
フランスの大学における産学連携 / Industry-academia collaboration at University in France


そこのINSA Toulouseという大学でリスク工学を専攻した。

驚くことに担当教授は、ISO 31000リスクマネジメントの共同執筆者であるGillet Motet先生だった(Wiki参照ください)。世界標準を作った方からご教授頂くというクラスなんて\日本でも受けたことがなかった。






I have been to Toulouse to study Risk Engineering at INSA Toulouse.

Toulouse is generally called "la ville rose", the rose city in English. This is not because we can spend rose-colored life but buildings are built with orange/red colored bricks and are shining especially at sunset.

INSA Toulouse is one of top technology universities, Grands Ecole, in France. In this university, I have joined a class of Risk Engineering.
(Surprisingly, my professor, Gillet Motet, is a co-author of  ISO 31000 Risk Management. He is also on Wikipedia.)
It was an honor that I could learn the subject from a leading expert, one of members creating international standard. I have no idea there was such class in which I could learn from such a leading expert in Japan.

It is personally speaking that a relationship between academic and industry is completely different in Japan and France. In France, they are more connected tightly. For example, to complete the school credit, we need to join internship after taking all lecture of the subject and work using knowledge, methodology, tools etc which we learn in the class.  
This is amazing. 

Because, when I did job hunting in Japan, recruiters and employees told me that
"Whatever you learnt in the University was not useful for work in the company."
"Forget about what you learnt. Learn from zero base."
See. This is totally different.

However, this is not bad thing. This means that there is still opportunity to improve or even reform our system.
