

European bond market hit by Italy’s plans for higher borrowing

Yields reach highest level in a decade as investors’ deficits worries add fuel to sell-off

European government bond prices dropped sharply on Thursday as investors took fright at Italy’s larger than expected budget deficit and mounting concerns that central banks will keep interest rates high for an extended period.

Italian 10-year government bond yields rose as much as 0.17 percentage points to 4.96 per cent, their highest level in a decade, after prime minister Giorgia Meloni’s government raised its fiscal deficit targets and cut its growth forecast for this year and next. The yield later fell back to 4.88 per cent.
イタリア10年国債利回りは、ジョルジア・メローニ首相率いる政府が財政赤字目標を引き上げ、今年と来年の成長率見通しを引き下げたことを受け、0.17ポイント上昇して4.96%となり、ここ10年で最高水準となった。 その後利回りは4.88%に低下した。

The sell-off spread to UK markets, where 10-year yields rose as much as 0.2 percentage points to 4.57 per cent — the biggest daily rise since February — before ending the day at 4.48 per cent. Investors said concerns that the US Federal Reserve would hold rates “higher for longer” were spreading to European markets.
売りは英国市場にも広がり、10年債利回りは0.2%ポイント上昇して4.57%となり、一日としては2月以来最大の上昇となり、4.48%で取引を終えた。 投資家らは、米連邦準備理事会(FRB)が金利を「長期間」高水準に維持するとの懸念が欧州市場にも広がっていると述べた。

“A wall of worry is hitting the bond market and the latest trigger is the oil price,” said Jim Leaviss, a fund manager at M&G Investments. He added that the rise in the oil price, which hit a 10-month high on Thursday, was causing investors to wonder “what if inflation is not dead?”
M&Gインベストメンツのファンドマネジャー、ジム・リービス氏は「債券市場には不安の壁が立ちはだかっており、最近の引き金は原油価格だ」と述べた。 同氏は、木曜日に10カ月ぶりの高値を記録した原油価格の上昇により、投資家は「インフレが死んでいなかったらどうなるのか」と疑問を抱いていると付け加えた。

In the euro area, the prospect of higher Italian borrowing came after the French government was criticised by the country’s fiscal watchdog on Wednesday for not cutting public spending enough to avoid breaching EU fiscal rules next year.

The spread between Italian bond yields and their ultra-safe German equivalents — a closely watched measure of market risks in the euro area — reached its widest level since the US banking crisis in March.
フランスの10年債利回りは3.5%以上に上昇し、2011年以来の高水準となった。ユーロ圏の市場リスクの尺度として注目されているイタリア国債と超安全なドイツ国債の利回りスプレッドは、 3月の米国銀行危機以来、最大水準に達した。

“The narrative that’s taken over is a fiscal story,” said Mike Riddell, a fixed-income portfolio manager at Allianz Global Investors. “Budget deficits are likely to be bigger than previously expected. So you do have the re-emergence of the bond vigilantes — where markets are just not tolerating what appear to be not just cyclical but structurally higher deficits.”
アリアンツ・グローバル・インベスターズの債券ポートフォリオマネジャー、マイク・リデル氏は「引き継がれた物語は財政物語だ」と語る。 「財政赤字はこれまでの予想よりも大きくなる可能性が高い。 そのため、債券自警団が再び台頭しており、単に景気循環的なものだけでなく、構造的に赤字が拡大しているように見えるものを市場が容認していないのです。」

Concerns about elevated borrowing have piled further pressure on a bond market already roiled by worries over a protracted period of high interest rates. Ten-year German yields — the eurozone’s benchmark — climbed as high as 2.98 per cent, their highest level for more than a decade. Spain’s 10-year bond yield shot above 4 per cent for the first time since 2013.
借入の増加に対する懸念は、高金利の長期化に対する懸念ですでに混乱している債券市場にさらなる圧力を加えている。 ユーロ圏の指標であるドイツの10年債利回りは2.98%まで上昇し、ここ10年以上で最高水準となった。 スペインの10年債利回りは2013年以来初めて4%を超えた。

Central banks have signalled that while they are close to ending their historic series of interest rate increases, they expect borrowing costs to stay at a high level for a prolonged period to ensure inflation comes down to their targets before considering cuts.

Analysts said Thursday’s moves were particularly sharp in the UK because gilts had rallied in recent weeks as markets positioned for an end to the Bank of England’s cycle of rate rises. Investors who had positioned for lower yields rushed to sell as the market moved against them, according to TD Securities strategist Pooja Kumra.
アナリストらは、市場がイングランド銀行の利上げサイクルの終焉に向けて態勢を整える中、ここ数週間で英国債が上昇していたため、木曜日の動きは英国で特に急激だったと述べた。 TDセキュリティーズのストラテジスト、プージャ・クムラ氏によると、低利回りを狙ってポジションを取っていた投資家は、市場が自分たちに不利な動きを見せたため、売りを急いだ。

US Treasury yields have climbed sharply since the Fed last week indicated it would cut rates much more slowly next year and in 2025 than investors had been pricing in. The 10-year yield was little changed on Thursday at 4.61 per cent.

Piet Haines Christiansen, director of fixed-income research at Danske Bank, said the bond market was “caught in a perfect storm”.

He added: “The ‘higher for longer’ has caught investors with wrong positioning off guard, which coupled with the higher revisions to the French and Italian budget deficits as well as the higher oil price keeping inflation expectations elevated has driven this sell-off.”

The surging borrowing costs were reflected in a €3bn sale of 10-year bonds by the Italian treasury on Thursday. These gave investors a 4.93 per cent yield, the highest since 2012 and an increase from the 4.24 per cent on a similar bond last month.
借入コストの高騰は、イタリア財務省が木曜日に行った30億ユーロの10年債売却に反映された。 これらにより投資家に利回りは4.93%となり、2012年以来最高となり、先月の同様の債券の4.24%から上昇した。

Italy’s government late on Wednesday predicted this year’s fiscal deficit would come in at 5.3 per cent of gross domestic product, up from the 4.5 per cent target it set in April, citing the soaring cost of a controversial tax credit scheme for home improvements.

Rome increased next year’s deficit target to 4.3 per cent of GDP, up from its early target of 3.7 per cent, which it said would allow it to fund its top policy priorities, including helping low-income families and providing an incentive to Italians to have more babies.



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