

本日の談話テーマ: 「108 格言 #27: 純粋観照者でいたら、瞑想は不要? 」
Today's Topic: 108 Aphorisms #27: “If you can have pure witness here and now, you do not need to meditate at all.”

最新情報: 「ChatGPT談話室」記事シリーズの企画を開始した目的等については、以下の「メタ心理学者とChatGPTの談話室 その一」の記事を参照してください。

この投稿は、(株)オフィス北岡代表の北岡泰典が配信する「メタ心理学者とChatGPTの談話室 その99」です。

今回は、「純粋観照者でいたら、瞑想は不要? 」ついて、ChatGPTに聞いてみました。


ChatGPT FAQ #99 (5/7/23):

Q: The following is the aphorism #27:

“If you can have pure witness here and now, you do not need to meditate at all.” – According to Shankaracharya

Please comment on it.

A: The aphorism you've shared is attributed to Shankaracharya, a renowned philosopher and theologian in the Advaita Vedanta tradition of Hindu philosophy. The statement suggests that if one can attain a state of pure witnessing in the present moment, there may be no need for formal meditation practices.

In the context of Advaita Vedanta, "pure witness" refers to the transcendent aspect of consciousness that is aware of all experiences and phenomena, yet remains unaffected and detached from them. It is considered to be the essence of one's true nature, often referred to as the "witnessing consciousness" or "witnessing awareness."

The statement implies that the ultimate goal of meditation, which is often associated with practices aimed at achieving a focused and concentrated state of mind, can be realized by recognizing and abiding in the pure witness within oneself. It suggests that by fully embodying this witnessing awareness in the present moment, one can transcend the need for formal meditation techniques.

It's important to note that while the statement highlights the potential significance of the pure witness, it doesn't necessarily dismiss or negate the value of meditation as a practice. Meditation can serve various purposes, such as cultivating mindfulness, developing concentration, exploring inner experiences, or deepening self-awareness. Different individuals may find meditation to be a valuable tool for their spiritual growth and well-being, regardless of their understanding of the pure witness.

Moreover, it's worth mentioning that interpretations and practices within spiritual traditions can vary, and individuals may resonate with different aspects of those teachings based on their own beliefs and experiences. Some practitioners may find that formal meditation practices help them cultivate and deepen their connection with the pure witness, while others may explore alternative paths to accessing this state of consciousness.

Ultimately, the aphorism encourages contemplation and self-inquiry into the nature of consciousness, highlighting the possibility of directly experiencing the pure witness in the present moment as a means to spiritual realization.

以下が、DeepL の翻訳結果 (未編集) です。

Q: 次の格言は27番です:

「今ここで純粋な証人を持つことができれば、瞑想する必要はまったくない。- シャンカラチャリヤによると


A: あなたが話した格言は、ヒンズー哲学の伝統であるアドヴァイタ・ヴェーダーンタの著名な哲学者であり神学者であるシャンカラチャリヤのものです。この言葉は、もし今この瞬間に純粋な目撃者の状態に達することができれば、正式な瞑想の実践は必要ないことを示唆しています。

アドヴァイタ・ヴェーダーンタの文脈では、「純粋な目撃者」とは、あらゆる経験や現象に気づいていながら、それらに影響されず切り離されたままの、意識の超越的な側面を指す。それは自分の本性の本質であると考えられ、しばしば "目撃する意識 "または "目撃する意識 "と呼ばれる。






北岡泰典「メタ心理学宣言」ページ: https://www.kitaoka.co/meta/
