
Why can’t I stop the tea ceremony, which I got into because of Japanese sweets?[Chapter 2]

[chapter 2]
When my child grown up age 1 year and 2 months old, I started attending a neighborhood class again with a friends who also had a child of the same age.
The teacher of the class had a new idea that she herself had practiced with her own child on her back, and she was of course willing to allow me to practice with my child as long as he didn’t get hurt.
Since I wanted to concentrate during the practice, I let my child play with my friend and her child in the large room next door, while my friend and I took turns practicing with my child.

I am able to continue tea again thanks to my teacher, my sister disciples who watch over my husband who is very understanding.
I can’t thank them enough.

My friend, who had been studying with me left the class when she back to work, and I continued my practice with my child in temporary daycare.
Twice a month, I took a day off to take care of my child.

I realized that 30 years had passed since I was invited to join the tea ceremony club by Wagashi.


My child, who was playing with my friends in the next room at that time, became a university student this year.

Sometimes my children drink milk matcha with lots of sugar.
I am sure that milk matcha, which is made by adding warm milk to high-quality matcha and using a tea whisk, tastes better than the stick-type ready-made commercial matcha.
I hope that those of you who know the real “time and effort” will be able to find something you are  passionate about, even if you life becomes difficult in the future when you are struck at work, or when you have to spend your days thinking that raising children is too much work...

