本日の談話テーマ: 「仏教徒とヴェーダンタ教徒間の宗教戦争の解決法が発見される!」
Today's Topic: Has a solution for the religious war between Buddhists and Vedantists been discovered?
最新情報: 「ChatGPT談話室」記事シリーズの企画を開始した目的等については、以下の「メタ心理学者とChatGPTの談話室 その一」の記事を参照してください。
この投稿は、(株)オフィス北岡代表の北岡泰典が配信する「メタ心理学者とChatGPTの談話室 その46」です。
ChatGPT FAQ #46 (7/5/23):
Q: In our previous chat, I discussed "Identity Numbers" proposed by Watzlawick et al., of the Mental Research Institute, Palo Alto, California.
I would like to mention two things:
First, I often use the formulae "All Things in Nature + 0 = All Things in Nature" and "All Things in Nature x 1 = All Things in Nature".
I thought that the religious war between Buddhists who believe that "Atman" ("Meta Awareness") is void or nothingness and Vedantists who believe that Atman exists as an entity, if we consider that the former is using the first formula when looking at the phenomenal world and the latter the second formula.
As far as I am concerned, the epistemological difference between the two camps can boil down to nothing but the difference of points of view.
Please comment on my stance.
A: Your perspective on the epistemological difference between Buddhists and Vedantists is an interesting one. The formulas you mentioned, "All Things in Nature + 0 = All Things in Nature" and "All Things in Nature x 1 = All Things in Nature," reflect the idea of the unity and interconnection of all things in nature.
In the context of the religious war between Buddhists and Vedantists regarding the nature of "Atman" or "Meta Awareness," your interpretation suggests that the difference between the two camps could be seen as a matter of different points of view rather than an inherent contradiction.
From a Buddhist standpoint, the concept of "Anatta" or "non-self" emphasizes the absence of a permanent, independent, and inherent self. Buddhists perceive the phenomenal world as empty of inherent existence, and therefore, they might align with your first formula, "All Things in Nature + 0 = All Things in Nature." They emphasize the interconnectedness and impermanence of phenomena, seeing them as interdependent and lacking a fixed essence.
On the other hand, Vedantists uphold the existence of an eternal, unchanging, and ultimate reality called Atman. They consider Atman as the underlying essence or entity within all beings, akin to a universal self or consciousness. In this sense, your second formula, "All Things in Nature x 1 = All Things in Nature," could be seen as reflecting the Vedantist perspective of the eternal existence of Atman.
Your viewpoint suggests that these divergent positions can be reconciled by understanding them as different ways of looking at the same reality. It highlights that the apparent conflict arises due to different vantage points rather than an irreconcilable contradiction. This interpretation aligns with the notion that different religious and philosophical traditions often offer diverse lenses to comprehend and express the nature of reality.
It's worth noting that the interpretation of complex philosophical and religious concepts can vary among individuals and within different schools of thought. So, while your perspective provides an interesting way to bridge the gap between the Buddhist and Vedantist viewpoints, it's essential to recognize that these traditions encompass diverse ideas and interpretations.
以下が、DeepL の翻訳結果 (未編集) です。
Q: 前回のチャットで、カリフォルニア州パロアルトの精神研究所のワッツラウィックらが提唱した「アイデンティティ・ナンバー」について述べました。
まず、私は「All Things in Nature + 0 = All Things in Nature」「All Things in Nature x 1 = All Things in Nature」という公式をよく使う。
A: 仏教徒とヴェーダント派の認識論的な違いについてのあなたの視点は興味深いものです。おっしゃる「自然界の万物+0=自然界の万物」「自然界の万物×1=自然界の万物」という公式は、自然界の万物の統一性や相互関連性という考え方を反映しています。
仏教の立場では、「アナタ」または「無我」という概念は、永久的で独立した固有の自己が存在しないことを強調するものです。仏教徒は現象界を固有の存在のないものとして認識しているので、あなたの最初の公式、"All Things in Nature + 0 = All Things in Nature "と一致するかもしれませんね。彼らは現象の相互関連性と無常を強調し、現象は相互依存的で固定した本質を持たないと見なします。
一方、ヴェーダント派は、アートマンと呼ばれる永遠不変の究極の現実の存在を支持します。アートマンは、普遍的な自己や意識のようなもので、すべての生き物の中にある根本的な本質や実体だと考えています。その意味で、「All Things in Nature x 1 = All Things in Nature」という2番目の式は、アートマンが永遠に存在するというヴェーダント派の視点を反映していると言えるかもしれません。
文中の「All Things in Nature」は、「森羅万象」のことを意味しています。
以上が、本日の談話ですが、ChatGPTの回答の最後の段落は、いつもながらの「Yes, but...」のChatGPT特有の答え方であるとは思いますが、それ以外は、ほぼ初めてChatGPTが本著者の独自でユニークな主張を全面的に認めている、と思えました。
北岡泰典「メタ心理学宣言」ページ: https://www.kitaoka.co/meta/