



Peterson, B. E., & Duncan, L. E. (2007). Midlife women’s generativity and authoritarianism: Marriage, motherhood, and 10 years of aging. Psychology and Aging, 22(3), 411–419.



 Participants were part of a longitudinal study of well-educated women who graduated in 1964 from Smith College, a highly selective single-sex liberal arts institution on the East coast. Data came from surveys collected in 1995 and 2005. In all, 141 women completed surveys in 1995. In 2005 these women were contacted again, and 81 women returned surveys (57% response rate). In 1995 the women were 52 years old.


 In 1995, the sample was administered the Loyola Generativity Scale, developed by McAdams and de St. Aubin (1992). This is a 20-item measure that assesses a participant’s conscious concerns with generativity. Items were answered on a 5-point scale (1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree). Sample items included “I feel as though my contributions will exist after I die” and “I feel as though I have done nothing of worth to contribute to others” (one of six reverse-scored items). In the current sample, the alpha associated with the 20 items of the Loyola Generativity Scale was .87. The item mean was 3.96 (SD = 0.50).
 1995年時の調査:McAdams and de St.Aubin(1992)によって開発されたLoyola Generativity Scaleが実施された。この尺度は20項目からなり、参加者の生成性に対する意識的な関心を評価するものである。項目は5段階(1. 強くそう思わない~5.強くそう思う)で回答した。サンプル項目には、「自分の貢献は死後も存在するような気がする」、「他者に貢献するような価値のあることは何もしていないような気がする」(6つの逆得点項目のうちの1つ)が含まれる。
 今回のサンプルでは、Loyola Generativity Scaleの20項目に関連するα係数は.87であった。項目平均は3.96(SD = 0.50)であった。


 Throughout the 2005 survey, participants were asked to respond to several open-ended queries. One set of questions was organized around the following prompt: “We’re interested in your reflections on your life so far. What have you learned from your experiences in the following domains? Skip any that do not apply to your life.” Two of the domains under these general instructions were “living with a spouse or partner” and “raising children.” Participants had about a 2.5-cm space in which to respond to each query. 
Living with a spouse or partner. In their written responses, almost all of the participants discussed the quality of their own marriage or partnership. Four themes were content coded according to their simple presence (1) or absence (0): general happiness, support and love, self-growth in the partnership, and marked ambivalence in the partnership.
Motherhood. In the current sample, 92% of the women were mothers. For these women, five themes were content coded individually as present (1) or absent (0): happiness about motherhood, happiness about grandmotherhood, self-growth through motherhood, parenting is hard to do, and positive traits in children.


