
Japan's historic win

昨日更新するのを忘れていましたが、火の鳥NIPPONが40年ぶりにブラジルを4セットで破ったことをとても誇りに思っています.昨日は思い出に残る試合でした。世界選手権最後の試合まで応援させてください。 1回戦の最終戦は日曜日のアルゼンチン戦。

forgot to upload this yesterday but i am so proud of the 火の鳥NIPPON for defeating Brazil in 4 sets after 40 years in the Women's World Championship. yesterday was a match to remember and please let us continue to support them until their last match at the world championship. Their final match for the first round will be on Sunday against Argentina.

