
The word "China" began when a man named Sun Yat-sen, a doctor in Hawaii, brought in the Western concept of nation and lumped all of China's history together to say "China"./中国という名の話#02

Sorry, I always have a habit of going off on a tangent, but I can't seem to get to the point of "why China? Please forgive me if I have a long makura like Master Kosanji.

By the way. When did Sun Yat-sen know the word "China"? It is.
"China"s name first appeared in the Treaty of Nanking, which was signed on August 29, 1842 (July 24, 2010)]
准明由中国官为偿还 is"Permitted to be reimbursed by the Chinese government'
恩准全然免罪;且凡系中国人 is"All are exonerated by grace, and all are Chinese."

This is the first time it appears. Why the word "Chinese" was suddenly used in a Chinese text written against English text is unclear, but perhaps Sun Yat-sen was aware of this first occurrence. I think it is possible that he quoted it and made it "chInese = Chinese".

In fact, there is another person who used the word "China" before Sun Yat-sen. His name is Liáng Qǐchāo. He was an activist/thinker in the late Qing Dynasty. Together with Kang Youwei, he started a movement for change in law. After those reforms were crushed by the Dowager Queen of the West, he fled to Japan. During his time in Japan, he contributed an article in Chinese entitled "Relations after the Political Change in China" to "The East Asia Times", the journal of the East Asia Association of the Tongban Society. In this article, he used the word "China" in the way of saying "eighteen provinces in Japan and China". There is a possibility that Sun Yat-sen was familiar with this too.

The first time Sun Yat-sen used the word "China" was at the China Alliance which was formed in Tokyo in 1905. However, he used the alias "Shina" in his Engine paper, the Minpo. Still in his usage, China was probably "China" as a country concept. It may not have been a specific name of the country.
In 1912, the Provisional Government, which was set up by the Xinhai Revolution, was also a "Chuka-minkoku" .
The political association which was founded to oppose the runaway Yuan Shikai was simply called the "Chuka-kakumetou". When he defected to Japan again in 1913, the association he founded was the "Chinese Revolutionary Party".

It was only after the formation of the "Chinese National Party" in 1918 that he began to use the word "China" a lot.
Actually. Soon after this, the "Chinese Communist Party" was also formed in 1921.
In other words, the word "China" must have a strong Russian/Commutuel device on it.

...But still. But still.
I'd like to think that "Yamato Nakatukuni" was in the mindscape of Sun Yat-sen, who loved Japan and was supported by Japanese intellectuals/supporters. Because for Yamato, 中国Nakatukuni is exactly "Middle-earth".
This is my desire. There is no corroboration.This is my passion for my favorite Sun Yat-sen.



実はもう一人、孫文以前に「中国」という言葉を使用した人物がいます。梁啓超Liáng Qǐchāoと言います。清朝末期の活動家/思想家です。康有為と共に変法運動を起こしています。その改革を西太后に潰されたのち、彼は日本へ亡命しました。その在日時代に、東亜同文会の機関誌だった「東亜時論」へ「論支那政変後之関係」という漢文の記事を寄稿しています。この中で彼は「日中国十八省」という云い方で「中国」という言葉を使用している。・・これも孫文が知悉していた可能性はあります。



