
「永井雅人作品集Textures 版画・絵画・立体: Works of Prints Paintings Assemblage 」 ペーパーバック 電子書籍版 ZINE – 2022 AmazonKDPより好評刊行中 アートブックフェア参加

About Artist : Masato NAGAI


Textures-(絵画のための)Golden Ocean No.3 ジェッソ、胡粉、アクリル、ミクストメディア、水彩紙 111×81.5cm 2021年 Textures for paintings-Golden Ocean No.3 / Mixed media on paper
Textures-(絵画のための)Ocean ジェッソ、胡粉、アクリル、ミクストメディア、水彩紙 111×81.5cm 2021年 個人蔵 Textures for paintings-Ocean / Mixed media on paper


We are pleased to announce the publication of "Textures", a collection of Masato Nagai's works. In copperplate etching and painting, the word "matière" seems to have been more familiar than the word "texture" for a long time. However, in the title of my work, I use it to mean that my encounter with the "texture" of printmaking became the starting point for all my work. I hope you will enjoy the "Textures", the touch of living of an artist who has lived the contemporary age to the fullest.

Masato Nagai

Born 1981 in Tokyo, Japan.
Live and work in Tokyo
Active in Japan Print Association

E-mail: masatonagai2019@gmail.com
MASA Art Space Web Site:
