

Agriculture is critical to emerging nations’ economic prosperity, and its significance in economic development is vital since agriculture employs the majority of the emerging world’s population. Agriculture’s role in economic growth has been divided into several categories, including product, factor contribution, marketing, foreign currency, agricultural and poverty alleviation, as well as job creation . Thus, this essay will discuss the importance of agriculture and how agriculture may influence a nation’s economic progress.

The emerging markets rely on their farming to feed their populations. There are, nonetheless, a few exclusions: some nations, such as Malaysia and South Saudi Arabia, have enormous natural resource outputs that allow them to generate sufficient foreign cash to buy their people’s food . However, most developing nations lack the requisite foreign currency profits to import food grains to nourish their population, forcing them to rely on their agriculture to grow enough food to fulfill consumers’ purchasing demands.
Farmers in these advanced economies must produce food in excess of their sustenance requirements in order to feed their urban populations. If the industrial and service sectors expand, farmers’ export earnings must cover the workers’ nutritional demands . As the industrial and service segments grow, agricultural output and yield must improve so as to maintain economic development by nourishing the fast-growing workforce.

Agriculture contributes to economic development by providing two crucial variables — labor and capital — for industrial expansion. The agricultural industry in developing nations is relatively big, as it employs approximately 60% of the populace . As a result, it has the potential to free up a large quantity of labor for use in the industrial and other non-farm sectors. On the other hand, agriculture may free up work for industrial expansion if its output grows. Thus, excess labor, generally known as the disguisedly jobless, must be mobilized in farming for the advent of the modern economic capital markets for jobs in growing sectors. The lesser the pay of labor, the lower the cost of the manufacturing industry, resulting in enormous profits for entrepreneurs that could be invested back into future industrial growth and capital consolidation.

Agriculture may also be a key source of savings or cash for emerging countries’ industrial expansion. Even in poor emerging nations, where agricultural revenue is unevenly distributed, rural individuals with high earnings can save for industrial growth. During the agricultural revolution in Britain, wealthy landowners freely put some of their resources into expanding companies . Furthermore, small farmers can save their modest deposits in local banks, and these financial institutions can subsequently lend to industrialists for productive capital.

Agriculture’s economic contribution refers to the need for manufactured goods. During the early phases of development, whenever the urban sector is tiny and exporting marketplaces have yet to be discovered, the farming industry of emerging nations is a primary factor driving the market or consumer for industrial goods. Farmers frequently grow cash crops such as sugar, jute, and cotton, and from their sales, they earn money that they may spend on manufacturing . Furthermore, farmers who have a marketable excess of grain production (cereals as well as pulses) trade them in the market for currency, which becomes a driver of the economy for industrial goods.
The pace of economic expansion cannot be significant except if the marketplace or requirement for manufactured goods grows. In India, it has been discovered that anytime agricultural development is slow or declining, the industrial output stagnates owing to a downturn in the economy for goods. Increased productivity and output lead to a rise in the domestic market for products or services, hastening the rate of economic growth.
Agriculture is vital for economic development in emerging nations, employing the majority of their populations and forming the foundation of economic growth. It feeds both rural and urban populations, requiring surplus production to support expanding industrial and service sectors. Increased agricultural productivity frees up labor for industrial use, lowering manufacturing costs and boosting profits for reinvestment. Agriculture also generates capital through rural savings and contributes to industrial expansion by creating demand for manufactured goods. In early development stages, when urban markets are small, agriculture drives the market for industrial products. Thus, agriculture significantly influences a nation’s economic progress.


• 農業の重要な役割: 農業が新興国の経済繁栄に不可欠であり、大多数の人口を雇用していることを強調する。
• 経済成長への貢献: 農業が労働力と資本を提供し、産業の拡大に貢献していることを示す。
• 人口への食糧供給: 多くの新興市場が外貨不足で食糧を輸入できないため、農業に依存していることを言及する。
• 産業・サービス部門の支援: 都市人口を養うために農業の余剰生産が必要であり、拡大する産業・サービス部門を支えていることを説明する。
• 労働力の動員: 農業生産性の向上が、産業部門への労働力の移行を促進し、製造コストの低下と再投資による利益増加をもたらすことを指摘する。
• 資本の生成: 農村部の貯蓄が資本を生み出し、それが産業成長に投資されることを含める。
• 製造品の市場創出: 開発初期段階で都市市場が小さい場合、農業が製造品の需要を喚起する主要な要因であることを示す。
• 経済成長との関連性: 農業生産性と経済全体の成長との密接な関係を強調し、農業の発展が遅れると産業の停滞につながる可能性があることを示す。


• 特定の国の例外: マレーシアやサウジアラビアなどの例外的な国の言及を除外する。
• 詳細な歴史的事例: イギリスの農業革命や富裕な地主の投資行動などの具体的な歴史的例を省く。
• 特定の換金作物: 砂糖、ジュート、綿花などの具体的な作物の列挙を避ける。
• 潜在的失業の詳細: 潜在的失業や労働力動員の詳細な説明を省く。
• 具体的なケーススタディ: インドにおける農業発展と産業生産に関する特定の例を除外する。






