


3 漱石と羽生(はにゅう)慶三郎校長(1)

 山形県立荘内(しょうない)中学校第六代校長 羽生慶三郎(明治三十三年八月~明治四十二年三月まで在任。「荘内中学」とは現在の山形県鶴岡市にある山形県立鶴岡南高等学校。2024年から「致道館中学・高校」) 。
 漱石は五高時代も学生の面倒見はよかったが、一九0五年(明治三十八)東京帝国大学でも一層顕著で、学生の最も関心のある就職で興味ある出来事があった。山形県立荘内中学英語教師の求人紹介をしている。英語教師の求人依頼をしたのは第六代校長羽生慶三郎であった。羽生校長は漱石と同じ年の一八六七年(慶応三)長野県飯田に生まれ、明治二十七年東京帝国大学法科大学を卒業した。同年七月三十一日に熊本裁判所の検事代理として赴任し、八月二十一日から熊本第五高の法学通論及び英語教授嘱託となり、明治二十八年二月八日に熊本第五高教授となった。その後、明治三十三年八月二十九日に熊本から山形県の荘内中学校に校長として着任した。なぜ求人依頼を漱石にしたのだろうか? 実は漱石が明治二十九年四月から第五高講師、明治三十年から教授となり、明治三十三年十一月に現職のまま英国留学するまで同じ職場にいた縁からと考えられる。

Soseki and Writers of Shonai (II) 3

3. Soseki and Principal Keizaburo Hanyu (1)

   Keizaburo Hanyu, the 6th principal of Yamagata Prefectural Shonai Junior High School (served from August 1903 to March 1909. "Shonai Junior High School" is Yamagata Prefectural Tsuruoka, located in present-day Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture). Minami High School. From 2024 “Chidokan Junior and Senior High School”).
   Soseki was good at looking after his students during his time at the fifth high school, but he was even more so at Tokyo Imperial University in 1905 (Meiji 38), when an interesting incident occurred at the job that students were most interested in. He is introducing jobs for English teachers at Yamagata Prefectural Shonai Junior High School. It was the sixth principal, Keizaburo Hanyu, who requested the employment of an English teacher. Principal Hanyu was born in 1867 (Keio 3), the same year as Soseki, in Iida, Nagano Prefecture, and graduated from the Tokyo Imperial University College of Law in 1891. On July 31st of the same year, he was appointed as a deputy public prosecutor at the Kumamoto court, and from August 21st he became a general law lecturer and English professor at Kumamoto Daigo High School. He became a professor at the Fifth High School. Thereafter, on August 29, 1891, he arrived from Kumamoto as the principal of Shonai Junior High School in Yamagata Prefecture. Why did his job request go to Soseki? It is thought that this is because Soseki was a lecturer at the Fifth High School in April 1899, became a professor in 1890, and worked in the same workplace until November 1884, when he left his current position to study in England.
(To be continued)
