"To my friends who embrace their third life with joy."『第三の人生を謳歌する友に贈る』と武士道の概念
"The "Way of the Warrior" or "Bushido" is a concept related to the ethics and values of Japan's warrior class and samurai society. The "Way of the Warrior" was highly significant as a guiding principle and way of life for those belonging to the samurai class. Below are some of the common principles and values associated with the "Way of the Warrior.
*仁義 (Jin-Gi): "Jin" refers to "humanity" while "Gi" denotes "justice" and "sincerity." Samurai upheld the ideals of humanity, justice, and sincerity, valuing these qualities deeply.
*忠義 (Chuugi): Loyalty to one's lord or superiors was of utmost importance, with samurai prepared to devote their lives to serve their lord.
*礼儀 (Reigi)
Correct etiquette and respect for others were expected. Samurai were required to show deference and maintain proper etiquette in their interactions with others.
*勇気 (Yuuki): Samurai were expected to face adversity with courage and fearlessness. Acting without hesitation and displaying bravery were considered virtues.
*誠実さ (Makoto): Samurai were encouraged to maintain consistency between their words and actions, emphasizing the importance of keeping promises and refraining from dishonesty.
*名誉 (Meiyo): Samurai bore the responsibility of safeguarding their own honor, as well as that of their families, lords, and clans. They were expected to act in a manner that would not tarnish their honor.
*仁義 (Jin-Gi): 「仁」は「人間性」を指し、「義」は「正義」と「誠実さ」を示します。武士は人間性、正義、誠実さの理念を高く評価し、これらの質を深く重んじました。
*忠義 (Chuugi): 自分の主君や上司への忠誠心は極めて重要であり、武士は主君に仕えるために命を捧げる覚悟を持つことが求められました。
*礼儀 (Reigi): 正しいエチケットと他者への敬意が期待されました。武士は他人との対話で敬意を示し、適切なエチケットを保つことが求められました。
*勇気 (Yuuki): 武士は勇気を持って逆境に立ち向かうことが期待されました。ためらうことなく行動し、勇敢さを示すことが美徳とされました。
*誠実さ (Makoto): 武士は言動の一致を維持することが奨励され、約束を守り、不正直を避ける重要性が強調されました。
*名誉 (Meiyo): 武士は自身の名誉だけでなく、家族、主君、一族の名誉を守る責任を負いました。名誉を傷つけないように行動することが期待されました。
These values and principles were not confined solely to the battlefield but were also practiced in everyday life. The Way of the Warrior represented the moral guidelines that the samurai class in Japan was expected to adhere to, and its spirit remains deeply ingrained in Japan's history and culture."
The phrase "Life begins at sixty" is often used. Sixty is considered a turning point in life, marking the start of putting the finishing touches on one's life. When it comes to stress management, leisure, leisure time, hobbies, and sports are often discussed aspects. However, it's also said that "People age when they lose their dreams." If one forgets to challenge themselves with some kind of "dream" and their life becomes merely a "protective life" focused on preserving their current self, can that truly be considered a healthy way of living?