
⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward⚜️-The RV started on the 24th as €, $, £ virtually all came to parity-🤩

⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward⚜️

It's a very, very big Intel. And I've just found out which is incredible.

I've had this verified 46.5% of the oil crude oil sourced by OPEC comes from Russia and OPEC.

Are outside of the sanctions and the law, so all these sanctions put on Russia are just for the rest delete the illuminati.

There's one role for us and one role for them.

That's a certain side, the good side are playing by the rules because that's what good people do.

The bad side don't care about the rules.

The US banking system is putting pressure on Turkey.

I know the results and there's only one winner.

It will backfire massively, because Turkey would just simply join BRICS.

We're gonna see some big things happen between now and Christmas to do with.

What's happening with the pipeline from Russia, Ukraine into Europe.

It's been it, the one that's been blown up and sabotaged.

It's quite deep, so it needs to be somebody very sophisticated to get down there.

This is a professional attack done not by just individuals.

This will be done by government agencies.

I can tell you very simply that you don't need to be a rocket scientist to work out that it's not Russia.

What we're now seeing is the complete and utter collapse of the US dollar and the euro.

For me, I'm just super, super excited.

Because we're living through the biggest collapse of the two currencies in the world that controlled it.

Thank God.

Blackrock and Vanguard, both have declared bankruptcy over the weekend.

The banks are collapsing currently and the New World order, the World Economic Forum.

Their plan was to collapse the banks, but it wasn't just yet.

So they're being exposed.

Their plan was to take everything down by 2030 so they could usher in the Central bank digital currency at that stage where we would all be controlled, they would own everything.

We own nothing but because of operation warp speed, we've been, it's been exposed.

The pound has crashed and they've come up with this wonderful idea of selling bonds instead of putting up interest rates.

This again will backfire on them massively and this will just expose the deep state.

The revaluation has already started on and it started on the 24th.

The revaluation started on the 24th as the euro, the dollar and the pound virtually all came to parity.

If you do some research, there was a lot to see virtually 50% of the currencies worldwide collapsed against the dollar.

We're seeing them all.

If you look at the I've just come back from Gibraltar, that's part of the United Kingdom.

I filled up my petrol tank for about 80 euros. I've been paying 120.

That's the exchange rate and the fact that it's cheaper there.

So things are happening and we're just not seeing it.

There's lots of currencies that have collapsed against the dollar.

The Bank of England is on the verge of collapse and the mortgage explain that as well. 50% of the mortgage lenders in the UK have stopped.

Next year, you won't need a mortgage next year when we get into the new system, you won't need a mortgage.

You'll be able to pay for a house directly with the Sharing of the abundance, if you like.

In California, in Hollywood, in the Catholic Church in California, the executions that happened 18 months two years ago that I told you were happening in GITMO for crimes against humanity.

A lot of the people at the top.Of the Catholic Church and the Roman Catholic Church have already been removed.

Depending on their cooperation, depends on whether they died of COVID.

All they died of old age or they died. Died of a heart attack or whatever.

Most of them because they're super super proud admitted there.

Their sins immediately they admitted their what they've done to try and protect.

Their image, they was just suddenly been removed.

They're no longer there.

Have a look who's house up for sale in Hollywood which they used to live in and you can go and check this out are now for sale.

They're empty. You could work out who has been executed because their house has been empty for two years.

This is a year after they were executed.

They have been executed.

The ones that were executed the most of them for some reason shows the guillotine and it's very symbolic.

They they've removed their heads and that was a point that was made this morning when I was speaking to a particular person who was very, very authority.

I had about the Catholic Church and I don't think people have any idea the significance right now of the abortion rules.

This is this is massive at the moment because the aborted fetuses.

I've said this before are worth about 1/4 of a million each and they were being traded amongst the Hollywood set by the people who call themselves the global elite.

The idea was that this Adrenochrome that was extracted from these aborted fetuses by tormenting the fetus by electrocuting it.

About TLS, people call it the the spiritual CIA.

It is very spiritual. But these people have been working very hard, full time.

There are thousands of them worldwide.

They all operate under code names, but what they've been doing is exposing.

We've needed look, you and I have all known about Julian Assange and like the people around him have been exposing stuff through WikiLeaks, etc...

TLS is another organization that is very, very secret.

That are trying to infiltrate and try to find out what's going on.

And they've been doing an amazing amount of work and they they do it on a spiritual level.

There was currencies all over the world collapsing and this is all and in the process, with something that never, ever happens when currencies collapse gold goes up. Gold went down too.

It went down which means the bankers are artificially suppressing it so they can buy gold.

I've told you all the way through this that the quantum financial system has already mirrored what's in your account.

So if your bank goes bankrupt goes out of business.

Some of them and you will think that you have lost everything.

Because you won't be able to get hold of anybody, there won't be any money there for you because they've run out of money.

They'll be complete panic for seven to 10 days.

There's also another point that's very, very interesting that I had a long discussion with as well about the elections in November.

You have to understand that neither side White Hats or Black Hats want these elections.

The Bblack Hats don't want them for the simple reason.

That they know that they're going to lose.

So they want the they'll do anything they can to stop these elections.

They'll do anything to try and stop them because they know they're gonna lose and not just lose, lose badly. They'll never recover.

The White Hats don't want them because they know the system is still rigged and hasn't been sorted out for the last time.

They wanna get last one sorted out first.

Medbeds, first of all, you need to sort out your your own frequency and so you get yourself ready.

I hope everybody watching this here today has dealt with their own spiritual side to get themselves ready for meds because they don't work for people stuck in the third dimension.

This is all part of a spiritual connection, a spiritual journey.

So the first thing you need to do is connect to your within.

Once you connect to who you are within.

I don't know how to word it correctly.

If you're living in regret, it's because you're living in the past.

That's no good.

I don't live in the future because you'll be living in the in fear.

Living now and connect now to your higher self.

Then you'll find happiness, peace and joy when you find that within.

It's a balance.

We've all made mistakes.

I've learnt to move on living in the future.

What's gonna happen tomorrow?

That's not constructive either.

Be happy for what you've got today.

Connect with who you are today.

God will actually talk to you.


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