まず自分がワクワクするツボを見つけよう / 音楽プロデューサーMura Masaによる創作アドバイス
今回は、UKの音楽プロデューサーMura Masaより、創作活動の背中を押してくれる言葉/アドバイスをご紹介。特に気になったところをピックアップします。
2分以内に収まっているこちらのコメントは、Tape Notes Podcastでのインタビューからの抜粋だそうです。
if you're making something for the right reasons it should feel exciting that you've made this thing and you should really enjoy it before you have that everything else doesn't matter. it sort of doesn't really matter if someone else says it's really good or you know someone else is encouraging you to finish that idea or whatever it is it's just like does it really excite you is it what you really want to be doing and are you doing it for yourself
次にMura Masaは、上述のように、「ワクワクできる」「楽しいと感じられる」作品・作風の軸がはっきりしてから、他の人のフィードバックを求めて改善をおこなえば良いと言います。
then you can take it to other people and take notes and things but yeah it took me too long to or just far too long of um making stuff and kind of showing other people to try and figure out how i felt about it instead of doing it the other way around that would be my advice
just do whatever you want
basically just do whatever you want
![Minimal Order](https://assets.st-note.com/production/uploads/images/14559929/profile_0cfbe181f37769c57e8585f93e3f7818.jpeg?width=600&crop=1:1,smart)