






ジャッジの役割: ジャッジは、賛成側と反対側の主張を聞き取り、どちらの意見が論理的で説得力があるかを判断します。最終的に、どちらのチームがより強い主張をしたかを決定します。

評価ポイント: ジャッジは、論理力、証拠の質、保証の適切性、反論の効果などを総合的に評価します。







テーマ: 『サッカーチームは毎週戦術ミーティングを行うべきか』


  • 主張: 毎週戦術ミーティングを行うことで、戦術理解と連携が向上し、試合でのパフォーマンスが上がる。

  • データ: ある調査では、戦術ミーティングを行うチームの連携プレイ成功率が20%向上し、勝率も15%上昇した。また、トップチームの多くがこれを実施している。

  • 保証: ミーティングを通じて戦術理解を深めることで、ピッチ上での役割が明確になり、迅速で適切な判断が可能になる。


  • 主張: 毎週の戦術ミーティングは、選手の疲労感やモチベーション低下を招き、逆効果になる可能性がある。

  • データ: 一部の調査では、過度なミーティングが疲労やストレスを増加させ、練習時間が減少し、個々のスキル向上に繋がらないケースがある。

  • 保証: 休息や個別トレーニングの時間も重要で、過度なミーティングはパフォーマンスに悪影響を及ぼす可能性がある。





ディベートスキルを活用することで、戦術や戦略の説明が論理的かつ明確に行えます。 例えば、新しい戦術をチームに導入する際には、ディベートの構成要素(主張、証拠、保証)を用いて説得力のある説明をすることができます。

  • : 監督が新しいフォーメーションを導入する際、その有効性をデータと実例をもとに論理的に説明する。


ディベートスキルは、相手の意見を尊重しつつ、自分の意見を効果的に伝える力を養います。 これにより、チーム内のコミュニケーションがスムーズになります。特に、ディベート文化が根付いている英語圏の選手とのコミュニケーションに役立ちます。

  • : 試合中にフォーメーションに関する指示があった場合、その意図をデータに基づいて説明し、納得度を高めることができる。

試合中の判断力を高めるために、論理的思考が役立ちます。 ディベートで培った迅速な分析力や判断力は、試合中のさまざまな場面で活かせます。

  • : フィールド上でディフェンスラインをターンするタイミングを図り、メトリクスを用いて論理的に判断する。

ディベートは問題解決能力を高めるトレーニングの場でもあります。 試合中に起こる予期せぬ状況やトラブルにも、迅速かつ効果的に対応できるようになります。

  • : 試合中に相手の戦術が予期せず変わった場合、ディベートと同様に問題点を素早く分析し、対応策を講じる。


ディベートスキルはメンタル面の強化にも役立ちます。 プレッシャー下でも冷静に考え、効果的にコミュニケーションができる力を養うことで、重要な試合や局面でも自信を持ってプレイできます。

  • : 敵チームとの激しい攻防戦の状況でも、冷静に対処できる。


  • : 試合後のミーティングで各ポジションのプレイを分析し、改善点を論理的に提案し合う。



Hone Your Debate Skills Off the Pitch!

Improving your debate skills is crucial for footballers. In this article, we'll explore how to enhance these skills.

What is Debate?

In simple terms, debate involves exchanging opinions and trying to prove your point logically. It's not about defeating your opponent but rather convincing a third-party judge with logical arguments.

In modern football, debate skills are essential for becoming a top-tier player (and necessary for coaches, too, as S-level licenses in the J.League require them).

Basics of Debate

Role of Judges: A judge listens to the arguments from both sides (pro and con) and decides which opinion is more logical and convincing.

Assessment Points: Judges evaluate logical ability, quality of evidence, appropriateness of warrants, and effectiveness of rebuttals.

Importance of Debate

Debate is a fantastic way to develop logical thinking and communication skills. By exchanging opinions and discussing tactics within the team, you can clearly convey your thoughts, enhancing overall team cohesion and performance on the field.

Debate skills are as crucial as English proficiency for communicating with overseas players and playing abroad.

Among Japanese players, their shared cultural background often allows them to understand each other without words. However, communicating with foreign players requires precise and logical explanations. For example, you need to clearly explain, "Why is it necessary to pass to that spot?" or "Why adopt this tactic?" Conversely, when you play overseas, you must be able to explain your intended play with logical arguments like, "I intended to do this because..."

Look at a Model Debate

Topic: Should a football team hold tactical meetings every week?

Pro Side's Argument

  • Claim: Holding weekly tactical meetings enhances understanding and teamwork, improving match performance.

  • Data: A study shows that teams with regular tactical meetings improve their combined play success rate by 20% and win rate by 15%. Top teams often adopt this practice.

  • Warrant: Meetings help team members clearly understand their roles on the field, enabling quick and appropriate decisions.

Con Side's Argument

  • Claim: Weekly tactical meetings can lead to player fatigue and decreased motivation, which is ultimately counterproductive.

  • Data: Some studies indicate that excessive meetings increase fatigue and stress levels, reducing practice time and individual skill improvement.

  • Warrant: Rest and personalized training time are also crucial, and excessive meetings might negatively affect performance.

Judge's Decision

In the final judgment, the pro side was more compelling. They provided abundant evidence to support the effectiveness of tactical meetings and proposed flexible approaches to reduce player fatigue.

How Debate Skills Help in Football

Understanding and Explaining Tactics Debate skills help you logically and clearly explain tactics and strategies. For example, when introducing a new tactic to the team, use the elements of debate (claim, evidence, and warrant) to make a persuasive explanation.

  • Example: When a coach introduces a new formation, they can logically explain its effectiveness using data and examples.

Enhancing Communication Debate skills help you respect others' opinions while effectively communicating your own. This makes team communication smoother, especially with English-speaking players.

  • Example: During a match, if there are instructions regarding formations, you can explain the intentions based on data to increase understanding.

Strengthening Decision-Making Logical thinking is useful for improving decision-making during matches. The quick analysis and judgment skills developed through debate will prove beneficial in various match situations.

  • Example: On the field, determining the best time to rotate the defense line using metrics to make logical decisions.

Improving Problem-Solving Skills Debate provides a platform to enhance problem-solving skills. It helps you respond quickly and effectively to unexpected situations and troubles during matches.

  • Example: If the opponent's tactics change unexpectedly, you can quickly analyze the issues and devise responses, similar to how you would in a debate.

Building Mental Strength Debate skills also contribute to mental toughness. The ability to think calmly and communicate effectively under pressure boosts confidence in crucial matches and situations.

  • Example: During intense battles with the opposing team, you can remain calm and handle the situation.

Team Discussions and Improvement Regular team discussions, where each player’s opinions and improvement points are logically summarized, promote the team's overall growth.

  • Example: After matches, analyze each position's play and logically propose improvement points during team meetings.


Debate skills are valuable for promoting logical thinking and communication in football, maximizing match performance. Try incorporating them into your daily practice and games! 😊⚽️🌟
