
Message from the Arcturian Council ーHow to increase vibrations (the importance of breathing)ー

Game changer for humanity ∞ "Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council.

※Arcturians are higher-dimensional beings who watch over us to make sure that aliens with malicious or harmful intentions do not harm the Earth.

We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have begun to examine the various strategies you all use to bring yourselves to a higher vibrational state. We are talking about your genuine attempts to raise your vibration, not the use of drugs, alcohol, sex or other ways you have to get yourselves into a higher vibration by depending on something external.

We are interested in your processes that you use when you are sitting at home alone and you want to reach a higher vibrational state. We know you all recognize the importance of being in a higher vibrational state because you recognize creating a reality with the vibration that you offer. And so we've become very curious about how those of you who are conscious creators can achieve those higher vibrational states. And we also want to say, there's nothing wrong with doing something to put you in a higher vibrational state, but you don't always have access to that thing that you rely on to get there.

So we are particularly interested in what you are doing to raise your vibration when you don't have access to all your usual tricks. We have noticed how more and more of you are realizing the power of breathing to not only clear something you don't want to feel, but to access something you do want to feel.

Conscious and intentional breathing is a game changer for all of humanity, and more and more of you are awakening to this truth. It is very intuitive for you to take a deep breath, to sigh, and it is also the case that when you experience some kind of trauma, you stop breathing. Now, what we want to say about that is, we know you can go further with your breath work, your conscious breathing. We know you can't achieve ecstasy with anything other than something you do involuntarily all day and all night.

We are not going to tell you how to breathe consciously, because we want you to realize, you have the ability to determine for yourself what kind of conscious breathing works best for you in a particular moment or situation. So we invite you to play more with your breathing. Use it to help you focus. Use it to be more mindful. Mindfulness is the art of paying attention to what you're doing in the moment, and that's almost always your breath.

So when you breathe and do something consciously and intentionally, you bring much more of your awareness to that activity. We also know that you know what a big part breathing plays in meditation, but meditation is usually about achieving a state of neutrality. It's about letting go of something. We know you can achieve a state of ecstasy by playing around with conscious breathing, and that's something we invite you to do at least once a day. Show yourself how powerful you are and how easy it can be to get where you want to go. There is nothing easier than breathing, and there is nothing more powerful than doing it consciously.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you." ~Daniel Scranton Memorial


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