庄内の特産品おすすめベスト10(英語対訳)9 Top 10 Recommendations・Special Products of Shonai (Japanese-English Translation)9
9 温海かぶ
根部外皮は暗紫色、内部は白色。 皮は薄く、肉質は緻密でやや堅く、甘みがある。温海かぶは、白かぶに比べ、旨み成分であるグルタミン酸を2~4倍多く含み、その旨みとほどよい辛味、歯ざわりの良さが特徴です。
9. Atsumi Turnips
The outer skin of the root is dark purple, and the inside is white. The skin is thin, the flesh is dense, somewhat hard, and sweet. Atsumi turnips contain 2 to 4 times more glutamic acid, which is a savory component, than white turnips, and are characterized by their savory flavor, moderate spiciness, and good texture.
It is said to have originated in Central Asia and it was brought to Japan via the Silk Road and has a history of 330 years. It is cultivated using the traditional slash-and-burn farming method on well-drained slopes of forests. For slash-and-burn farming, the undergrowth on the slopes after forest clearing is cut in July, and the entire slope is set on fire around the Obon festival in August. Seeds are sown while the heat is still lingering, and the harvest season is from late September to February. After the harvest, trees are planted to promote resource circulation. (To be continued)