッパと極東の間での商品のより迅速な配達が保証される。 2つ目は、ロシアの北部とバルト海の港をペルシャ湾とインド洋に結び、ユーラシアとアフリカ諸国の間の貨物の移動を促進する。
“We are consistently increasing fuel, food and fertilizer supplies to the states of the Global South,” and actively contributing to global food and energy security, the Russian leader said. He blamed the current international food crisis on the West’s unilateral sanctions, describing them as “unlawful.”
「我々はグローバル・サウス諸国への燃料、食料、肥料の供給を継続的に増やしている」とロシアの指導者は述べ、世界の食料とエネルギーの安全保障に積極的に貢献している。 同氏は現在の国際的な食糧危機は西側諸国の一方的な制裁のせいだとし、それを「違法」だと述べた。
“Illegitimate sanctions… seriously weigh on the international economic situation,” and the “unlawful freezing of sovereign states’ assets” constitutes a violation of free trade and economic cooperation rules.
The resource deficit and growing inequality worldwide are a “direct result” of such policies, the Russian president argued. He highlighted skyrocketing grain and food prices as the latest manifestation of this process, primarily affecting the most vulnerable nations.
世界的な資源不足と不平等の拡大は、こうした政策の「直接的な結果」であるとロシア大統領は主張した。 同氏は、穀物と食料価格の高騰がこの過程の最新の現れであり、主に最も脆弱な国々に影響を及ぼしていると強調した。
Moscow is represented at the Johannesburg summit, which runs from August 22 to 24, by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Putin opted not to attend the event after a decision by the International Criminal Court (ICC) to issue a warrant for his arrest in March. The court based the order on Ukraine’s allegation that the Russian evacuation of children from the conflict zone amid hostilities between the two nations amounted to “unlawful population transfers.”
8月22日から24日まで開催されるヨハネスブルグ首脳会議にはロシアのセルゲイ・ラブロフ外相が代表として出席する。 プーチン大統領は3月に国際刑事裁判所(ICC)が逮捕状発行の決定を下したことを受けて、イベントに出席しないことを選択した。 裁判所は、両国間の敵対行為のさなか、ロシアによる紛争地帯からの子どもたちの避難は「違法な人口移動」に当たるというウクライナの主張に基づいて命令を下した。
South Africa is a signatory of the Rome Statute of the ICC, and the US and its allies had pressured it to detain Putin should he travel to the country. Moscow has repeatedly denied the ICC’s allegations and stressed that it does not recognize the court’s authority, declaring the warrant legally null and void.
南アフリカはICCローマ規程に署名しており、米国とその同盟国はプーチン大統領が同国に渡航した場合に同氏を拘束するよう南アフリカに圧力をかけていた。 ロシア政府はICCの主張を繰り返し否定し、裁判所の権限を認めていないことを強調し、令状は法的に無効であると宣言した。
Although South African President Cyril Ramaphosa repeatedly stated that he would not carry out the order, claiming it would amount to a “declaration of war,” Moscow ultimately decided to send Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to the BRICS summit to represent Russia.