バニラ・スカイ - I'll see you in another life, when we are both cats. Netflix のリンクはこちら
Edmund: And now you've simply got to ask yourself this: what is happiness to you, David?David: I want to live a real life. I don't want to dream any longer.Edmund: Any last wishes?David: Let them out there read my mind.Edmund: I wish you well, David. [David turns around and find Sofia]David: Look at us. I'm frozen, and you're dead. And I love you.Sofia: It's a problem.David: I lost you when I got in that car. I'm sorry. Do you remember what you told me once? That "every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around."Sofia: I'll find you again.David: I'll see you in another life, when we are both cats.
Vanilla Sky (2001) すごく切ないセリフなのに、可愛いくて好きです。
最後のセリフも素晴らしいですが、Sofia のセリフを引用した "every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around." もとてもいい言葉ですよね。
ブルックリン・ナイン-ナイン - I kinda wish something could happen between us. Romantic-styles. 一時期仕事がきつかった時に、私の心の安定剤になってくれたブルックリン・ナイン-ナイン。ユーモアたっぷりのセンスの良いシーンがたくさんあって、見てて楽しいし勉強にもなるし大好きな作品です!
Netflix のリンクはこちら
Jake: Look, am… I don't wanna be a jerk. I know you're dating Teddy, and it's going really well. It's just…Santiago: What's going on?Jake: I don't know what's gonna happen on this assignment. And if something bad goes down, I think I'd be pissed at myself if I didn't say this. [Jake takes a sigh]Jake: I kinda wish something could happen between us. Romantic-styles.
ブルックリン・ナイン-ナイン シーズン1 エピソード22 コメディ要素が強いドラマですが、このシーンの真剣なジェイクにやられます。このセリフ言われてみたい & 言ってみたい〜〜!
エターナルサンシャイン - Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind "忘れる" とはどういうことなのか?自分は何を忘れたくないのか。記憶と SF と個性的な映像が印象的な作品です。
Netflix のリンクはこちら
Mary: And there's this other one I like. It's by Pope Alexander, and it goes…Howard: Alexander Pope? Mary: Oh yeah, shit, It's just that I told myself not to say Pope Alexander and sound like a dope, and then I go ahead and say it.Howard: It's no big deal.Mary: You're such a sweetheart. …The quote goes, "How happy is the blameless vestal's lot? The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. Each prayer accepted and each wish resigned."
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind (2004) こういう歴史上の人物の言葉や詩をサラッと朗読できる人になりたい。今回の Pope Alexander さんの詩はちょっと難しいので訳してみました。
How happy is the blameless vestal's lot? The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. Each prayer accepted and each wish resigned.
無垢なウェスタはどれほど幸せだろう 世界を忘れ、世界に忘れられている 陰りのない永遠の太陽 祈りは受け入れられ、望みは離れていくだろう
ウェスタ (vestal) というのはウェスタの処女 (Vestal Virgin) という古代ローマの神話に出てくる女神と仕えた女たちのことみたいです。修道院で暮らして神に仕えることに生涯を捧げる修道女のことを隠喩しているそう。
The poem is based on the clandestine love and subsequent marriage of Héloïse d’Argenteuil to Peter Abélard, her teacher. Abélard insisted that she keep their marriage a secret as it might mar his reputation. However, as the word spread, Abélard persuaded Héloïse to take the vow of silence in the convent of Argenteuil, for her own safety. This act of his was perceived by her family as his attempt to get rid of her. They sought their vengeance by castrating him. Completely mortified, Abélard became a monk in the Abbey of St Denis in Paris. After several years of agonizing separation, Héloïse’s feelings for Abélard were revived. So they exchanged four letters, where they expressed their indignation, anguish and consternation. However, their conflict of opinions left them both feeling bitter. So she decided on living in solitude than spend an eternity with him.
https://swaminarayanglory.wordpress.com/2017/06/03/what-does-this-quote-by-alexander-pope-mean-how-happy-is-the-blameless-vestals-lot-the-world-forgetting-by-the-world-forgot-eternal-sunshine-of-the-spotless-mind-each-prayr-accepted-and-each/ 教師と生徒という立場で恋に落ちたエロイーズとピーター。しかしその立場ゆえ関係を公にできず、世間を欺こうとした結果、世間からも報復が返ってくる。二人は世俗的な望みを捨てて、神に使える道を選ぶ。
番外編 NCIS - Semper Fi! 長寿海外ドラマです。単話だけ見るのもよし、シリーズ続けて仲間愛を見るのもよし、これだけ長く愛される理由がわかるドラマです。アマプラで見れなくなったのが残念。今は Hulu のみで観れるみたいです。
Semper Fi!
NCIS (TV series) Semper fidelis という言葉の略。海軍のモットーで、"aways faithful" や "always loyal" という意味を持つラテン語とのことです。主人公のギブスや登場人物がお守りのように言う言葉です。誠実であれ、を実行するのは簡単そうで簡単でないこと。身が引き締まる言葉で大事にしている言葉です!
レディプレイヤー1 - 俺はガンダムで行く! Netflix のリンクはこちら