Well. How to pronounce "Japan" in this "Nihon Shoki", how to pronounce it "NIHON", "NIPPON" or "JITSUPON"?
Since the pronunciation of "Japan" in Tang Dynasty was JITSU, it is possible that the messenger (Japanese envoy in 702) from Japan in the East Sea pronounced it as JITSUPON when he came to say "our country's name is now JITSUPON".
It is easy to imagine how this was changed to JAPANG by Marco Polo and became JAPAN.
Why? Could the Envoy to the Tang Dynasty have pronounced "日本" as JITSUPON?
Since the Buddhist scriptures written in Chinese were introduced to Japan via Baekje in the mid 500s AD, the elite of those days could read and write Chinese language without a doubt. Not only could they read and write, but there is a very high possibility that most of the regimes in Japan at that time were people who came over from the Korean peninsula side by the 'descent of the gods' (people who moved to the peninsula from the Chinese mainland to escape from difficulties) or their descendants. Thus, the official language of Japan itself may have been Tang or Wu Chinese. I believe that they usually spoke Chinese.
When the Roman empire settled Gaul, they allowed the local people to speak in Gaul, but kept Latin as the official language. It's the same as the US (empire, lol) today. American is a must for both business people and bureaucrats.
What is the nature of the reformation of the Taika? I'm strongly tempted.
By the way... What does the Nihon Shoki say about "日本"? It says, "日本、此云耶麻騰。下皆效此. It's pronounced YAMATO. I am sure it was pronounced "YAMATO" at least in Japan. By the way, Yamanouchi Okura, who accompanied the delegation to Tang Dynasty China, wrote this poem after returning to Japan
いざ子ども 早く日本へ 大伴の 御津の浜松 待ち恋ひぬらむ
I'm waiting for my child to come to Yamato, Otu no Hamamatsu.
Yamanouchi Okura wrote a poem called YAMATO.
日本 was YAMATO in Japan. 日本記 is YAMAMTOFUMI.
Following the example of the descendants of the "Tenson-Kourin" who became the core of the Taika reformation, the people who ruled the country before them read " 倭" as "YAMAKO", the new name "日本" was also read as "YAMATO", I suppose. But it must have been "JITSUPON" in the external world.
However, it seems that "日本" was pronounced as "Nichihon" and used together early on.
In the text of the Iwanami edition of "Nihon ryoiki (New Classical Literature of Japan)" written by Izumoji Osamu-sensei, "日本" is pronounced as "Nichihon". Dr. Izumoji states that the Nihon ryoiki, Japan's oldest collection of Buddhist tales, was read aloud by rubbing the Chinese Buddhist scriptures, which were commonly read aloud at the time. I think this is a convincing theory.
Incidentally, in the Vocabulário da Língua do Japão, published by the Jesuits (1603-1604), we read that 日本 was pronounced "Nippon", "Nifong" and "Zipon". There is no pronunciation of YAMATO here. I guess it means that "Nippon" was in common use in Keicho 7, early Edo period.
I'm getting ahead of myself a bit, but it was Motouri Norinaga (who was not good at waka) who insisted that 日本 was "Nihomu". National studies after him are very much subject to this Motouri Norinaga device, so be careful.
In fact, it was he who said that Kojiki is the ancient sacred book on a par with Nihonshoki.
Motouri Nobunaga wrote in the introduction to his "弘仁私記"
夫日本紀者一品舎人親王、従四位下勲五等太朝臣安麻呂等 王子神八井耳命之後也 奉レ勅所。撰也。先レ是浄御原(天武)天皇御宇之日、有一舎人・姓稗田名阿礼、年廿八 天鈿女命之後也 為人謹格。聞見聴慧。天皇勅阿礼 使レ習帝王本紀及先代旧事 末令撰録、世運遷代、豊国成姫(元明)天皇臨軒之季、詔正五位上安麻呂俾レ撰阿礼所レ誦之言。和銅五年正月廿八日、初上彼書、所謂古事記三巻者也。
So the so-called three volumes of the so-called Kojiki were written before Nihonshoki.
In fact, no one paid attention to this "Kojiki" until Motouri Norinaga began to say so.
So he has unearthed the "Holy Book".
いざ子ども 早く日本へ 大伴の 御津の浜松 待ち恋ひぬらむ
ちなみに・・イエズス会によって発行された(1603~1604)「日葡辞書」 Vocabulário da Língua do Japãoですが、日本は「ニッポン」「ニフォン」「ジッポン」と発音するとあります。ここにはYAMATOという発音はない。江戸初期慶長7年には「ニッポン」が常用化していたということことでしょうね。
夫日本紀者一品舎人親王、従四位下勲五等太朝臣安麻呂等 王子神八井耳命之後也 奉レ勅所。撰也。先レ是浄御原(天武)天皇御宇之日、有一舎人・姓稗田名阿礼、年廿八 天鈿女命之後也 為人謹格。聞見聴慧。天皇勅阿礼 使レ習帝王本紀及先代旧事 末令撰録、世運遷代、豊国成姫(元明)天皇臨軒之季、詔正五位上安麻呂俾レ撰阿礼所レ誦之言。和銅五年正月廿八日、初上彼書、所謂古事記三巻者也。